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Live Q&A: Transition Faults and Fixes - April 29, 2018
Live Q&A discussing member questions regarding transition faults and correction strategies.
Live Q&A discussing member questions regarding transition faults and correction strategies.
Show transcript
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all right welcome to another edition of
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the YouTube live question and answer if
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you have any questions post them in the
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comment section below if this is your
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first time please put your name and
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where you're where you're listening from
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I've got a handful of questions that
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we'll go through and we'll go through
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the ones related to transition because
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the the theme of this class or this
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little YouTube event is talking more
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about what's happening during transition
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so if I get through all those then I can
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address some of the other questions
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related to fitness or puttting cetera
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but I had a real fun event this week
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where we at the Club hosted Stan Utley
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so I got to watch him do two clinics now
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I've known Stan for about eight years he
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and James Siegman have been kind of the
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two biggest influences on my short game
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technique other than the 3d data of
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tours that of Tour Pros that I've seen
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and just kind of my own coaching in
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Anatomy experience but I've really
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picked up a lot from his class if you if
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you get a chance and he's ever in your
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area highly recommend you spending three
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hours with him and hearing what he says
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has to say about the short game every
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attendee he really liked it there's a
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we're already trying to get him to come
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back so thanks again Stan be sure to
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check them out okay so now without
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further delay let's get into some of the
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transition questions so Jason who's
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working through some stuff
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asked about the overall shape so
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basically in my book that the right arm
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is going to go kind of wide in the
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backswing narrow during transition and
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then wide during the release so his
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question was ignoring the body more so
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from the arms what contributes to that
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wide narrow wide look so there's there's
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a number of different factors that can
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contribute to the narrowing during
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transition the most prominent would be
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the bending of the trail arm so the
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right elbow increasing its flexion the
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extension of the lead wrist so the lead
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wrist will tend to extend an additional
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let's say 10 to 15 degrees or so during
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transition the left arm will have a
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movement where it basically comes across
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your chest so in adduction and the left
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forearm will have a pronation or
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rotation this way so in combination the
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club is this far away as I extend my
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wrist bend my arm bring it across now
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the club is much closer to my Center
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than where it was at the top of the
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swing now most of those movements happen
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because there's weight with this club
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that's attached to my hands and when my
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body starts to shift shift pressure and
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start rotating in the direction of the
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target it creates this lag movement
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because of the weight holding my arms
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back it doesn't mean that my arms are
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pulling away one of the analogies or the
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images that I like to use a lot is a
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javelin thrower you don't want to pull
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the javelin back you want to run away
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from the direct javelin so you want to
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stretch the muscle while it's still
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trying to go in that direction same
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thing applies here during that
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transition my arms are trying to throw
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down towards the club or towards the
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golf ball my arms are trying to apply
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force around my body in the direction of
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the target but they're getting left
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behind me from my body so it creates
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these shortening movements but not
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because I'm actively pulling it away
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sometimes when you're first learning it
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and working through it in drills you'll
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have to actively do it just to get used
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to those positions but then when you
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start adding your body back in it should
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become more of a passive movement his
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second question was what are they in
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act effects of having too much right arm
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too early in the downswing well the
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first let me go on on record or I'm
