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Visualizing Angle Of Attack

Playlists: Train Your Release, Unhinge in the release, STS - Drills

Tags: Fundamentals, Poor Contact, Iron

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This reel is visualizing angle of attack with a live board.

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So here I've got a live board,

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um, propped up on a yoga block.

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You'll see that it kind of felt,

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creates a ramp going down into a ground just like this.

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Well, I find that many golfers who struggle with scooping the ball,

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the club would be underneath the ramp like this

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and then sweeping up into the ball just like that

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where there's this feeling of kind of sweeping through impact

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of covering the ball and compressing it.

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Um, so if I had a golf ball here,

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then what would happen is on the way down,

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the club would basically follow the path of the ramp

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down towards the golf ball,

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but it wouldn't stop there.

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It would continue following that ramp down until right about here.

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Um, we'll put up a close-up of the Torpro,

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you can kind of see this pattern down through impact.

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So not everyone has a live board,

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but for some people that visual can really help.

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If you do have a live board,

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you can prop it up just like the old classic where you'd put a golf ball there

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or a towel or something to force you to have the club coming from a higher position

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and then down into the golf ball kind of like so.

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Obviously, hopefully without getting quite so steep.

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So now, if I have this too close to the live board,

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then it will strike the live board in my takeaway.

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It will prevent me from doing a nice one piece takeaway.

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So I use it more,

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um, you know, I want to make sure I've got a few inches,

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uh, in between the, uh, live board in the golf ball.

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So that I can, um, make sure that it doesn't impede my takeaway.

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And then I just use it as a visual of basically how can I get the club

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to be traveling down that live board at least a few inches,

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three or four inches out in front of the golf ball.

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So if you struggle with more of a scoop,

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it would end up striking the live board more back here.

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Um, so I find this a really helpful visual.

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Uh, there's two things that you want to avoid when you're doing this.

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There's two ways that I can cheat to avoid the live board.

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One would be I slide my body far forward.

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So now I can actually still scoop and avoid the live board.

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Or two,

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if I swung more outside in,

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it's really easy again to scoop and avoid the live board.

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But if I just monitor those two things,

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if I make sure I'm swinging on a pretty good path,

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and I'm not lunging ahead,

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then the closer I can get the, the golf ball through the live board,

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the more that I'm going to have the bottom of my swing ahead of the golf ball.

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So it's really good for your iron play,

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but would not advocate doing this with your driver or your three would.

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