Tyler Ferrell is the only person in the world named to Golf Digest's list of Best
Young Teachers in
America AND its list of Best Golf Fitness Professionals in America.
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Tyler Ferrell is the only person in the world named to Golf Digest's list of
Young Teachers in
America AND its list of Best Golf Fitness Professionals in America.
Meet your new
Insight - Am I Doing "It" Enough?
Golfers frequently chase positions in their golf swing. Similar to knowing if you are stretching properly, a picture only gives a rough guide. The feedback of contact and ball flight is more useful for identifying if you are doing "enough" of a movement, more so than a specific position..
Golfers frequently chase positions in their golf swing. Similar to knowing if you are stretching properly, a picture only gives a rough guide. The feedback of contact and ball flight is more useful for identifying if you are doing "enough" of a movement, more so than a specific position..
Show transcript
00:00:00.110 --> 00:00:03.360
this disc golf smart insight is am i
00:00:03.360 --> 00:00:06.420
doing it enough so frequently members
00:00:06.420 --> 00:00:08.460
within the site will submit their video
00:00:08.460 --> 00:00:11.219
we will do an analysis and say okay
00:00:11.219 --> 00:00:13.530
here's what you should work on and after
00:00:13.530 --> 00:00:14.820
a few e-mails back and forth they'll
00:00:14.820 --> 00:00:16.949
submit another video or just a picture
00:00:16.949 --> 00:00:19.160
to say hey am I doing this enough
00:00:19.160 --> 00:00:21.170
frequently will respond back with
00:00:21.170 --> 00:00:23.880
questions about well what's happened to
00:00:23.880 --> 00:00:25.080
your contact what's happened to your
00:00:25.080 --> 00:00:27.449
ball flight as your distance improved
00:00:27.449 --> 00:00:30.060
has the turf contact improved we'll ask
00:00:30.060 --> 00:00:32.910
for some of these detailed questions you
00:00:32.910 --> 00:00:35.010
can almost hear through emails that some
00:00:35.010 --> 00:00:37.320
golfers will get frustrated and and ask
00:00:37.320 --> 00:00:38.850
well can't you just tell if I'm doing it
00:00:38.850 --> 00:00:41.489
is am I doing this enough the analogy
00:00:41.489 --> 00:00:43.710
that I like to use to am i doing a
00:00:43.710 --> 00:00:46.680
movement enough is that of stretching so
00:00:46.680 --> 00:00:49.140
I came from the fitness world I teach
00:00:49.140 --> 00:00:51.239
people how to stretch let's say we were
00:00:51.239 --> 00:00:53.670
going to try to stretch your hamstrings
00:00:53.670 --> 00:00:54.840
by having you bend over and touch your
00:00:54.840 --> 00:00:57.510
toes if I sent you a picture and I
00:00:57.510 --> 00:01:00.570
looked like this i would say am I
00:01:00.570 --> 00:01:03.899
stretching your normal reaction would be
00:01:03.899 --> 00:01:06.090
I don't know where do you feel it and if
00:01:06.090 --> 00:01:07.380
I said well I don't really feel it then
00:01:07.380 --> 00:01:08.820
you would say hey you're probably not
00:01:08.820 --> 00:01:09.750
stretching you got to go a little
00:01:09.750 --> 00:01:12.060
further okay so now i'm i'm down to
00:01:12.060 --> 00:01:13.830
where my fingers pretty much touch my
00:01:13.830 --> 00:01:15.930
toes and I'm feeling it a lot in my neck
00:01:15.930 --> 00:01:18.900
and in my shoulders ok so that's telling
00:01:18.900 --> 00:01:21.000
me that maybe I'm rounding more here i'm
00:01:21.000 --> 00:01:22.500
not actually stretching from the place
00:01:22.500 --> 00:01:26.400
that I'm trying to stretch so we can use
00:01:26.400 --> 00:01:28.350
this metaphor with the with the Gulf
00:01:28.350 --> 00:01:30.509
positions or with the movement training
00:01:30.509 --> 00:01:31.710
that we try to do with the golf swing
00:01:31.710 --> 00:01:35.130
let's say that you are working on
00:01:35.130 --> 00:01:37.380
shallowing the club and you ask am i
00:01:37.380 --> 00:01:40.619
doing it enough I always ask well what's
00:01:40.619 --> 00:01:42.390
the Miss pattern what's changed with
00:01:42.390 --> 00:01:45.689
contact as have you noticed anything
00:01:45.689 --> 00:01:47.670
different that's similar to asking when
00:01:47.670 --> 00:01:49.290
you do the stretch where are you feeling
00:01:49.290 --> 00:01:52.200
in your body based on that feedback I'll
00:01:52.200 --> 00:01:54.450
have some more information that I can
00:01:54.450 --> 00:01:56.880
tell if you're doing it enough or if you
