Wipe with ulnar deviation


Wipe with ulnar deviation  

  By: Mark L on June 6, 2022, 8:21 p.m.

I’ve watched videos on the swing of both ulnar deviation and the wipe. However, I’m not clear on how they work together. For example, while watching a drill to practice ulnar deviation, I don’t clearly see a wipe in the swing and vice versa.

How do these two aspects of the swing work together? Is there a video of them doing as such?



Re: Wipe with ulnar deviation  

  By: Tyler F on June 11, 2022, 7:32 a.m.

Connecting the ulnar deviation and the wipe can be tricky. Here's a little video I did answering another question during the pandemic.


Let me know if that helps clear it up.

Simple answer: The wipe is more about powering the swing with body rotation, the unhinge is more about managing the steeps and shallows of the club path and controlling the rate of clubface rotation. One is more of a power source, the other is more of a control mechanism.

Also, feel free to post your swing to see which you should likely focus on. It's not often that I have students working on both of those movements simultaneously. It happens, but not frequently.

Happy Golfing,



Re: Wipe with ulnar deviation  

  By: Joseph B on June 16, 2022, 7:53 p.m.

I have a question regarding force applied in transition and downswing

The pull the arrow from a quiver video you have seems very much like what monte schleinblum and steve pratt teach, apply force away from the target ulnar deviate early , get the arms wide , release early and get the trail hand palm down early and blend that with a pivot to deliver the blow to the ball

The wipe move seems to be very different the force is not away from but towards the target horizontally and the wrist fully unhinge post contact the trail palm faces the sky for longer

These transition and downswing intents seem very different to me in regards to the direction in which force is applied


Re: Wipe with ulnar deviation  

  By: Tyler F on June 17, 2022, 7:57 a.m.

I think one key point where I differ is that I don't believe that what we feel always matches reality. What you feel depends on what you are doing as it compares to the model (https://www.golfsmartacademy.com/golf-instruction/comparing-your-pattern-model/)

On to your question. I don't think the ulnar deviation or arms wide early is really a significant contributor to the direction the force is applied. The pull the arrow and the wipe are both signs of pulling in the direction of the grip using the body as opposed to moving the clubs forefully with the arms. As the body is applying power, the arms can help coordinate the face and path (with the unhinge and arms wide idea). But I don't think those are the most optimal way to get force in the club, just the best way that compliments the body rotation model.

I think it's common to see the wipe as a force in the direction of the target, but it's a changing vector. (https://www.golfsmartacademy.com/golf-instruction/visualizing-rotational-wipe/). So the wipe starts off away from the target, just like the arrow pull, but changes with the swing as the golfer moves into the downswing.

Hope that helps clear things up, or at least gives you a new thought to ponder.



Re: Wipe with ulnar deviation  

  By: Joseph B on June 18, 2022, 4:01 a.m.


Thank you for that response I have watched your video on arrow pulls once important question pertaining to my swing. At my top of backswing I dont get to shaft parallel. So once I shift my shaft is pointing more towards the ball target line so if i applied force it's at the ball target line. Would an adjustment for me be to really ulnar immediately from the top since I am pivoting hard and I'm getting to impact quicker? The only way I can get to shaft parallel is to flare both the front and rear foot away from the target and really radial deviate which adds cup/extension to my lead wrist should I strive for shaft parallel? Fyi I am taking lessons with jules Coleman amazing man


Re: Wipe with ulnar deviation  

  By: Mark L on June 11, 2022, 1:27 p.m.


Thank you, that video is what I was looking for - it answers my questions.

I will post my swing on video soon.

Note: I wasn't asking because I was working on both. I am curious about both so as I watch your videos, I sometimes look for those moves in the club shaft and don't always see them. Of course, the club is often moving faster than I can see. I'm going to watch "Arm Movements of Elite Golfers" next. Then, come back to this slow-motion video.

Appreciate your time,

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