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already on record but let me restate I
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think that a cast is more of a right arm
00:05:05.730 --> 00:05:07.350
problem than a left arm problem for a
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right-handed golfer and I think that
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it's more of either a straightening of
00:05:11.490 --> 00:05:15.480
the right elbow early or a protraction
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of the right shoulder that one's kind of
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come on my radar in the last year or a
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flexion of the trail row so basically
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anything going that way a Caston is not
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early release or early unhinging you've
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kind of been I want to say fed a lie but
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I've got a handful of 3ds of really long
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hitters who are decreasing the amount of
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ulnar early during transition because
00:05:45.150 --> 00:05:47.640
the wrist is going into flexion but
00:05:47.640 --> 00:05:49.770
they're increasing the look of lag
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because of the trail risk going into
00:05:51.930 --> 00:05:55.590
extension many amateurs start going into
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flexion sorry
00:05:56.790 --> 00:05:59.220
the trailer is going to extension many
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amateurs go into flexion early in
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transition and that becomes a problem
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because going into flexion early during
00:06:08.060 --> 00:06:11.790
transition not only gets the club moving
00:06:11.790 --> 00:06:14.040
away from you and cast the parachute
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that's going to slow you down a bit but
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it also opens the clubface so that
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opening of the clubface requires that
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you do things to close it down later
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such as extend the arm or bring the
00:06:28.770 --> 00:06:31.470
handle back stall your body things that
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usually cause low point to get backward
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in the decrease power so the problem
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with getting too wide too soon is it
00:06:38.730 --> 00:06:40.680
limits your power production and it
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moves the low point backward so it
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limits your compression that can be
00:06:45.300 --> 00:06:47.790
great for a wedge shot or a short game
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shot but not so good when you're trying
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to create a lot of speed let's say a
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5-iron or 3-wood or something like that
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okay Mike asked about the Left tilt of
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the pelvis in the backswing and down
00:07:03.100 --> 00:07:05.140
swinging and asking basically why it's
00:07:05.140 --> 00:07:07.990
not emphasized in my program where other
00:07:07.990 --> 00:07:12.910
programs like like Chung web and the AMG
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guys tend to focus a lot on that left
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tilt of the pelvis what I've seen one 3d
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is that the left tilt of the pelvis
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you'll lose that left tilt of the pelvis
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a lot sooner or I should say a lot
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sooner but sooner than you lose the left
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hill of the thorax which will get us
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into the next question shortly so I feel
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that more of the the look of the left
00:07:40.930 --> 00:07:43.330
pelvis thing low is more from a good
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weight shift but if you actually look at
00:07:46.090 --> 00:07:49.230
the measurements it's typically going
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more towards they end up doing it more
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so with a forward lunge of their upper
00:07:54.520 --> 00:07:56.410
body going towards the target not so
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much with the pelvis I think if you have
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a really solid weight shift and you
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don't look like you stand up in your
00:08:02.440 --> 00:08:04.990
posture you you're gonna have a fine
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amount of left tilt with the pelvis that
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can be really relevant from a power
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creation standpoint but can cause
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problems for golfers who don't have good
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right tilt of the pelvis or the Jackson
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5 movement it can cause some some driver
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angle-of-attack issues if you're over
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emphasizing that that's my experience ok
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deal in embalm he asked about how do I
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work on the Left tilt without feeling
00:08:34.570 --> 00:08:38.469
like a dive or a lunch so the the left
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elephant transition is basically if
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you're looking from the down the line
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camera angle then as your weight is
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shifting this left shoulder and this
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left side of the rib cage is going to
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compress just slightly so one good way
00:08:51.610 --> 00:08:53.440
that I'll have golfers work on that left
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tilt is if you look at where you are it
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set up and you go to the top of the
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swing and you're going to try and get
00:09:00.120 --> 00:09:03.010
slightly lower with your chest than
00:09:03.010 --> 00:09:04.360
where you were at the top of the swing
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in order to do that you're going to
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start by getting that left tail you'll
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see it's a subtle movement right there
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but the net effect is your body is a
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little bit
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as opposed to golfers who tend to get
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taller what they're actually doing is
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before they go into flexion they're
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starting to go into right side Bend so
00:09:25.250 --> 00:09:27.709
it's more of an early extension kind of
00:09:27.709 --> 00:09:34.100
contribution I see a question coming in
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from Bruce Bruce asks for a caster that
00:09:37.279 --> 00:09:40.519
flexes the trail wrist is it okay to try
00:09:40.519 --> 00:09:42.230
to extend the wrist during transition
00:09:42.230 --> 00:09:43.550
now so you girls there's something else
00:09:43.550 --> 00:09:45.019
that needs to happen and order it for
00:09:45.019 --> 00:09:48.350
done naturally no I I definitely have
00:09:48.350 --> 00:09:50.990
golfers who work on feeling that that
00:09:50.990 --> 00:09:53.240
right wrist or trail wrist extends if
00:09:53.240 --> 00:09:55.430
