Scapula Movements


Scapula Movements  

  By: Mark E on June 22, 2020, 6:32 p.m.

Hi Tyler
Can you describe your thoughts on the movement of the left and right scapula in the swing? Should the scapulas be retracted at address?
I have seen teachings where both scapula should be retracted at address and during the swing but this seems to restrict motion to me.

Also the movement of the scapulas In transition is of interest.


Re: Scapula Movements  

  By: Tyler F on June 27, 2020, 1:07 p.m.

+Mark E Hey Mark, The movement of the scapula is a little tricky. It's currently nearly impossible to measure, so we have to rely on our observations and intuition. What I like to see is:

Lead: backswing, slight protraction/rotation, Downswing, more protraction as the rib cage leaves it behind. Through impact can be either strong retraction or very little depending on how the golfer releases the club and braces.

Trail: Slight retraction during the backswing, more retraction during the downswing, slight protraction through the later part of the release. The timing depends more on the club length. Later for longer clubs.

I'm not a huge proponent of both scaps retracted at set up, but it can be fine for some.

Here's a good video of Dustin, watch his lead scap in transition :)

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