Hackmotion Address/Top number factors


Hackmotion Address/Top number factors  

  By: David S on Feb. 7, 2024, 10:19 a.m.

I've got the Hackmotion (with the basic flexion/extension-only package). I was curious about your thoughts on how a few factors will impact the readings. I consider my grip neutral (by Tyler's definition), but my address numbers are usually closer to 0 than 20. This seems to be due to a trigger or forward press that gets the shaft closer to an impact position rather than vertical. It is really hard for me to start the swing from a static position with the shaft vertical.

Also, I seem to get extension readings at the top (like 25-35 despite having a completely flat left wrist on video). It seems like my hackmotion will get a high extension reading when my wrist is flat or even bowed but radial deviated. This only happens on full swings. Has anyone else seen this or similar issues? I'm wondering if it is just an issue of when the reading it taken or if it has trouble differentiating radial and extension. I know they are coupled to some extent, but I shouldn't get 20 extension readings when the video shows flat/bowed.

I know you can't diagnose any of my issues without a swing. I'm just curious if this is common or if this typically means something else.


Re: Hackmotion Address/Top number factors  

  By: Tyler F on Feb. 11, 2024, 10:35 a.m.

Yes, a forward press can make the starting number closer to zero than 20. I'd look at the number in live mode and see if it's closer to 20 before the forward press. If that's the case, then I wouldn't worry about it.

For the top of the swing question, can you post a video so I can see the top of swing position? Radial deviation will cause some extension of the wrist. More than people think. We actually don't have very much ability to radial deviate and often accommodate with the natural complimentary wrist movements of extension and pronation. But you're right, 20 degrees extension with a bowed wrist on video doesn't seem to match up and I would investigate it further with video.

Happy Golfing,

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