you are if you're a caster and you're
00:09:55.430 --> 00:09:58.490
really limited with that movement you
00:09:58.490 --> 00:10:00.140
can't potentially strengthen the grip so
00:10:00.140 --> 00:10:01.959
it doesn't have to do it quite as much
00:10:01.959 --> 00:10:05.870
but ideally yes getting a little bit
00:10:05.870 --> 00:10:08.690
more of an extension feel really builds
00:10:08.690 --> 00:10:11.390
into some of the extension feels of the
00:10:11.390 --> 00:10:14.060
proper right arm kind of covering the
00:10:14.060 --> 00:10:17.269
ball as opposed to getting the shoulder
00:10:17.269 --> 00:10:19.490
too far behind and going into more of a
00:10:19.490 --> 00:10:21.800
flip pattern so it starts getting into
00:10:21.800 --> 00:10:24.740
that pattern earlier if you feel like it
00:10:24.740 --> 00:10:27.680
extends what can happen the only
00:10:27.680 --> 00:10:29.570
downside is if you feel like you extend
00:10:29.570 --> 00:10:31.610
it too much oftentimes
00:10:31.610 --> 00:10:33.620
that will cause you're like anytime
00:10:33.620 --> 00:10:35.630
you're overdoing the arm motions that'll
00:10:35.630 --> 00:10:37.430
tend to cause your body to want to stall
00:10:37.430 --> 00:10:40.550
and so you can really get into a steep
00:10:40.550 --> 00:10:43.040
angle of attack because you don't have
00:10:43.040 --> 00:10:44.990
enough body rotation to move the hand
00:10:44.990 --> 00:10:47.360
path left through the ball so that's the
00:10:47.360 --> 00:10:49.310
only thing that I would be working on or
00:10:49.310 --> 00:10:52.250
concerned about but absolutely I'm
00:10:52.250 --> 00:10:54.740
feeling a little active extension very
00:10:54.740 --> 00:10:57.100
transition is not a major problem
00:10:57.100 --> 00:11:01.180
ideally it'll happen a little bit more
00:11:01.180 --> 00:11:03.560
passively just like if I was throwing a
00:11:03.560 --> 00:11:05.329
ball the wrist goes into extension
00:11:05.329 --> 00:11:08.180
during transition but for starters
00:11:08.180 --> 00:11:10.430
getting used to that feeling can be a
00:11:10.430 --> 00:11:13.279
good pattern and I clean up a lot of
00:11:13.279 --> 00:11:16.160
transition issues by working on a good
00:11:16.160 --> 00:11:19.850
release because oftentimes if your brain
00:11:19.850 --> 00:11:23.420
has no concept of how to release the
00:11:23.420 --> 00:11:26.510
club or end of movement then starting it
00:11:26.510 --> 00:11:27.020
in the right
00:11:27.020 --> 00:11:28.730
direction doesn't really clean things up
00:11:28.730 --> 00:11:31.310
and more creates kind of a feeling of
00:11:31.310 --> 00:11:33.260
panic or confusion because you're good
00:11:33.260 --> 00:11:34.820
you're gonna struggle figuring out how
00:11:34.820 --> 00:11:38.560
to get down to the golf ball from there
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okay back to a couple of these
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transition questions so Brian was asking
00:11:46.700 --> 00:11:50.000
about what do you do if you have a
00:11:50.000 --> 00:11:52.550
shallow transition but then it gets
00:11:52.550 --> 00:11:54.560
steep after delivery position so shallow
00:11:54.560 --> 00:11:57.610
transition followed by steep release
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basically I've got a video on the site
00:12:00.530 --> 00:12:01.820
where I go through kind of the steep
00:12:01.820 --> 00:12:04.010
shallow timeline which is basically what
00:12:04.010 --> 00:12:06.080
creates steepness or shallowness at
00:12:06.080 --> 00:12:08.210
different parts of the swing so the
00:12:08.210 --> 00:12:11.410
shallowness of the arms in transition
00:12:11.410 --> 00:12:13.460
doesn't guarantee that you're going to
00:12:13.460 --> 00:12:15.590
have a shallow path down into the ball
00:12:15.590 --> 00:12:19.010
because what you could do is as you get
00:12:19.010 --> 00:12:21.500
down towards the bottom here the two
00:12:21.500 --> 00:12:23.660
main causes of getting steep during the
00:12:23.660 --> 00:12:27.110
release would be more of an upper body
00:12:27.110 --> 00:12:28.670
lunge which I'll show in a second and
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the two the second one would be a lack
00:12:31.670 --> 00:12:35.930
of unhinge so if I keep the extension of
00:12:35.930 --> 00:12:38.060
the or the radial deviation if I keep my
00:12:38.060 --> 00:12:40.520
wrist up like this and I rotate around
00:12:40.520 --> 00:12:41.660
more like that
00:12:41.660 --> 00:12:43.730
that will tend to cause a look of
00:12:43.730 --> 00:12:45.650
getting steep and it will tend to cause
00:12:45.650 --> 00:12:49.550
diggy contact and like a closed clubface
00:12:49.550 --> 00:12:51.230
situation in impact so you're gonna tend
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to have more pulls or pulled hooks so
00:12:54.670 --> 00:12:58.790
getting or letting the the owner
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deviation happen down through there
00:13:01.280 --> 00:13:03.620
continues the shallowing movement the
00:13:03.620 --> 00:13:06.050
other one is let's say I'm shallow there
00:13:06.050 --> 00:13:08.990
but then if the upper body gets too much
00:13:08.990 --> 00:13:11.450
on top of the lower body even if I'm
00:13:11.450 --> 00:13:14.270
fine hinging that can cause a look of a
00:13:14.270 --> 00:13:19.570
steep release as well so many golfers
00:13:19.570 --> 00:13:22.730
struggle with steepness down during the
00:13:22.730 --> 00:13:24.200
release which is one of the reasons I'm
00:13:24.200 --> 00:13:27.050
a bigger advocate on getting earlier on
00:13:27.050 --> 00:13:27.710
00:13:27.710 --> 00:13:30.560
in flexion of that lead wrist because
00:13:30.560 --> 00:13:32.360
that tends to set up a position where
00:13:32.360 --> 00:13:34.580
the club is in a shallow position and
00:13:34.580 --> 00:13:36.920
then you can really kind of pour on the
00:13:36.920 --> 00:13:38.529
rotation and steepening movements
00:13:38.529 --> 00:13:45.760
through impact okay two questions from
00:13:45.760 --> 00:13:47.720
just someone who goes by the name of
00:13:47.720 --> 00:13:52.490
ball striker so how how does the he's
00:13:52.490 --> 00:13:53.779
reading the book and I'm talking about
00:13:53.779 --> 00:13:56.149
the steeps and shadows and yes how does
00:13:56.149 --> 00:14:00.170
the arm lift in transition shallow the
00:14:00.170 --> 00:14:02.480
club so the the simple way to think
00:14:02.480 --> 00:14:05.000
about it is there's two major ways to
00:14:05.000 --> 00:14:06.980
look at shallowing the club in my
00:14:06.980 --> 00:14:10.630
opinion the more that the club swings
00:14:10.630 --> 00:14:13.779
horizontally as opposed to vertically
00:14:13.779 --> 00:14:16.070
horizontal is more shallow vertical is
00:14:16.070 --> 00:14:18.740
going to be more steep because the the
00:14:18.740 --> 00:14:21.610
club will be coming basically covering
00:14:21.610 --> 00:14:26.810
more distance horizontally than
00:14:26.810 --> 00:14:29.149
vertically if it's going more shallowly
00:14:29.149 --> 00:14:31.339
we're becoming covering more vertical
00:14:31.339 --> 00:14:33.170
distance than horizontal distance and
00:14:33.170 --> 00:14:36.080
we'll come in steeper the other option
00:14:36.080 --> 00:14:37.970
or the other way to look at it is the
00:14:37.970 --> 00:14:40.640
wider in my radius the wider my swing
00:14:40.640 --> 00:14:42.529
the further the club gets away from me
00:14:42.529 --> 00:14:45.800
the shallow where it's going to be and
00:14:45.800 --> 00:14:49.010
the closer it gets to me the steeper
00:14:49.010 --> 00:14:51.740
it's going to be so if I keep my arms in
00:14:51.740 --> 00:14:53.900
close and work vertically this is
00:14:53.900 --> 00:14:57.620
incredibly steep and if I extend my arms
00:14:57.620 --> 00:15:00.470
and lift them a little bit that will be
00:15:00.470 --> 00:15:04.910
incredibly shallow so the lift of the
00:15:04.910 --> 00:15:08.080
arm helps the club swing more
00:15:08.080 --> 00:15:10.880
horizontally which is the major reason
00:15:10.880 --> 00:15:13.459
why shallowing in transition or the arm
00:15:13.459 --> 00:15:15.800
staying high in transition where lifting
00:15:15.800 --> 00:15:18.470
in transition is a shallower now arm
00:15:18.470 --> 00:15:21.550
lift is defined by its relationship to
00:15:21.550 --> 00:15:25.490
the thorax or the chest so what will
00:15:25.490 --> 00:15:28.190
happen is as this is going down if my
00:15:28.190 --> 00:15:30.410
arm stays at the same height I'm now
00:15:30.410 --> 00:15:33.230
lifting my arm right if I've bent
00:15:33.230 --> 00:15:34.339
backwards like this I'm actually
00:15:34.339 --> 00:15:36.320
lowering my arm you can see the
00:15:36.320 --> 00:15:38.810
difference if I have this a little bit
00:15:38.810 --> 00:15:39.620
more down in my
00:15:39.620 --> 00:15:43.070
be easier if I bend way forward and then
00:15:43.070 --> 00:15:44.839
stood back up you can see that the arm
00:15:44.839 --> 00:15:47.630
