Effective lower body drills


Effective lower body drills  

  By: John C on Aug. 20, 2019, 5:14 a.m.

Many of the young players (age 10-14) I see push off the trail leg early. What are the best drills to develop proper lower body rotation and proper sequencing of motion? I assume the early push off is an attempt to create more speed because the clubs are often too long and/or heavy and to get to the traditional "finish" position.


Re: Effective lower body drills  

  By: Tyler F on Aug. 23, 2019, 6:46 p.m.

John, I always start by asking what problem your assessment might cause. If someone is too lower body dominant, what problems might that cause?

In my experience, it could cause low point issues or an overly rightward path. One way to help them learn to dial in the amount of lower body dominance is to use low point drills. I also do sequence drills like rope work, throws, delivery position drills etc.

The biggest challenge facing most kids is that they usually grow in the following order - legs first, then arms, then core. That means that the legs get stronger first and their core gets stronger last. There is usually a window where the core is not strong enough to have a great sequence and you just have to manage that window as best you can.

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