Fix Your Early Extension
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This drill is the ad dr. Mary go round. So the
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Mary go round is a way to help you feel the proper body position for impact.
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And then you can focus on different pieces, whether it's where would
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be my arms be now or how do I get there. The ad dr.
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version is kind of helping you feel how the core and the legs work together to get you into this
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Mary you're out. So if you're familiar with the ad dr. Frisbee
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squeeze where we talk about using your ad drs which is your inner thighs to kind of pull
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yourself into that left side. Well the ad dr. Mary go round is basically using that
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to that pull motion from the inner thigh to trigger the rotation of the right side.
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So if I was to get in the good Mary go round set up and then I'll address a golf ball just
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so I have a consistent visual so that my eyes can get used to where my body position would be.
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And now I'm going to try and pull with this inner thigh and I'm going to use that activity
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in that inner thigh to initiate my rib cage. So I'm trying to feel kind of a crunch as
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as I'm doing this ad dr. Frisbee squeeze to pull myself into this body position.
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So if you have the tendency to kind of get on the outside of your foot or slide or even
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early extent it could be that you're using some different leg muscles and not your inner thigh
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to help get you into that bracing position. So I'll just demonstrate a couple times arms across.
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I'm going to pull with that inner thigh. I could alternatively have some tubing pulling my leg that way
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so that I focus on it squeezing in. So I'm pulling just like so pulling just like so.
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And then I can get a sense of well now if I was doing kind of a nine to three version
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what would it feel like for me to go through that and I can do that while hitting golf balls so
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pull just like so pull just like so feeling that inner thigh kind of triggering this rotation.
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So if you're working on the bracing component and getting into a more stable impact position
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use the inner thigh or the ad dr. Frisbee around to help with that process.