lifted compared to my chest if I was
00:15:47.630 --> 00:15:51.140
here and I backbend even more you can
00:15:51.140 --> 00:15:53.990
see that angle narrowing so now if I
00:15:53.990 --> 00:15:56.290
stood back up I've actually lowered it
00:15:56.290 --> 00:16:00.790
so what many golfers do is they actually
00:16:00.790 --> 00:16:03.830
keep the arms up a little bit higher as
00:16:03.830 --> 00:16:06.140
their chest reflexes that's the same
00:16:06.140 --> 00:16:08.510
thing as basically increasing the lift
00:16:08.510 --> 00:16:11.660
of the arm about let's say five degrees
00:16:11.660 --> 00:16:12.260
or so
00:16:12.260 --> 00:16:15.620
well that lift of the arms does a great
00:16:15.620 --> 00:16:17.690
job for both getting the or forgetting
00:16:17.690 --> 00:16:19.250
the swing the club to swing more
00:16:19.250 --> 00:16:22.430
shallowly while my body is rotating and
00:16:22.430 --> 00:16:24.470
flexing because rotating and flexing or
00:16:24.470 --> 00:16:27.140
both Stephan errs so where that
00:16:27.140 --> 00:16:30.140
clarifies how the arm lift is a shallow
00:16:30.140 --> 00:16:32.420
move in transition sometimes it's hard
00:16:32.420 --> 00:16:34.339
to imagine but look at it compared to
00:16:34.339 --> 00:16:36.170
the chest not necessarily compared to
00:16:36.170 --> 00:16:40.580
the ground his other question was he has
00:16:40.580 --> 00:16:43.820
a difficulty visualizing or imagining
00:16:43.820 --> 00:16:46.010
the wipe so I thought I'd take a few
00:16:46.010 --> 00:16:47.810
minutes and kind of break that down I've
00:16:47.810 --> 00:16:49.820
got a number of videos on the white
00:16:49.820 --> 00:16:51.500
because I think it's a really critical
00:16:51.500 --> 00:16:55.940
move for good players to get out of a
00:16:55.940 --> 00:17:00.140
pull or a hook pattern and the wipe is
00:17:00.140 --> 00:17:03.230
basically the the simple way I explain
00:17:03.230 --> 00:17:06.740
the wipe is it's it's moving more around
00:17:06.740 --> 00:17:09.350
my body and going towards the target and
00:17:09.350 --> 00:17:12.650
instead of going straight towards the
00:17:12.650 --> 00:17:15.050
golf ball so if I imagine I had like you
00:17:15.050 --> 00:17:18.559
know let's say XY and Z you if I had one
00:17:18.559 --> 00:17:20.900
axis going straight out from my chest
00:17:20.900 --> 00:17:22.910
like this and I had one exit going
00:17:22.910 --> 00:17:25.579
towards the target I'm working more
00:17:25.579 --> 00:17:28.820
along the that access towards the target
00:17:28.820 --> 00:17:31.309
instead of the axis towards the golf
00:17:31.309 --> 00:17:35.660
ball it's primarily a right arm movement
00:17:35.660 --> 00:17:38.750
what many golfers many amateur golfers
00:17:38.750 --> 00:17:41.780
do is they get this arm more on the side
00:17:41.780 --> 00:17:44.059
of their body instead of out in front
00:17:44.059 --> 00:17:45.650
and then from the side of the body it
00:17:45.650 --> 00:17:48.080
tends to extend more out towards the
00:17:48.080 --> 00:17:49.480
golf ball
00:17:49.480 --> 00:17:52.680
what better players tend to do is
00:17:52.680 --> 00:17:54.180
if it gets to the side of the body then
00:17:54.180 --> 00:17:56.610
down through the ball it's working more
00:17:56.610 --> 00:17:59.760
across their body as the body is
00:17:59.760 --> 00:18:01.710
throwing it out towards the golf ball
00:18:01.710 --> 00:18:03.600
instead of the arm throwing it out
00:18:03.600 --> 00:18:05.730
towards the golf ball one way that you
00:18:05.730 --> 00:18:08.730
can see that is looking at actually two
00:18:08.730 --> 00:18:10.370
ways you can see it one is with the
00:18:10.370 --> 00:18:12.600
relationship of the hands compared to
00:18:12.600 --> 00:18:16.050
the body so right here you can see that
00:18:16.050 --> 00:18:18.060
my hands are well behind my body that's
00:18:18.060 --> 00:18:20.700
a delivery position but then at impact
00:18:20.700 --> 00:18:23.250
my hands will be more out in front of my
00:18:23.250 --> 00:18:25.800
chest as opposed to if they're behind my
00:18:25.800 --> 00:18:27.900
body and then at impact they're still
00:18:27.900 --> 00:18:30.360
behind my body the same amount that
00:18:30.360 --> 00:18:34.500
would be more of a lack of wipe so one
00:18:34.500 --> 00:18:37.320
of the examples that some golfers bring
00:18:37.320 --> 00:18:39.330
up is more of like a Jim Furyk who has
00:18:39.330 --> 00:18:42.000
it way back here but still has a really
00:18:42.000 --> 00:18:45.660
stable release and what you'll see is
00:18:45.660 --> 00:18:49.920
I'm not so it's not so much the position
00:18:49.920 --> 00:18:51.510
that the elbow has to get in front of
00:18:51.510 --> 00:18:53.040
your body it's just more that it's
00:18:53.040 --> 00:18:55.980
working around your body this way
00:18:55.980 --> 00:18:58.650
instead of straight out towards the golf
00:18:58.650 --> 00:19:01.500
ball so Jim Furyk gets the arm behind
00:19:01.500 --> 00:19:04.380
his body but then from about here it's
00:19:04.380 --> 00:19:06.450
working less behind his body less behind
00:19:06.450 --> 00:19:09.230
his body more in front of his body
00:19:09.230 --> 00:19:12.870
instead of way behind his body stay back
00:19:12.870 --> 00:19:14.250
there and extend towards the target
00:19:14.250 --> 00:19:16.530
which were towards the golf ball which
00:19:16.530 --> 00:19:18.450
is more of the pattern that a lot of
00:19:18.450 --> 00:19:20.450
amateur golfers that would do
00:19:20.450 --> 00:19:22.740
demonstrating a lack of the white
00:19:22.740 --> 00:19:26.190
movements so hopefully that helps
00:19:26.190 --> 00:19:28.710
imagine I used the the white movement is
00:19:28.710 --> 00:19:30.480
basically my term for getting the club
00:19:30.480 --> 00:19:32.520
back out in the front of the body and
00:19:32.520 --> 00:19:35.640
it's a sign that you're applying force
00:19:35.640 --> 00:19:38.010
more with your body and less with your
00:19:38.010 --> 00:19:39.660
hands so for those of you falling kind
00:19:39.660 --> 00:19:42.450
of a golf sign it's tough it's more of
00:19:42.450 --> 00:19:45.480
using the moment of force instead of the
00:19:45.480 --> 00:19:49.170
couple as the power source let's say
00:19:49.170 --> 00:19:55.380
right around this zone here okay so I
00:19:55.380 --> 00:19:58.350
wanted to jump to a few questions that
00:19:58.350 --> 00:20:02.110
are unrelated to transition
00:20:02.110 --> 00:20:05.170
from Fred Fred always has good questions
00:20:05.170 --> 00:20:07.450
both on the swing as well as on on
00:20:07.450 --> 00:20:09.210
fitness so I'll go through some of his
00:20:09.210 --> 00:20:13.750
that come in this week one quick
00:20:13.750 --> 00:20:15.400
question he asked was about low point
00:20:15.400 --> 00:20:17.980
practice so low point practice when
00:20:17.980 --> 00:20:19.960
you're working on mats if you're putting
00:20:19.960 --> 00:20:23.230
let's a piece of tape or a lie board or
00:20:23.230 --> 00:20:25.809
a towel about how far should you put it
00:20:25.809 --> 00:20:28.000
behind the golf ball so let's say I've
00:20:28.000 --> 00:20:30.910
got the golf ball on the mat just like
00:20:30.910 --> 00:20:34.750
so I would put the club just behind the
00:20:34.750 --> 00:20:36.520
golf ball like this and you'll see the
00:20:36.520 --> 00:20:38.590
club has some width to it I would
00:20:38.590 --> 00:20:41.200
basically add another half inch to an
00:20:41.200 --> 00:20:43.900
inch and put it back there so it'll be
00:20:43.900 --> 00:20:45.790
slightly different depending on what
00:20:45.790 --> 00:20:50.140
club you're hitting with but the general
00:20:50.140 --> 00:20:52.390
guide would be putting it let's say
00:20:52.390 --> 00:20:55.270
right about where my middle finger is
00:20:55.270 --> 00:20:57.250
there so it would probably end up being
00:20:57.250 --> 00:20:58.600
about an inch and a half two inches
00:20:58.600 --> 00:21:01.090
behind the golf ball depending on the
00:21:01.090 --> 00:21:02.760
00:21:02.760 --> 00:21:07.120
you asked about with putting the foot
00:21:07.120 --> 00:21:11.440
pressure so is it roughly the same or
00:21:11.440 --> 00:21:13.750
because of the tilt do you tend to have
00:21:13.750 --> 00:21:16.480
some shifting I've only seen two
00:21:16.480 --> 00:21:19.179
different putting pressure studies but
00:21:19.179 --> 00:21:21.010
from the guys who have talked to who do
00:21:21.010 --> 00:21:24.220
more of the data collection on putting
00:21:24.220 --> 00:21:27.370
it seems like it stays more a fairly
00:21:27.370 --> 00:21:31.929
constant in the left hind foot so even
00:21:31.929 --> 00:21:33.929
though there's a little bit of body
00:21:33.929 --> 00:21:37.660
movement they're almost countering that
00:21:37.660 --> 00:21:39.520
on a real subtle scale so the pressure
00:21:39.520 --> 00:21:42.669
stays more on that left heel or left
00:21:42.669 --> 00:21:45.940
hind foot you won't see any major weight
00:21:45.940 --> 00:21:51.280
shift when it comes to good putters I'll
00:21:51.280 --> 00:21:53.110
