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This drill video is hinge and hold with a putter.
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So this drill is kind of a cousin to the hinge and hold
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an idea or to the hinge in club out, basically helping a
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women a big flip pattern. Sometimes I find that it's
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much easier to feel with a flat-faced club like a putter than it is
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with say a 7-air 8-iron. So first, what I'm going to do is I'm going to
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use the putter to establish this kind of delivery
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position and then I'm going to use my body to bring the club through.
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So one way to look at the relationship of my
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release and whether it's an early release or a late release or anything like that
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is looking at the relationship of where my chest or my sternum is
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compared to the club head and my hands. So as I approach impact with the
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putter here, if the putter catches up and passes my hands
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and my chest, you'll see that this is going to have more of an early release
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look and probably lead to some bending of the the lead arm on the way through.
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So a later release would basically be keeping the club head further behind my
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chest. Now my hands can don't have to be behind. They can be in front of my
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chest but you can see that if I keep that club further behind my
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chest and kind of this circular fashion then I will look like I have a
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a fair amount of shaft lean or a lot of a late hit to it.
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So what we're going to do in this drill is we're going to hit putts instead of shots
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to force us to force some of the precision of the body leading the arms
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through impact. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to get set up as if I was hitting
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more of a eight iron seven iron type shot and then I'm going to bring the club back to
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about a shaft parallel. I'm going to add a little bit of motorcycle but my main
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requirement here is I'm going to focus on the relationship of the club head compared to
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my hand. So now I'm going to keep the club head behind and I'm just going to use my body
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to hit a slight you know 10 15 foot putt. At the course I'll actually take them on the green
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or I'll use the the whole in studio and I'll have them try to do more of a body leading
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but in very controlled stroke. Now the reason I'll do that is many golfers when I put them on the
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range they're going to get here and no matter what in their mind they're going to have this
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impulse to hit the ball as hard as they can and this drill is more about refinement of sequencing
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and low point control it's not really about maximizing distance so I'll challenge them to hit a
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putt only about 10 15 feet with this much load in the arms and I'm going to use my body coming
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down just like so. Now the the two main issues that I'll see is one by keeping the club behind
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their body when they come through they will be well above the golf ball because they have to use
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their hands to get down towards the ball so that's a sign that you're struggling more with low point
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control and you're using that early release to help get the club down to the ground. The other
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option that I'll see is in order to hold on to the leg they'll just drift their bodies forward
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kind of like this and then they'll still have to release the arm because they're going to be too
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far away from the ball and they're not going to have enough space in the hip or room to complete
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the follow-through so make sure you stay centered and stay down just enough so that you can get the
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putter face pretty square and pointed back at the target this will give us more of this hinge and
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hold look to it. Now the real challenge is going to come in when I bring the iron back in play
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because now it's going to look different the loft can make it more challenging but my goal is to duplicate
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that same little 10-yard putt stroke where I'm finishing just past impact. This I found is one of the
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easiest ways to really ensure that your body is leading the club head through impact. Then once you
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have this feeling you can gradually add length of swing or speed. So let's say now I wanted to add a little
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bit more of the body action you'll see that my arms will naturally extend a little bit past
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but I still maintain that kind of trail arm away lead reflects or the hinge and hold look to it.
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As I start to apply more and more speed the finish will look more and more like a regular finish.
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But when you're doing it on this really small scale to learn that sequencing and the relationship
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of the club more behind your chest I find almost nothing works better than using a putter to kind of
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build that awareness of where the club is compared to your chest. Work it into your nine to three is
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working into your 10 to two or three quarter shots and ultimately work that same feeling into the full swing.
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A lot of golfers will say when we're going through this a lot of golfers will say
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I don't feel like I'm releasing the club at all and I'll say well you're learning to release it
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more like this instead of releasing it like that. It's not that it's not a release it's just a
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different style of release than you're used to and it might take a little bit of time to work through
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that but learning this other style will help change the way that your swing looks and have a
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big impact on how you're going to control low point.
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So that would be more the full swing version right there.