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Pressure plates give an average of vertical force. The limitations in the pressure plate data is that you don't know what combination of pressure vs actual weight transfer created the presented numbers. Force plates can be great for providing useful data, but the most common force plate (swing catalyst) is a single plate system. This means that it has some challenges with interpreting data changes. By knowing what the numbers mean, you have a better chance avoiding confusion from grand claims.
Tags: Not Enough Distance, Member Question, Advanced, Intermediate
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this call smart insight is understanding
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pressure plates versus force plates so
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pressure plates force plates there are
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different ways of measuring how the feet
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interact with the ground now golf
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instructors have long talked about how
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you want to have your feet working
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against the ground now you want your
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swing to start from the ground up we've
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got cool ways to potentially measure it
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but you need to understand how each of
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these systems is measuring either
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pressure or force so they can get too
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confused by the information that you get
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back from the analysis so first let's
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talk about pressure plates the most
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common one would be body track but
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pressure plates are just taking where my
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body is pressing into this mat and then
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averaging it so let's say I've got kind
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of a scale all right if I've got my feet
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along this scale I could have a hundred
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percent on the right I could have a
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hundred percent on the left
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I could have my body over here but be
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pushing down with that the trail foot
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and it would shift this way along the
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scale or I could be over here and
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pushing down with that front foot and
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have it shift towards the target so it's
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not really looking at where my weight is
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or where my mass is it's looking at
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where I'm pressing so for instance I
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could be in a good driver position and
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have this foot almost off the ground so
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we would show that a hundred percent of
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my pressure is over on the front foot
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that could be a little confusing if you
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saw someone who is in this position and
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you said and they said that they had a
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hundred percent of their weight in that
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front foot so pressure plates is really
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just taking the average of how I'm
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pushing down and putting it in this
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left-to-right scale the next step up
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would be looking at force plates so a
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force plate would be looking at
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something like a swing catalyst so swing
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catalyst is able to see the direction
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and the amplitude of where I'm pressing
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so they will typically the swing
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catalyst is one plate and that's an
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important thing to understand because
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since it's a it's a one plate system it
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basically takes
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what both of my feet are doing and then
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presents the net some not what each foot
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is doing the next wave will be in order
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to really see what each foot is doing
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you need two different force plates so
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in the pressure example I could be
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pushing let's say I'm pushing I'm just
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standing here so my weight is in the
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center just like this
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well I'm pushing down and this doesn't
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know if I'm pushing down in any
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different direction it's just measuring
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how much I'm pushing down the force
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plate somewhere dough swing catalyst
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would be able to tell me how much or
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what direction I'm pushing now the
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problem is again because it's one plate
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let's say it's looking at the amount of
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left to right movement I don't know if
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let's say let's say I'm here my setup
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and then as I go to to take away it says
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that I am moving or I'm applying a force
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in that direction which push propels my
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body in this direction I don't know if
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I'm doing it because I'm pushing with
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the left foot or if I'm pushing with the
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right foot so in the easy kind of way to
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see where this complication could come
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up would be if you're looking at the
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amount of twisting right so the torque
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graph or the torque data will show you
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how much my body is creating let's say
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torque in the right direction in order
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to propel myself in the leftward
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direction right so it doesn't
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necessarily it or it doesn't know if
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it's because I'm twisting my right foot
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twisting my left foot
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I could be pushing linearly and creating
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that torque there are lots of different
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combinations that could create the exact
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same pattern so what we really need is
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what the research laboratories have
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which is individual platforms underneath
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each foot so then I could see with this
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if this one foot is it pushing to the
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left to the right what what where is the
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pressure within the foot what direction
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am i pushing what amplitude or what
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magnitude it would give me a whole lot
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of information so you want to be careful
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interpreting too much from these force
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graphs because especially with like a
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body track or a swing catalyst the way
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that they are currently measuring
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there's a lot that could be
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misinterpreted or by either the
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practitioner or by your body so if I say
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get all your pressure into your lead
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foot you may think that you have to
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shift your weight it could be just
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pushing harder if I say that you need to
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twist against the ground more because
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you're not twisting enough I'm not
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telling you how to do it from the right
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foot to do it from the left foot to do
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it from a forced couple I'm hoping that
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you'll be able to match the data in the
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proper way and that's not always the
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case so if you like the way that we
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