jump back to his fitness question here
00:21:53.110 --> 00:21:57.610
in a second so this is a question about
00:21:57.610 --> 00:22:00.730
the swing refers or his first question
00:22:00.730 --> 00:22:03.250
about the swing is looking at vertical
00:22:03.250 --> 00:22:06.640
head movement so vertical head movement
00:22:06.640 --> 00:22:08.860
basically looking at vertical sway
00:22:08.860 --> 00:22:10.809
during the swing what's the ideal
00:22:10.809 --> 00:22:14.350
pattern and so we I typically look at
00:22:14.350 --> 00:22:14.650
00:22:14.650 --> 00:22:17.590
4x because the head sensor isn't
00:22:17.590 --> 00:22:20.110
digitized at least not in the amm system
00:22:20.110 --> 00:22:23.200
so I go off of where is the chest or the
00:22:23.200 --> 00:22:25.930
center of this spot right here not so
00:22:25.930 --> 00:22:28.120
much the head so I could influence how
00:22:28.120 --> 00:22:30.610
high the head looks or the sensor looks
00:22:30.610 --> 00:22:32.980
based on how much I'm flexing extending
00:22:32.980 --> 00:22:36.610
where this one it takes more of the body
00:22:36.610 --> 00:22:38.470
movement so I feel like this is a better
00:22:38.470 --> 00:22:42.910
indicator as far as the the lift and
00:22:42.910 --> 00:22:46.660
thrust more so than the head so his
00:22:46.660 --> 00:22:48.900
question is about vertical movement
00:22:48.900 --> 00:22:50.830
typically during the backswing it's
00:22:50.830 --> 00:22:53.110
going to go down slightly that's largely
00:22:53.110 --> 00:22:55.420
because of the left shoulder tilt or
00:22:55.420 --> 00:22:56.830
left side Bend towards the top of the
00:22:56.830 --> 00:22:58.570
swing so it's going to go down let's say
00:22:58.570 --> 00:23:01.350
half inch to an inch it's going to
00:23:01.350 --> 00:23:04.780
continue to go down during transition so
00:23:04.780 --> 00:23:06.790
right to about there it'll reach its
00:23:06.790 --> 00:23:09.940
minimum somewhere around two inches or
00:23:09.940 --> 00:23:14.110
so but then coming back up into impact B
00:23:14.110 --> 00:23:17.830
it will end up about the same height so
00:23:17.830 --> 00:23:20.260
I usually say give or give or take or
00:23:20.260 --> 00:23:24.820
plus or minus half inch to an inch so it
00:23:24.820 --> 00:23:27.250
doesn't have a whole lot of vertical
00:23:27.250 --> 00:23:29.230
height change I tend to see a lot more
00:23:29.230 --> 00:23:31.150
with amateurs where it can go you know
00:23:31.150 --> 00:23:33.640
one to two inches up in the backswing or
00:23:33.640 --> 00:23:36.280
dive down and you know three to four
00:23:36.280 --> 00:23:38.050
inches during transition they tend to
00:23:38.050 --> 00:23:43.210
have bigger head movement and they they
00:23:43.210 --> 00:23:46.360
will in general tend to be taller at
00:23:46.360 --> 00:23:50.710
impact rather than a little bit lower
00:23:50.710 --> 00:23:52.990
and what I saw when I was doing my
00:23:52.990 --> 00:23:54.700
research for the world golf fitness on
00:23:54.700 --> 00:23:56.920
it was that the best wedge players
00:23:56.920 --> 00:24:00.280
tended to be about an inch taller at
00:24:00.280 --> 00:24:03.220
impact with most of their full swing
00:24:03.220 --> 00:24:05.830
motions where the best driver is a golf
00:24:05.830 --> 00:24:09.130
ball tended to be a little bit lower so
00:24:09.130 --> 00:24:11.590
lower than where they started so it's
00:24:11.590 --> 00:24:13.330
definitely not a one-size-fit-all
00:24:13.330 --> 00:24:14.980
it's all it depends on the pattern I
00:24:14.980 --> 00:24:18.010
don't like to see a wedge shot where
00:24:18.010 --> 00:24:19.780
you're going down too much and I don't
00:24:19.780 --> 00:24:21.490
like to see a driver swing where you're
00:24:21.490 --> 00:24:25.060
going up too much the finding that the
00:24:25.060 --> 00:24:26.920
the pattern that fits
00:24:26.920 --> 00:24:28.900
those swings takes a little bit more
00:24:28.900 --> 00:24:35.020
trial and error okay his next question
00:24:35.020 --> 00:24:38.560
is super-simple he was asking is his is
00:24:38.560 --> 00:24:40.810
it okay to have your head facing the
00:24:40.810 --> 00:24:42.630
target a little bit or should it be
00:24:42.630 --> 00:24:46.510
looking down at the golf ball at impact
00:24:46.510 --> 00:24:50.320
I definitely again I don't have a whole
00:24:50.320 --> 00:24:52.750
lot of head data but even just looking
00:24:52.750 --> 00:24:55.390
at videos having your head turned and
00:24:55.390 --> 00:24:57.790
looking at more towards the target is
00:24:57.790 --> 00:25:00.370
fine one of the study or one of the
00:25:00.370 --> 00:25:02.890
stories that stand up lady shared this
00:25:02.890 --> 00:25:08.290
week was that he and some of the golfers
00:25:08.290 --> 00:25:10.480
that he's coached have described that
00:25:10.480 --> 00:25:12.550
they have a very wide field of vision
00:25:12.550 --> 00:25:14.440
that they're not really focusing on one
00:25:14.440 --> 00:25:16.810
specific spot it's more of kind of
00:25:16.810 --> 00:25:18.970
seeing everything in the peripheral so I
00:25:18.970 --> 00:25:21.280
don't really care if your head is turned
00:25:21.280 --> 00:25:25.210
because I I think that having your head
00:25:25.210 --> 00:25:27.250
turn helps more with rotation and impact
00:25:27.250 --> 00:25:29.860
alignment then overly focusing on the
00:25:29.860 --> 00:25:31.750
golf ball overly focusing on the golf
00:25:31.750 --> 00:25:35.140
ball can create your body to want to
00:25:35.140 --> 00:25:39.940
lock down through impact so I would say
00:25:39.940 --> 00:25:42.190
that controlling low point it's probably
00:25:42.190 --> 00:25:45.460
easier if you are turning your body and
00:25:45.460 --> 00:25:46.780
if you need to turn your head a little
00:25:46.780 --> 00:25:48.460
bit in order to turn your body I would
00:25:48.460 --> 00:25:50.830
absolutely prefer that than keeping your
00:25:50.830 --> 00:25:53.170
eyes fixed on a certain spot but then
00:25:53.170 --> 00:25:56.430
not turning your body on the way through
00:25:56.430 --> 00:25:59.980
his uh his last swing question was is a
00:25:59.980 --> 00:26:02.830
little bit trickier I've got a video on
00:26:02.830 --> 00:26:06.090
the site where I go through the pressure
00:26:06.090 --> 00:26:08.020
patterns that you'll see through the
00:26:08.020 --> 00:26:09.880
feet but he was basically asking what
00:26:09.880 --> 00:26:11.770
are the ideal vectors during the swing
00:26:11.770 --> 00:26:14.770
from the face on and down the line the
00:26:14.770 --> 00:26:18.190
simple answer is it's the the direction
00:26:18.190 --> 00:26:20.740
that you're pushing against the ground
00:26:20.740 --> 00:26:23.740
is roughly the opposite of the movement
00:26:23.740 --> 00:26:29.230
so if I'm pushing if I'm starting to go
00:26:29.230 --> 00:26:31.990
up I'm gonna be pushing more down if I'm
00:26:31.990 --> 00:26:34.240
twisting to the left it means that my
00:26:34.240 --> 00:26:36.940
foot is twisting more against the ground
00:26:36.940 --> 00:26:39.250
to the right so typically what will
00:26:39.250 --> 00:26:40.140
00:26:40.140 --> 00:26:42.660
is as you get towards the top of the
00:26:42.660 --> 00:26:46.050
backswing the the weight is going to be
00:26:46.050 --> 00:26:49.080
let's say somewhere around here the
00:26:49.080 --> 00:26:50.640
weight or the pressure through that
00:26:50.640 --> 00:26:53.130
right foot is going to be out a way from
00:26:53.130 --> 00:26:56.160
me this way or I'm and the vector would
00:26:56.160 --> 00:26:59.970
be going back up towards the target kind
00:26:59.970 --> 00:27:01.920
of on an angle more like that so I'm
00:27:01.920 --> 00:27:03.870
pushing against the ground as I'm
00:27:03.870 --> 00:27:07.350
rotating like this in order to slow down
00:27:07.350 --> 00:27:10.830
my body going that way and to then start
00:27:10.830 --> 00:27:12.840
my body moving in this opposite
00:27:12.840 --> 00:27:16.050
direction once I get to about this lead
00:27:16.050 --> 00:27:20.010
foot so once I get to the end of
00:27:20.010 --> 00:27:23.250
transition kind of in this zone here the
00:27:23.250 --> 00:27:27.330
the foot vector is now pushing back up
00:27:27.330 --> 00:27:29.700
away so it's angled slightly I'm I'm
00:27:29.700 --> 00:27:32.610
pushing at a slight angle away that way
00:27:32.610 --> 00:27:34.590
and I'm pushing at a slight angle away
00:27:34.590 --> 00:27:36.990
from me if I was to push backwards or
00:27:36.990 --> 00:27:39.260
towards I would kind of if I pushed
00:27:39.260 --> 00:27:41.430
behind me that would push me into the
00:27:41.430 --> 00:27:43.950
golf ball and if I pushed towards or
00:27:43.950 --> 00:27:45.630
away from the target that wouldn't move
00:27:45.630 --> 00:27:48.600
me more and more towards the target so
00:27:48.600 --> 00:27:51.000
that's the the clearest one is basically
00:27:51.000 --> 00:27:53.070
about here I need to be pushing on an
00:27:53.070 --> 00:27:55.380
angle kind of like that so from down the
00:27:55.380 --> 00:27:57.600
