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Insight - Lead Wrist In A Frisbee Throw

Videos pop up from time to time trying to relate other sports to golf. One of the most common is to see a Frisbee throw compared to the movements of the lead arm. In this video, I discuss and demonstrate why good golf makes suboptimal Frisbee. That being said, I think practicing other sports, like Disc Golf can be great for training the precision of the pattern in the brain.

Tags: Member Question, Intermediate


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in this calls for insight we're gonna

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take a look at what we can learn about

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the golf swing from throwing a frisbee

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so I've seen a a handful you know three

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different instructors present videos

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about throwing frisbees and how you can

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learn some key things about the golf

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swing you know if you're if you're

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learning to throw them left-handed I've

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seen everything from you can learn how

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to bow that left wrist and then extend

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it through the shot you can learn about

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sequencing and kind of spinning that

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body as their main power source lots of

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different things now one of my one of my

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other sports you know handful years ago

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before my injury I used to play not

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professional but competitive disc golf

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so with my mind I would I would study

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you know looking at I had my Casio and I

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would take high-speed video of the good

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players in the area I would study it

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just like I was studying the golf swing

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so I want to I want to dissuade a couple

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kind of myths because I think that what

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they usually say about how you apply it

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to the golf swing is a hundred percent

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you know if you bow that lead wrist

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early if you sequence it and then down

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at the bottom we'll talk about this in

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the golf section but if you let that

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lead wrist come out of flexion that's

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gonna tend to produce some really good

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contact really good flight good spin

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loft a lot of good things the way that

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they describe it in the frisbee throw I

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think is a little bit reaching it's

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almost like retrofitting what we want in

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the golf swing to make it look like it

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should happen in disc golf I had some

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struggles because I knew how to create

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rotational speed I knew this good wrist

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mechanics from the golf swing and

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initially I struggled a little bit with

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certain shots when it came to disc golf

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because I was trying to apply those same

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principles so I'm gonna use a couple of

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my mid-range mid-range discs those are

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most like kind of your neighborhood

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ultimate frisbees

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but disc golf discs tend to have more of

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the weighting out around the rim less in

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the middle so you can throw and further

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these guys tend to be closer and then

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we'll look at some driver throws so one

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of the things that I frequently hear is

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that you're going to flex that wrist and

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you're basically going to spin your body

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and then you're gonna extend it kind of

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like so

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now if I was to actually do that what

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you'll see is I'm gonna flex and I'm

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gonna spin and I'm gonna throw and that

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actually you know it works it doesn't

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look that bad but if you're if you get a

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trained eye you'll kind of see that it

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stalled out and it didn't really cut

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through the air very well now to throw a

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good frisbee disc what I'm actually

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going to do is I'm gonna try to keep my

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wrists in neutral position but I'm gonna

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try and pull this across my body so I'm

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not gonna spin my body I'm actually

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gonna feel like my body stays pretty

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Square to the target line and I'm gonna

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use more of almost like starting a lawn

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mower and trying to get this this to go

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in a straight line straight across my

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body towards the target so what ends up

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happening is I'm going to keep this

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wrist pretty firm and then once my

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shoulder and elbow run out of room and

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now it's gonna flex very close to the

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release point and then as I go to extend

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it's going to approach neutral it's

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never really going to get into extension

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it's just gonna approach neutral and by

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doing so I get this much later

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acceleration of the disc and I'm able to

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create a lot more spin compared to if I

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had it bent like this I'm gonna tend to

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run out of room sooner so I'm actually

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gonna start unwinding too soon which is

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gonna impede my ability to put spin so

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now if I just kind of am casually

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playing catch but I do it in more of

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this disc golf method you'll see that

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the the disc it's still gonna kind of

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fall out of the sky that way because I

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left it a little bit on edge but you see

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how the disc cuts through the air now

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they always use the example of just

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throwing a neighborhood frisbee but I

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want to show that it'll get exaggerated

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when you take a heavier disc with the

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weighting more around the perimeter like

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we use in disc golf so for example I'm

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going to take this disc right here and

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use the method that they're frequently

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talking about which is I'm going to cup

