Help My Wife - Iron Swing


Help My Wife - Iron Swing  

  By: Nick W on Aug. 2, 2020, 2:28 p.m.

Hello All,
My wife is getting back into golf. She played a decent amount growing up, but focused on other sports starting in high school (softball and basketball; I think you can see some softball influence in her swing).

Now, she has been playing with me a decent amount and really enjoying it.

It looks to me like she gets her right elbow too far out at the top so the club is across the line, then has a hard time getting shallow enough from that position to make a consistently effective swing.

What do you think?



Re: Help My Wife - Iron Swing  

  By: Tyler F on Aug. 5, 2020, 9:26 a.m.

Tread lightly in coaching your spouse :)

That said, baseball/softball players have a few common struggles. One, they don't like to motorcycle. Two, they don't like side bend. Three, they like to overload radial deviation a the top.

With your wife's swing, I'd start with this frame. That clubface is really open. Shallowing, or adding side bend would open the face even more. If she's into drills, then I'd start with the 9-3 motorcycle. If not, then I'd work on feeling the clubface pointing at the ground by waist height.



Re: Help My Wife - Iron Swing  

  By: Nick W on Aug. 5, 2020, 1:08 p.m.

Yes, I was definitely nervous about trying to help her. I've seen some brutal husband/wife and boyfriend/girlfriend exchanges on the driving range and did not want that! I always tell her that she can do whatever she wants when we play golf and I'm happy to help if she wants me to. Now she loves it when I watch her swing and give her tips, which I did not expect. She even compliments my coaching abilities to family and friends!

After I read your post, I thought, "Of course! Always start with the motorcycle!" I was getting distracted by some of the other big moves in the swing, but that makes perfect sense!

I'll be passing this along the next time we golf and I'm called in for some help :)



Re: Help My Wife - Iron Swing  

  By: Tyler F on Aug. 9, 2020, 10:51 a.m.

Two good rules for couples are:
No unsolicited feedback
Yes or no questions only

Basically, she can't ask "what did I do?" She can ask something specific like, "did I go over the top."
That's when you can answer "yes or no". But don't add anything extra.

Those rules are helpful in general if you want to help someone, but not be their coach :)

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