line which was this quest this is the
00:27:57.600 --> 00:27:59.700
the real big one is I would be pushing
00:27:59.700 --> 00:28:02.070
on an angle kind of about like that so
00:28:02.070 --> 00:28:04.200
it's not totally vertical it's kind of
00:28:04.200 --> 00:28:07.890
pushing away there that would set me up
00:28:07.890 --> 00:28:10.080
for bringing the force or moving away
00:28:10.080 --> 00:28:13.140
from the club swinging out towards the
00:28:13.140 --> 00:28:15.600
golf ball which will help give me more
00:28:15.600 --> 00:28:18.360
more force and more speed to basically
00:28:18.360 --> 00:28:21.780
pull that handle in towards the body by
00:28:21.780 --> 00:28:25.260
using a good body pivot so I'd say those
00:28:25.260 --> 00:28:27.330
are the big ones now his uh his last
00:28:27.330 --> 00:28:29.520
question was related to fitness and this
00:28:29.520 --> 00:28:32.900
one's a little bit trickier
00:28:32.900 --> 00:28:35.700
he asked about foam rolling and what are
00:28:35.700 --> 00:28:37.890
five to ten spots that I would focus on
00:28:37.890 --> 00:28:47.070
for golfers now my I would say that foam
00:28:47.070 --> 00:28:51.230
rolling can be a okay short-term
00:28:51.230 --> 00:28:52.740
00:28:52.740 --> 00:28:55.290
but it's not my favorite tissue repair I
00:28:55.290 --> 00:28:58.050
tend to prefer myofascial stretching if
00:28:58.050 --> 00:28:59.400
you learn how to do really good
00:28:59.400 --> 00:29:01.559
myofascial stretching it has a much
00:29:01.559 --> 00:29:05.010
longer carryover in my experience so the
00:29:05.010 --> 00:29:07.290
problem I found with foam rolling with
00:29:07.290 --> 00:29:09.420
me and my clients was that they had to
00:29:09.420 --> 00:29:12.090
in order to get the benefit of foam
00:29:12.090 --> 00:29:13.290
rolling like they had to do it
00:29:13.290 --> 00:29:16.140
frequently really consistently where I
00:29:16.140 --> 00:29:18.630
think if you get into a good stretching
00:29:18.630 --> 00:29:19.980
program and you learn how to stretch
00:29:19.980 --> 00:29:22.530
properly after you've done kind of the
00:29:22.530 --> 00:29:24.750
repair phase and you've you've done it a
00:29:24.750 --> 00:29:26.880
little bit more intensely stretching
00:29:26.880 --> 00:29:32.790
once or twice stretching once or twice a
00:29:32.790 --> 00:29:35.760
week tends to do as much as what it felt
00:29:35.760 --> 00:29:38.460
like foam rolling every single day work
00:29:38.460 --> 00:29:44.670
like so what I would say is if you had
00:29:44.670 --> 00:29:47.190
to pick spots I would tend to go the the
00:29:47.190 --> 00:29:49.679
basically the big foam rolling spots I
00:29:49.679 --> 00:29:52.260
would tend to go calves I would tend to
00:29:52.260 --> 00:29:56.550
go quads glutes inner thigh and then
00:29:56.550 --> 00:29:58.559
really big one for golf would be armpit
00:29:58.559 --> 00:30:00.840
so getting Latin the Terry's groups and
00:30:00.840 --> 00:30:03.240
the pecs are basically doing all sides
00:30:03.240 --> 00:30:06.540
of the armpit and even there's a there's
00:30:06.540 --> 00:30:08.400
a common spot where the lat can get
00:30:08.400 --> 00:30:11.460
stuck here and that can really restrict
00:30:11.460 --> 00:30:13.559
your arm height which cause a whole host
00:30:13.559 --> 00:30:14.880
of problems so I would say that would
00:30:14.880 --> 00:30:18.720
probably be one of my favorite from
00:30:18.720 --> 00:30:22.610
rolling places but I think that it's
00:30:22.610 --> 00:30:24.570
again if you know how to stretch
00:30:24.570 --> 00:30:27.090
properly I think it's not as good as
00:30:27.090 --> 00:30:28.470
stretching so if you had to do the
00:30:28.470 --> 00:30:30.720
little time and resource management
00:30:30.720 --> 00:30:33.480
I would probably work more on learning
00:30:33.480 --> 00:30:35.970
how to stretch well and do less foam
00:30:35.970 --> 00:30:39.000
rolling okay now that being said his
00:30:39.000 --> 00:30:41.309
last question was about the lower back
00:30:41.309 --> 00:30:44.280
rotational stretch so basically like the
00:30:44.280 --> 00:30:46.620
back cracking stretch where you lay on
00:30:46.620 --> 00:30:50.970
the ground and kind of roll this side to
00:30:50.970 --> 00:30:55.350
me that's not a really clear like that's
00:30:55.350 --> 00:30:58.350
not stretching one specific muscle what
00:30:58.350 --> 00:30:59.970
when you get that back crack it's
00:30:59.970 --> 00:31:02.580
usually your SI joint that's actually
00:31:02.580 --> 00:31:05.760
getting and released so
00:31:05.760 --> 00:31:10.470
I think that your that back crack
00:31:10.470 --> 00:31:12.240
stretch doesn't do a good job of
00:31:12.240 --> 00:31:15.840
stretching anyone myofascial teen it
00:31:15.840 --> 00:31:21.090
really just it releases the the SI joint
00:31:21.090 --> 00:31:23.610
it's designed to stretch some of your
00:31:23.610 --> 00:31:25.140
lower back muscles but it doesn't I
00:31:25.140 --> 00:31:26.490
don't think it does a very good job boy
00:31:26.490 --> 00:31:28.710
so I'm not a fan of that now that being
00:31:28.710 --> 00:31:31.350
said I think there are some lower back
00:31:31.350 --> 00:31:35.070
rotational stretches that can be really
00:31:35.070 --> 00:31:38.970
effective for helping do some relief for
00:31:38.970 --> 00:31:41.850
back pain but if you are feeling stiff
00:31:41.850 --> 00:31:44.460
in the back then I would typically go
00:31:44.460 --> 00:31:47.520
after stretching your believer so as
00:31:47.520 --> 00:31:51.090
stretching your quads stretching your
00:31:51.090 --> 00:31:52.950
ribcage and making sure that your
00:31:52.950 --> 00:31:55.680
thoracic spine is pretty mobile so
00:31:55.680 --> 00:31:57.570
stretching your diaphragm stretching
00:31:57.570 --> 00:32:00.690
your intercostals making sure that all
00:32:00.690 --> 00:32:02.850
the areas surrounding your lower back
00:32:02.850 --> 00:32:05.550
are nice and flexible that's a much
00:32:05.550 --> 00:32:07.020
bigger that'll have a bigger
00:32:07.020 --> 00:32:08.850
contribution on your lower back
00:32:08.850 --> 00:32:13.350
stiffness rather than that that of
00:32:13.350 --> 00:32:17.010
basically SI joint Mobe stretch because
00:32:17.010 --> 00:32:18.570
the chances are that you're mobilizing
00:32:18.570 --> 00:32:20.070
in the right way or really slim so it's
00:32:20.070 --> 00:32:22.490
gonna provide some really short-term
00:32:22.490 --> 00:32:25.740
pain or tension relief but it won't have
00:32:25.740 --> 00:32:27.660
a big carryover a day to day so I would
00:32:27.660 --> 00:32:30.090
avoid that stretch and hopefully find
00:32:30.090 --> 00:32:36.300
some other good ones so I have to cut
00:32:36.300 --> 00:32:37.830
this one a little bit short because
00:32:37.830 --> 00:32:40.050
we're gonna get ready I'm gonna head out
00:32:40.050 --> 00:32:43.680
and watch The Avengers movie so
00:32:43.680 --> 00:32:46.590
hopefully I've deliberately stayed away
00:32:46.590 --> 00:32:49.830
from looking at any of the spoilers or
00:32:49.830 --> 00:32:51.990
trailers so hopefully it meets my
00:32:51.990 --> 00:32:54.390
expectations but thank you again for
00:32:54.390 --> 00:32:58.500
joining another golf smart Academy live
00:32:58.500 --> 00:33:01.800
Q&A a lot of the questions that lead to
00:33:01.800 --> 00:33:04.590
these Q&A is come from students who are
00:33:04.590 --> 00:33:06.690
reading the stock tour swing or have
00:33:06.690 --> 00:33:09.720
joined my website so I put a lot of
00:33:09.720 --> 00:33:13.340
thought and hopefully present the
00:33:13.340 --> 00:33:15.390
scientific research in a way that's
00:33:15.390 --> 00:33:18.330
digestible but if you if you have any
00:33:18.330 --> 00:33:19.290
questions if you're looking
00:33:19.290 --> 00:33:20.940
that please shoot us an email at support
00:33:20.940 --> 00:33:25.970
at golf smart I will be
00:33:25.970 --> 00:33:28.140
probably doing another one of these in a
00:33:28.140 --> 00:33:31.260
couple of weeks I see a question coming
00:33:31.260 --> 00:33:33.600
in real quick looks pretty easy so I'll
00:33:33.600 --> 00:33:37.740
answer it before I before I head out for
00:33:37.740 --> 00:33:38.870
the movies
00:33:38.870 --> 00:33:42.660
Lawrence law thank you for the
00:33:42.660 --> 00:33:44.250
compliment I'm glad you're enjoying my
00:33:44.250 --> 00:33:45.750
work I will definitely keep it up this
00:33:45.750 --> 00:33:46.530
is fun for me
00:33:46.530 --> 00:33:50.280
Golf junkie asks what is a good drill to
00:33:50.280 --> 00:33:52.860
avoid the right shoulder going down too
00:33:52.860 --> 00:33:55.070
much and coming from the inside too much
00:33:55.070 --> 00:33:57.960
so basically the right shoulder going
00:33:57.960 --> 00:34:00.420
more this way so the whole left crunch
00:34:00.420 --> 00:34:02.670
idea in transition is designed to
00:34:02.670 --> 00:34:05.540
address that particular issue
00:34:05.540 --> 00:34:10.919
so one exaggerated move is basically
00:34:10.919 --> 00:34:17.610
keeping the arms up so I got this camera
