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Ball Position - Upper or Lower Body Reference
Ball position is the relative position of the ball compared to your body. You could look at it compared to either your lower body or your upper body, but it's important to see the relationship of how low point will be affected by the ball position compared to either the lower body or the upper body.
A simple way to standardize your set up is to start with the feet together, step the left foot slightly toward the target, then the right foot slightly away from the target to control the stance width and ball position
Ball position is the relative position of the ball compared to your body. You could look at it compared to either your lower body or your upper body, but it's important to see the relationship of how low point will be affected by the ball position compared to either the lower body or the upper body.
A simple way to standardize your set up is to start with the feet together, step the left foot slightly toward the target, then the right foot slightly away from the target to control the stance width and ball position
This reel is learning proper ball position and not proper as in there's one right way to do it.
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Just learning a couple ways to standardize yours so that you're not adjusting your
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sweet swing each time for where the ball position is. If you remember from the contact video,
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our goal is to make contact with the ball before we hit the ground and then the club is
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going to continue traveling down for a few inches, roughly four inches as the tour average.
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So one quick and dirty way if you're just going out to play and you're not kind of working
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on stuff you just want to play for fun is to take a few practice wings and see where the club
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makes contact with the ground and then put the ball position right at the start of where that club
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may contact with the ground. Now a better process for the long term is to try and standardize it
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based on your body. So one of the the more common ways to do it are either looking at where the ball
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position is compared to your feet and compared to your upper body and you want to check both of
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those because both of them will have an impact on how the club is going to bottom out. One thing to
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note as you get further along is that we are going to want to have weight shift into our front leg
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during the downswing. This helps create power and if you don't have it can mess up your path and
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create contact issues. If you play the ball too far back which might feel comfortable initially
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it will limit the ability to get your weight onto the left side. So when you're going to set up
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your ball position here's a simple way to kind of standardize the process. You're going to start
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with your feet together pretty much you know with the ball right in the middle of them. You're
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going to take a small step with the left foot and then a step with the right foot. Now the
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the width of that stance is going to depend on what club you're hitting and what shot you're
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trying to hit but it allows you to have a standardized process that you can go back to time and
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time again. A normal ball position with kind of your mid-iron's most most of your full swings
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in your stock shots is going to be just to the left of center because the bottom of your swing
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is going to be just to the left of center and we want to make sure that we hit the golf ball first
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before it reaches its low point somewhere even some people say in front of the left shoulder
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but somewhere along this left side this inner left side. So you can standardize the ball position
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so that it's roughly off your ear that will ensure that your upper body is slightly behind it
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you can do it off of your collarbone right which will also which is pretty close to your ear
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and make sure that your upper body is slightly behind it and compared to your feet you can see that
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this is roughly in front of center. Now the ball position can change a little bit depending on how much
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I take like a driver's stance you know how big of a step I take with the left foot of the right
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foot will help adjust as in with a driver all go small and then big and with a mid-o wedge I might
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go a little bigger and then about the same. So this will help give you a standardized process
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that allows you to get everything pretty consistent because one of the things that you'll see when we
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get into the ball shaping section is that just by changing your ball position you can adjust your
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so it's important to have it pretty consistent otherwise some of the ball flight changes that you
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might see will confuse you and make you think you're swinging differently. So we've got the ball
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position based off of the feet and we've got the ball position based off of the upper body
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and you're going to try to standardize both roughly off your left ear for the majority of your
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stock swings. When we get into the short game when we get into specialty shots we'll be moving this
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around but I want you to get used to thinking of it not just in terms of where it is in your stance
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but also where it is compared to your upper body. So practice that work on it diligently and similar
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to the grip after a week or two weeks or so you'll feel very comfortable with it and we'll be able
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to progress the next layer.