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that wrist and just spin my body and

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release it kind of like this and you'll

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see that it has you know a decent flight

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to it but I want you to compare if I

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spin more to create that speed it's just

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going to go up in stall compare that to

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a more traditional kind of actual disc

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golf Drive

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we're all the speed is happening late

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and you'll see that that's gonna

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probably go fifty feet further which is

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very significant for this fifty feet

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further than what I just did with just

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the the body spinning as my main power

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source I remember talking to a

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competitive disc golfer who had just

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come back from World and this was the

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area that was sore for him not his core

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in his hips

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it's that pull where we get a lot of our

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power in a good disc golf drive so I

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pulled that a little bit but that's more

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of the flight that we're kind of going

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for and you can't get that flight if

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you're bowing this wrist too soon or if

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you're spinning your body you have to

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pull across your body to keep that wrist

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neutral now let's take a look at what we

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can learn about the golf swing from

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looking at these disc golf mechanics all

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right so we just finished looking at how

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the wrist actually works when we're

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trying to do a really good distance

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drive where it's not really gonna be

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cupped in maximum flexion and then going

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to extension because that actually calls

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causes the disc to lose speed and kind

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of spin out of its of its flight

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prematurely we're gonna actually hold

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that fairly rigid and it's not going to

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go into flexion until late in this swing

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and then it's gonna work more towards

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neutral it's not really gonna snap into

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extension it's just gonna work towards

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neutral as it goes through kind of that

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release phase so how does that apply to

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the golf swing well there are two key

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times during the golf swing where this

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lead risk they're gonna is going to be

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really changing its movement pattern one

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is gonna be as we're starting down what

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I refer to as a motorcycle where the

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weight of the club similar to the the

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pull from the arm is going to cause this

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wrist to go in towards flexion I find

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that when a new golfer or when a golfer

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who has been stuck in this extension

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pattern is trying to get this a little

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bit better body pivot a little bit

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better sequencing it's it's normal to

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have to force the flexion early on but

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ultimately that flexion should come as a

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passive movement

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what the body is doing the second time

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is the one that I think is the least

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discussed which would be down in the

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impact zone so we look on 3d and we can

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see that the wrist is going in towards

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extension well similar to that frisbee

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throw when I'm throwing a drive in

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frisbee I'm not ever thinking about

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trying to unhinge or release this wrist

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what ends up happening is I run out of

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room in my arm in my shoulder in my

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elbow is working away from my wrist and

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that causes it to come out of that Flex

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position similar thing is happening in

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golf so as I've gotten down into this

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really good delivery position what'll

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happen is as the body is bracing my

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wrist is slightly flexed I'm

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exaggerating it for the purpose here and

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the weight of the club is back here so

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it's kind of pulling against my wrist

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this way but then what happens is it's

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got a lot of momentum so it wants to

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pull my wrist this way and this elbow is

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getting pulled from the shoulder so I'm

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getting my form getting pulled this way

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and my hand getting pulled that way it

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would take a massive effort to prevent

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any of this extension but that doesn't

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mean that adding active extension down

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at the bottom is going to increase my

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club head speed in fact I would guess

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they would probably do the opposite

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because by resisting it you're actually

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going to get more of a stretch shortened

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in the extensors of the wrist where if

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you're actively do it it would just be a

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concentric or active movement so

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hopefully this helps you see and

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understand how these two key wrists

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phases can actually relate to what we do

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with the disc golf but the the disc golf

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is not going to reveal that we want to

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have kind of Mexican extension spin from

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the body and then or sorry max flexion

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spin from the body and then extend that

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wrist through impact

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that's not what's happening just like in

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the golf swing I'm not going to be

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actively extending that wrist down

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through impact it's more gonna be a

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product of these two competing forces

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the mat the momentum of the club pulling

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me away as my shoulder pulls from the

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opposite end causing everything to want

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line up so if you like the way we break

00:08:57.990 --> 00:09:00.840
down how frisbee golf can be relate to

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the golf swing you'll love how we break

00:09:02.640 --> 00:09:04.200
down the different phases of how to

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train your golf swing at golf smart

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