00:34:17.610 --> 00:34:21.270
where I got it but I got this as a it's
00:34:21.270 --> 00:34:23.400
basically a counter to that whole
00:34:23.400 --> 00:34:24.810
pattern there so you're gonna put the
00:34:24.810 --> 00:34:26.429
club on your shoulder just like this and
00:34:26.429 --> 00:34:28.980
then you will rotate your upper body and
00:34:28.980 --> 00:34:32.190
then swing your arms down so it kind of
00:34:32.190 --> 00:34:34.530
like breaks the sequencing of using the
00:34:34.530 --> 00:34:36.540
body to bring the arms down instead
00:34:36.540 --> 00:34:38.100
you're gonna use the body and more of a
00:34:38.100 --> 00:34:40.830
rotational pattern then you'll use the
00:34:40.830 --> 00:34:42.720
arms after the body has triggered
00:34:42.720 --> 00:34:47.910
rotation either doing that or working on
00:34:47.910 --> 00:34:50.280
the upper body staying more flexed and
00:34:50.280 --> 00:34:54.300
the pelvis being more back those will
00:34:54.300 --> 00:34:57.180
have a big impact on the club coming too
00:34:57.180 --> 00:35:00.720
much from the inside so again thanks for
00:35:00.720 --> 00:35:03.000
the questions I really do have to get
00:35:03.000 --> 00:35:04.860
out today so if you have any other
00:35:04.860 --> 00:35:07.350
questions please just email them to
00:35:07.350 --> 00:35:09.300
support at Gotham Art Academy calm I
00:35:09.300 --> 00:35:11.520
will get back to you or save them for
00:35:11.520 --> 00:35:14.790
the next live Q&A thanks again for
00:35:14.790 --> 00:35:17.490
asking your questions and joining me on
00:35:17.490 --> 00:35:20.640
this journey to happier golfing have a
00:35:20.640 --> 00:35:23.030
good weekend
00:35:24.540 --> 00:35:26.600
00:00:24.920 --> 00:00:28.410
all right welcome to another edition of
00:00:28.410 --> 00:00:32.040
the YouTube live question and answer if
00:00:32.040 --> 00:00:34.620
you have any questions post them in the
00:00:34.620 --> 00:00:35.940
comment section below if this is your
00:00:35.940 --> 00:00:38.579
first time please put your name and
00:00:38.579 --> 00:00:41.089
where you're where you're listening from
00:00:41.089 --> 00:00:43.920
I've got a handful of questions that
00:00:43.920 --> 00:00:45.989
we'll go through and we'll go through
00:00:45.989 --> 00:00:47.879
the ones related to transition because
00:00:47.879 --> 00:00:50.449
the the theme of this class or this
00:00:50.449 --> 00:00:53.550
little YouTube event is talking more
00:00:53.550 --> 00:00:56.899
about what's happening during transition
00:00:56.899 --> 00:00:59.070
so if I get through all those then I can
00:00:59.070 --> 00:01:00.809
address some of the other questions
00:01:00.809 --> 00:01:04.080
related to fitness or puttting cetera
00:01:04.080 --> 00:01:08.060
but I had a real fun event this week
00:01:08.060 --> 00:01:11.660
where we at the Club hosted Stan Utley
00:01:11.660 --> 00:01:14.700
so I got to watch him do two clinics now
00:01:14.700 --> 00:01:19.890
I've known Stan for about eight years he
00:01:19.890 --> 00:01:21.869
and James Siegman have been kind of the
00:01:21.869 --> 00:01:25.560
two biggest influences on my short game
00:01:25.560 --> 00:01:29.190
technique other than the 3d data of
00:01:29.190 --> 00:01:30.959
tours that of Tour Pros that I've seen
00:01:30.959 --> 00:01:33.450
and just kind of my own coaching in
00:01:33.450 --> 00:01:35.580
Anatomy experience but I've really
00:01:35.580 --> 00:01:37.770
picked up a lot from his class if you if
00:01:37.770 --> 00:01:40.289
you get a chance and he's ever in your
00:01:40.289 --> 00:01:43.140
area highly recommend you spending three
00:01:43.140 --> 00:01:45.209
hours with him and hearing what he says
00:01:45.209 --> 00:01:48.239
has to say about the short game every
00:01:48.239 --> 00:01:49.770
attendee he really liked it there's a
00:01:49.770 --> 00:01:51.179
we're already trying to get him to come
00:01:51.179 --> 00:01:54.209
back so thanks again Stan be sure to
00:01:54.209 --> 00:01:56.940
check them out okay so now without
00:01:56.940 --> 00:02:00.060
further delay let's get into some of the
00:02:00.060 --> 00:02:04.379
transition questions so Jason who's
00:02:04.379 --> 00:02:05.310
working through some stuff
00:02:05.310 --> 00:02:09.509
asked about the overall shape so
00:02:09.509 --> 00:02:13.080
basically in my book that the right arm
00:02:13.080 --> 00:02:15.959
is going to go kind of wide in the
00:02:15.959 --> 00:02:18.030
backswing narrow during transition and
00:02:18.030 --> 00:02:22.260
then wide during the release so his
00:02:22.260 --> 00:02:26.459
question was ignoring the body more so
00:02:26.459 --> 00:02:29.160
from the arms what contributes to that
00:02:29.160 --> 00:02:35.400
wide narrow wide look so there's there's
00:02:35.400 --> 00:02:37.050
a number of different factors that can
00:02:37.050 --> 00:02:39.900
contribute to the narrowing during
00:02:39.900 --> 00:02:43.320
transition the most prominent would be
00:02:43.320 --> 00:02:45.720
the bending of the trail arm so the
00:02:45.720 --> 00:02:49.530
right elbow increasing its flexion the
00:02:49.530 --> 00:02:51.900
extension of the lead wrist so the lead
00:02:51.900 --> 00:02:53.820
wrist will tend to extend an additional
00:02:53.820 --> 00:02:56.610
let's say 10 to 15 degrees or so during
00:02:56.610 --> 00:03:02.030
transition the left arm will have a
00:03:02.030 --> 00:03:04.350
movement where it basically comes across
00:03:04.350 --> 00:03:07.020
your chest so in adduction and the left
00:03:07.020 --> 00:03:10.140
forearm will have a pronation or
00:03:10.140 --> 00:03:13.440
rotation this way so in combination the
00:03:13.440 --> 00:03:15.900
club is this far away as I extend my
00:03:15.900 --> 00:03:18.420
wrist bend my arm bring it across now
00:03:18.420 --> 00:03:21.030
the club is much closer to my Center
00:03:21.030 --> 00:03:23.400
than where it was at the top of the
00:03:23.400 --> 00:03:26.730
swing now most of those movements happen
00:03:26.730 --> 00:03:28.470
because there's weight with this club
00:03:28.470 --> 00:03:31.770
that's attached to my hands and when my
00:03:31.770 --> 00:03:36.600
body starts to shift shift pressure and
00:03:36.600 --> 00:03:39.210
start rotating in the direction of the
00:03:39.210 --> 00:03:41.910
target it creates this lag movement
00:03:41.910 --> 00:03:43.800
because of the weight holding my arms
00:03:43.800 --> 00:03:46.320
back it doesn't mean that my arms are
00:03:46.320 --> 00:03:50.190
pulling away one of the analogies or the
00:03:50.190 --> 00:03:52.380
images that I like to use a lot is a
00:03:52.380 --> 00:03:55.200
javelin thrower you don't want to pull
00:03:55.200 --> 00:03:57.810
the javelin back you want to run away
00:03:57.810 --> 00:03:59.880
from the direct javelin so you want to
00:03:59.880 --> 00:04:01.590
stretch the muscle while it's still
00:04:01.590 --> 00:04:03.810
trying to go in that direction same
00:04:03.810 --> 00:04:05.580
thing applies here during that
00:04:05.580 --> 00:04:10.739
transition my arms are trying to throw
00:04:10.739 --> 00:04:13.920
down towards the club or towards the
00:04:13.920 --> 00:04:16.739
golf ball my arms are trying to apply
00:04:16.739 --> 00:04:18.959
force around my body in the direction of
00:04:18.959 --> 00:04:21.299
the target but they're getting left
00:04:21.299 --> 00:04:23.850
behind me from my body so it creates
00:04:23.850 --> 00:04:25.800
these shortening movements but not
00:04:25.800 --> 00:04:28.550
because I'm actively pulling it away
00:04:28.550 --> 00:04:30.750
sometimes when you're first learning it
00:04:30.750 --> 00:04:33.570
and working through it in drills you'll
00:04:33.570 --> 00:04:36.390
have to actively do it just to get used
00:04:36.390 --> 00:04:38.250
to those positions but then when you
00:04:38.250 --> 00:04:40.560
start adding your body back in it should
00:04:40.560 --> 00:04:45.240
become more of a passive movement his
00:04:45.240 --> 00:04:49.830
second question was what are they in
00:04:49.830 --> 00:04:52.980
act effects of having too much right arm
00:04:52.980 --> 00:04:57.020
too early in the downswing well the
00:04:57.020 --> 00:05:00.930
first let me go on on record or I'm
00:05:00.930 --> 00:05:02.940
already on record but let me restate I
00:05:02.940 --> 00:05:05.730
think that a cast is more of a right arm
00:05:05.730 --> 00:05:07.350
problem than a left arm problem for a
00:05:07.350 --> 00:05:09.180
right-handed golfer and I think that
00:05:09.180 --> 00:05:11.490
it's more of either a straightening of
00:05:11.490 --> 00:05:15.480
the right elbow early or a protraction
00:05:15.480 --> 00:05:17.160
of the right shoulder that one's kind of
00:05:17.160 --> 00:05:20.940
come on my radar in the last year or a
00:05:20.940 --> 00:05:24.180
flexion of the trail row so basically
00:05:24.180 --> 00:05:29.120
anything going that way a Caston is not
00:05:29.120 --> 00:05:33.330
early release or early unhinging you've
00:05:33.330 --> 00:05:35.940
kind of been I want to say fed a lie but
00:05:35.940 --> 00:05:39.840