00:01:56.880 --> 00:01:59.040
still could do it more most of the
00:01:59.040 --> 00:02:00.960
movements that we train there's really
00:02:00.960 --> 00:02:03.899
not a day too much you can't really
00:02:03.899 --> 00:02:08.399
overdo it similar to to stretching you
00:02:08.399 --> 00:02:10.590
could you could try and forcibly do it
00:02:10.590 --> 00:02:12.209
and mess up your timing like if I was
00:02:12.209 --> 00:02:13.500
trying to stretch and I'm
00:02:13.500 --> 00:02:15.090
holding my breath and really kind of
00:02:15.090 --> 00:02:17.760
grunting down I wouldn't get the normal
00:02:17.760 --> 00:02:20.370
relaxation effect that I was trying to
00:02:20.370 --> 00:02:23.430
do in the stretch but or similarly if I
00:02:23.430 --> 00:02:26.730
was trying to force a movement more than
00:02:26.730 --> 00:02:28.530
my body was capable I'm a mess up the
00:02:28.530 --> 00:02:31.470
timing of a subsequent movement but
00:02:31.470 --> 00:02:32.910
ultimately the movements that we teach
00:02:32.910 --> 00:02:35.190
you can't really overdo them because
00:02:35.190 --> 00:02:38.730
they're they're kind of self guided as
00:02:38.730 --> 00:02:41.190
in if I if I shallow like and rotate
00:02:41.190 --> 00:02:43.440
more if I brace I can extend more like
00:02:43.440 --> 00:02:46.560
there aren't there aren't really magic
00:02:46.560 --> 00:02:48.540
amounts that you should be try to try to
00:02:48.540 --> 00:02:50.880
fit within if you do them together and
00:02:50.880 --> 00:02:52.650
at the right times they kind of all work
00:02:52.650 --> 00:02:55.860
out so if you're struggling with certain
00:02:55.860 --> 00:02:57.330
positions in your swing it may be a
00:02:57.330 --> 00:02:59.340
movement that you're missing we'd be
00:02:59.340 --> 00:03:01.590
happy to help coach you through it or if
00:03:01.590 --> 00:03:03.060
you're just not sure what you should be
00:03:03.060 --> 00:03:04.770
doing with your swing feel free to join
00:03:04.770 --> 00:03:07.260
golf smart academy com submit your swing
00:03:07.260 --> 00:03:09.270
and we'll do a video to guide you
00:03:09.270 --> 00:03:10.770
through what you should be working on
00:03:10.770 --> 00:03:12.390
with your swing and with a few e-mails
00:03:12.390 --> 00:03:14.250
back and forth we'll have a really clear
00:03:14.250 --> 00:03:17.220
idea as to a why it's working or be why
00:03:17.220 --> 00:03:18.690
you're struggling to implement the new
00:03:18.690 --> 00:03:20.310
change by having that little feedback
00:03:20.310 --> 00:03:22.680
back and forth we're usually a Vord able
00:03:22.680 --> 00:03:24.570
to overcome the barriers that have
00:03:24.570 --> 00:03:25.980
limited you in your golf instruction
00:03:25.980 --> 00:03:29.750
progress and if you in the past
00:00:00.110 --> 00:00:03.360
this disc golf smart insight is am i
00:00:03.360 --> 00:00:06.420
doing it enough so frequently members
00:00:06.420 --> 00:00:08.460
within the site will submit their video
00:00:08.460 --> 00:00:11.219
we will do an analysis and say okay
00:00:11.219 --> 00:00:13.530
here's what you should work on and after
00:00:13.530 --> 00:00:14.820
a few e-mails back and forth they'll
00:00:14.820 --> 00:00:16.949
submit another video or just a picture
00:00:16.949 --> 00:00:19.160
to say hey am I doing this enough
00:00:19.160 --> 00:00:21.170
frequently will respond back with
00:00:21.170 --> 00:00:23.880
questions about well what's happened to
00:00:23.880 --> 00:00:25.080
your contact what's happened to your
00:00:25.080 --> 00:00:27.449
ball flight as your distance improved
00:00:27.449 --> 00:00:30.060
has the turf contact improved we'll ask
00:00:30.060 --> 00:00:32.910
for some of these detailed questions you
00:00:32.910 --> 00:00:35.010
can almost hear through emails that some
00:00:35.010 --> 00:00:37.320
golfers will get frustrated and and ask
00:00:37.320 --> 00:00:38.850
well can't you just tell if I'm doing it
00:00:38.850 --> 00:00:41.489
is am I doing this enough the analogy
00:00:41.489 --> 00:00:43.710
that I like to use to am i doing a
00:00:43.710 --> 00:00:46.680
movement enough is that of stretching so
00:00:46.680 --> 00:00:49.140
I came from the fitness world I teach
00:00:49.140 --> 00:00:51.239
people how to stretch let's say we were
00:00:51.239 --> 00:00:53.670
going to try to stretch your hamstrings
00:00:53.670 --> 00:00:54.840
by having you bend over and touch your
00:00:54.840 --> 00:00:57.510
toes if I sent you a picture and I
00:00:57.510 --> 00:01:00.570
