Closed face


Closed face  

  By: Scott E on Dec. 3, 2019, 12:23 p.m.

So my path seems fine and consistent but i just cant seem to keep from over closing my face. On a trackman i am consistently closed .5- 4 degrees. Its killing me. Any good drills to help witH this? Or is there a common flaw that causes that problem with a closed face. I swear i couldn’t slice if you paid me. PLEASE HELP


Re: Closed face  

  By: Tyler F on Dec. 8, 2019, 9:14 a.m.

+Scott E Hey Scott,

Typically the face getting overly closed comes from one of a couple of causes.

1 - Most common is shaft lean/lag. If you have an early release that often causes the clubface to be too closed at impact.
- If you look at yourself on video and your arms are more behind your body, then I would probably go after this one

2 - Too strong of a grip for the body position at impact.
- If the club is fairly closed at shaft parallel but you don't see your hips open a good 45 degrees at impact, then this could be the culprit.

I hope that gives you some ideas,

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