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Beginner Program

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Follow Through To Finish

Some golfers get "stuck" only being able to do 9-3 style swings. Sure they hit it great with those shots, but they are leaving distance on the table. This drill helps you take your swing from your follow through position all the way to the end of the motion. 

Playlists: Find Your Best Swing Quickly, Beginner Program

Tags: Not Enough Distance, Chicken Wing, Follow Through, Drill, Intermediate, Beginner

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This drill is follow through to finish.

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So many golfers start working on the system and doing a lot of 9 to 3 is in the hit

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ball great, but then they have a tough time taking them to the course because they don't

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know how to finish or go past this point.

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So in this drill we're going to talk about what happens during between follow through

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and finish and then one way that you can kind of do almost like a reverse pump practicing

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and going from that 3 o'clock position all the way to the end of your swing.

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So let's discuss the two different parts.

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So we got the body, we got the arms.

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The body is relatively simple.

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It's going to continue its pivot.

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So I've got into that good bracing position.

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My body is just going to continue turning towards the target, roughly around my spine angle,

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kind of like this.

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So I'm basically going to continue going past that 3 o'clock position with just a little

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bit more body rotation and I can start to come up out of my posture if I feel any

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strained in my lower, you know, my ankle knee hip or lower back.

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So facing you guys and again into that 3 o'clock position, I'm just going to continue

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rotating facing the target coming up out of it.

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That part's pretty easy.

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Now what do I do with my arms?

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I've gotten into this arm extension position, right?

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Kind of like this.

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What should they do?

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Well, let's talk about where they're going to end up or let me show you where they're

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going to end up first and then we'll have an easier idea of connecting the two.

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The good news is it kind of mirrors some of the things that we talk about in the backswing.

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So getting to that follow-through position, I'm basically going to bend both arms but

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keep them relatively in front of my chest and I'm going to let my arms rotate so that

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the club would basically be along my back kind of like this.

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This would be a little bit more of the full swing follow-through where the wedge follow-through

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this arm would work a little bit more across my body and the shaft would stay more vertical.

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If I add the club it'll look like this.

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So if I get into the full swing follow-through, I'm basically going to bend my

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arms and then rotate my forearm so that the club is roughly along my back or pointed kind

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of as close to parallel to my shoulders as I can.

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It comes a little bit across my body that's fine but the goal is to keep those arms

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a little bit more in front of my chest.

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Now with the wedge or the shorter shots it'll be a little bit more like this where the

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arms work across and the shaft stays a little bit more vertical.

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So with the wedge that looks like this but the one you really want is the full swing.

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That's where most golfers have trouble going from this three o'clock position.

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So now I'm going to continue rotating keep those elbows in front and just let it fold

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and rotate.

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What I'll usually do is for golfers working on that movement I'll have them get to this

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position and then I'll stand here and block this arm and I'll basically throw their arms

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around that elbow.

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So it'll basically finish kind of like this.

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Now what I recommend is doing some nine to three's and forcing that finish position and

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then do like a three-quarter swing where the finished position happens a little bit more organically

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and then do full swings where it goes there because of the speed of the release and the speed

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of creating the club not because I'm forcing it.

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So we can walk through that progression.

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I'm going to do a nine to three and then take that up to finish then I'm going to do a

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three-quarter where it goes through the three position up to that finish.

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And then I'm going to do a full swing where I'm not going to force that finish position

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it's going to fly through the three o'clock position and get there because of the

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body speed.

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So now from the face on we'll do the three o'clock going to three and then forcing it

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up to that finish.

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So nine to three forcing it up to the finish with the arms staying a little bit more in

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front or the elbow staying in front.

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Then we'll do three-quarter and let it kind of glide through there and then we'll go to

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a full swing where now we're going to add kind of a full backswing pivot, more body speed

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and try to feel the club really whip through there as opposed to being placed in that

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So hopefully this little progression will help you feel how you can take the club pass

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follow through if you're struggling making full swings when you go to the course.

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