looked like this i would say am I
00:01:00.570 --> 00:01:03.899
stretching your normal reaction would be
00:01:03.899 --> 00:01:06.090
I don't know where do you feel it and if
00:01:06.090 --> 00:01:07.380
I said well I don't really feel it then
00:01:07.380 --> 00:01:08.820
you would say hey you're probably not
00:01:08.820 --> 00:01:09.750
stretching you got to go a little
00:01:09.750 --> 00:01:12.060
further okay so now i'm i'm down to
00:01:12.060 --> 00:01:13.830
where my fingers pretty much touch my
00:01:13.830 --> 00:01:15.930
toes and I'm feeling it a lot in my neck
00:01:15.930 --> 00:01:18.900
and in my shoulders ok so that's telling
00:01:18.900 --> 00:01:21.000
me that maybe I'm rounding more here i'm
00:01:21.000 --> 00:01:22.500
not actually stretching from the place
00:01:22.500 --> 00:01:26.400
that I'm trying to stretch so we can use
00:01:26.400 --> 00:01:28.350
this metaphor with the with the Gulf
00:01:28.350 --> 00:01:30.509
positions or with the movement training
00:01:30.509 --> 00:01:31.710
that we try to do with the golf swing
00:01:31.710 --> 00:01:35.130
let's say that you are working on
00:01:35.130 --> 00:01:37.380
shallowing the club and you ask am i
00:01:37.380 --> 00:01:40.619
doing it enough I always ask well what's
00:01:40.619 --> 00:01:42.390
the Miss pattern what's changed with
00:01:42.390 --> 00:01:45.689
contact as have you noticed anything
00:01:45.689 --> 00:01:47.670
different that's similar to asking when
00:01:47.670 --> 00:01:49.290
you do the stretch where are you feeling
00:01:49.290 --> 00:01:52.200
in your body based on that feedback I'll
00:01:52.200 --> 00:01:54.450
have some more information that I can
00:01:54.450 --> 00:01:56.880
tell if you're doing it enough or if you
00:01:56.880 --> 00:01:59.040
still could do it more most of the
00:01:59.040 --> 00:02:00.960
movements that we train there's really
00:02:00.960 --> 00:02:03.899
not a day too much you can't really
00:02:03.899 --> 00:02:08.399
overdo it similar to to stretching you
00:02:08.399 --> 00:02:10.590
could you could try and forcibly do it
00:02:10.590 --> 00:02:12.209
and mess up your timing like if I was
00:02:12.209 --> 00:02:13.500
trying to stretch and I'm
00:02:13.500 --> 00:02:15.090
holding my breath and really kind of
00:02:15.090 --> 00:02:17.760
grunting down I wouldn't get the normal
00:02:17.760 --> 00:02:20.370
relaxation effect that I was trying to
00:02:20.370 --> 00:02:23.430
do in the stretch but or similarly if I
00:02:23.430 --> 00:02:26.730
was trying to force a movement more than
00:02:26.730 --> 00:02:28.530
my body was capable I'm a mess up the
00:02:28.530 --> 00:02:31.470
timing of a subsequent movement but
00:02:31.470 --> 00:02:32.910
ultimately the movements that we teach
00:02:32.910 --> 00:02:35.190
you can't really overdo them because
00:02:35.190 --> 00:02:38.730
they're they're kind of self guided as
00:02:38.730 --> 00:02:41.190
in if I if I shallow like and rotate
00:02:41.190 --> 00:02:43.440
more if I brace I can extend more like
00:02:43.440 --> 00:02:46.560
there aren't there aren't really magic
00:02:46.560 --> 00:02:48.540
amounts that you should be try to try to
00:02:48.540 --> 00:02:50.880
fit within if you do them together and
00:02:50.880 --> 00:02:52.650
at the right times they kind of all work
00:02:52.650 --> 00:02:55.860
out so if you're struggling with certain
00:02:55.860 --> 00:02:57.330
positions in your swing it may be a
00:02:57.330 --> 00:02:59.340
movement that you're missing we'd be
00:02:59.340 --> 00:03:01.590
happy to help coach you through it or if
00:03:01.590 --> 00:03:03.060
you're just not sure what you should be
00:03:03.060 --> 00:03:04.770
doing with your swing feel free to join
00:03:04.770 --> 00:03:07.260
golf smart academy com submit your swing
00:03:07.260 --> 00:03:09.270
and we'll do a video to guide you
00:03:09.270 --> 00:03:10.770
through what you should be working on
00:03:10.770 --> 00:03:12.390
with your swing and with a few e-mails
00:03:12.390 --> 00:03:14.250
back and forth we'll have a really clear
00:03:14.250 --> 00:03:17.220
idea as to a why it's working or be why
00:03:17.220 --> 00:03:18.690
you're struggling to implement the new
00:03:18.690 --> 00:03:20.310
change by having that little feedback
00:03:20.310 --> 00:03:22.680
back and forth we're usually a Vord able
00:03:22.680 --> 00:03:24.570
to overcome the barriers that have
00:03:24.570 --> 00:03:25.980
limited you in your golf instruction
00:03:25.980 --> 00:03:29.750
progress and if you in the past