I've got a handful of 3ds of really long
00:05:39.840 --> 00:05:42.780
hitters who are decreasing the amount of
00:05:42.780 --> 00:05:45.150
ulnar early during transition because
00:05:45.150 --> 00:05:47.640
the wrist is going into flexion but
00:05:47.640 --> 00:05:49.770
they're increasing the look of lag
00:05:49.770 --> 00:05:51.930
because of the trail risk going into
00:05:51.930 --> 00:05:55.590
extension many amateurs start going into
00:05:55.590 --> 00:05:56.790
flexion sorry
00:05:56.790 --> 00:05:59.220
the trailer is going to extension many
00:05:59.220 --> 00:06:02.430
amateurs go into flexion early in
00:06:02.430 --> 00:06:04.080
transition and that becomes a problem
00:06:04.080 --> 00:06:08.060
because going into flexion early during
00:06:08.060 --> 00:06:11.790
transition not only gets the club moving
00:06:11.790 --> 00:06:14.040
away from you and cast the parachute
00:06:14.040 --> 00:06:17.130
that's going to slow you down a bit but
00:06:17.130 --> 00:06:19.440
it also opens the clubface so that
00:06:19.440 --> 00:06:21.930
opening of the clubface requires that
00:06:21.930 --> 00:06:24.510
you do things to close it down later
00:06:24.510 --> 00:06:28.770
such as extend the arm or bring the
00:06:28.770 --> 00:06:31.470
handle back stall your body things that
00:06:31.470 --> 00:06:33.780
usually cause low point to get backward
00:06:33.780 --> 00:06:36.930
in the decrease power so the problem
00:06:36.930 --> 00:06:38.730
with getting too wide too soon is it
00:06:38.730 --> 00:06:40.680
limits your power production and it
00:06:40.680 --> 00:06:42.480
moves the low point backward so it
00:06:42.480 --> 00:06:45.300
limits your compression that can be
00:06:45.300 --> 00:06:47.790
great for a wedge shot or a short game
00:06:47.790 --> 00:06:49.890
shot but not so good when you're trying
00:06:49.890 --> 00:06:52.440
to create a lot of speed let's say a
00:06:52.440 --> 00:06:55.130
5-iron or 3-wood or something like that
00:06:55.130 --> 00:06:59.970
okay Mike asked about the Left tilt of
00:06:59.970 --> 00:07:03.100
the pelvis in the backswing and down
00:07:03.100 --> 00:07:05.140
swinging and asking basically why it's
00:07:05.140 --> 00:07:07.990
not emphasized in my program where other
00:07:07.990 --> 00:07:12.910
programs like like Chung web and the AMG
00:07:12.910 --> 00:07:16.600
guys tend to focus a lot on that left
00:07:16.600 --> 00:07:20.350
tilt of the pelvis what I've seen one 3d
00:07:20.350 --> 00:07:22.440
is that the left tilt of the pelvis
00:07:22.440 --> 00:07:24.970
you'll lose that left tilt of the pelvis
00:07:24.970 --> 00:07:27.160
a lot sooner or I should say a lot
00:07:27.160 --> 00:07:29.950
sooner but sooner than you lose the left
00:07:29.950 --> 00:07:33.340
hill of the thorax which will get us
00:07:33.340 --> 00:07:37.540
into the next question shortly so I feel
00:07:37.540 --> 00:07:40.930
that more of the the look of the left
00:07:40.930 --> 00:07:43.330
pelvis thing low is more from a good
00:07:43.330 --> 00:07:46.090
weight shift but if you actually look at
00:07:46.090 --> 00:07:49.230
the measurements it's typically going
00:07:49.230 --> 00:07:52.660
more towards they end up doing it more
00:07:52.660 --> 00:07:54.520
so with a forward lunge of their upper
00:07:54.520 --> 00:07:56.410
body going towards the target not so
00:07:56.410 --> 00:07:57.880
much with the pelvis I think if you have
00:07:57.880 --> 00:08:00.760
a really solid weight shift and you
00:08:00.760 --> 00:08:02.440
don't look like you stand up in your
00:08:02.440 --> 00:08:04.990
posture you you're gonna have a fine
00:08:04.990 --> 00:08:09.370
amount of left tilt with the pelvis that
00:08:09.370 --> 00:08:11.560
can be really relevant from a power
00:08:11.560 --> 00:08:13.720
creation standpoint but can cause
00:08:13.720 --> 00:08:16.440
problems for golfers who don't have good
00:08:16.440 --> 00:08:18.790
right tilt of the pelvis or the Jackson
00:08:18.790 --> 00:08:21.220
5 movement it can cause some some driver
00:08:21.220 --> 00:08:22.750
angle-of-attack issues if you're over
00:08:22.750 --> 00:08:27.600
emphasizing that that's my experience ok
00:08:27.600 --> 00:08:31.720
deal in embalm he asked about how do I
00:08:31.720 --> 00:08:34.570
work on the Left tilt without feeling
00:08:34.570 --> 00:08:38.469
like a dive or a lunch so the the left
00:08:38.469 --> 00:08:40.090
elephant transition is basically if
00:08:40.090 --> 00:08:41.770
you're looking from the down the line
00:08:41.770 --> 00:08:44.890
camera angle then as your weight is
00:08:44.890 --> 00:08:47.050
shifting this left shoulder and this
00:08:47.050 --> 00:08:48.880
left side of the rib cage is going to
00:08:48.880 --> 00:08:51.610
compress just slightly so one good way
00:08:51.610 --> 00:08:53.440
that I'll have golfers work on that left
00:08:53.440 --> 00:08:55.660
tilt is if you look at where you are it
00:08:55.660 --> 00:08:57.010
set up and you go to the top of the
00:08:57.010 --> 00:09:00.120
swing and you're going to try and get
00:09:00.120 --> 00:09:03.010
slightly lower with your chest than
00:09:03.010 --> 00:09:04.360
where you were at the top of the swing
00:09:04.360 --> 00:09:07.660
in order to do that you're going to
00:09:07.660 --> 00:09:10.900
start by getting that left tail you'll
00:09:10.900 --> 00:09:12.880
see it's a subtle movement right there
00:09:12.880 --> 00:09:15.310
but the net effect is your body is a
00:09:15.310 --> 00:09:15.860
little bit
00:09:15.860 --> 00:09:18.050
as opposed to golfers who tend to get
00:09:18.050 --> 00:09:19.970
taller what they're actually doing is
00:09:19.970 --> 00:09:21.890
before they go into flexion they're
00:09:21.890 --> 00:09:25.250
starting to go into right side Bend so
00:09:25.250 --> 00:09:27.709
it's more of an early extension kind of
00:09:27.709 --> 00:09:34.100
contribution I see a question coming in
00:09:34.100 --> 00:09:37.279
from Bruce Bruce asks for a caster that
00:09:37.279 --> 00:09:40.519
flexes the trail wrist is it okay to try
00:09:40.519 --> 00:09:42.230
to extend the wrist during transition
00:09:42.230 --> 00:09:43.550
now so you girls there's something else
00:09:43.550 --> 00:09:45.019
that needs to happen and order it for
00:09:45.019 --> 00:09:48.350
done naturally no I I definitely have
00:09:48.350 --> 00:09:50.990
golfers who work on feeling that that
00:09:50.990 --> 00:09:53.240
right wrist or trail wrist extends if
00:09:53.240 --> 00:09:55.430
you are if you're a caster and you're
00:09:55.430 --> 00:09:58.490
really limited with that movement you
00:09:58.490 --> 00:10:00.140
can't potentially strengthen the grip so
00:10:00.140 --> 00:10:01.959
it doesn't have to do it quite as much
00:10:01.959 --> 00:10:05.870
but ideally yes getting a little bit
00:10:05.870 --> 00:10:08.690
more of an extension feel really builds
00:10:08.690 --> 00:10:11.390
into some of the extension feels of the
00:10:11.390 --> 00:10:14.060
proper right arm kind of covering the
00:10:14.060 --> 00:10:17.269
ball as opposed to getting the shoulder
00:10:17.269 --> 00:10:19.490
too far behind and going into more of a
00:10:19.490 --> 00:10:21.800
flip pattern so it starts getting into
00:10:21.800 --> 00:10:24.740
that pattern earlier if you feel like it
00:10:24.740 --> 00:10:27.680
extends what can happen the only
00:10:27.680 --> 00:10:29.570
downside is if you feel like you extend
00:10:29.570 --> 00:10:31.610
it too much oftentimes
00:10:31.610 --> 00:10:33.620
that will cause you're like anytime
00:10:33.620 --> 00:10:35.630
you're overdoing the arm motions that'll
00:10:35.630 --> 00:10:37.430
tend to cause your body to want to stall
00:10:37.430 --> 00:10:40.550
and so you can really get into a steep
00:10:40.550 --> 00:10:43.040
angle of attack because you don't have
00:10:43.040 --> 00:10:44.990
enough body rotation to move the hand
00:10:44.990 --> 00:10:47.360
path left through the ball so that's the
00:10:47.360 --> 00:10:49.310
only thing that I would be working on or
00:10:49.310 --> 00:10:52.250
concerned about but absolutely I'm
00:10:52.250 --> 00:10:54.740
feeling a little active extension very
00:10:54.740 --> 00:10:57.100
transition is not a major problem
00:10:57.100 --> 00:11:01.180
ideally it'll happen a little bit more
00:11:01.180 --> 00:11:03.560
passively just like if I was throwing a
00:11:03.560 --> 00:11:05.329
ball the wrist goes into extension
00:11:05.329 --> 00:11:08.180
during transition but for starters
00:11:08.180 --> 00:11:10.430
getting used to that feeling can be a
00:11:10.430 --> 00:11:13.279
good pattern and I clean up a lot of
00:11:13.279 --> 00:11:16.160
transition issues by working on a good
00:11:16.160 --> 00:11:19.850
release because oftentimes if your brain
00:11:19.850 --> 00:11:23.420
has no concept of how to release the
00:11:23.420 --> 00:11:26.510
club or end of movement then starting it
00:11:26.510 --> 00:11:27.020
in the right
00:11:27.020 --> 00:11:28.730
direction doesn't really clean things up
00:11:28.730 --> 00:11:31.310
and more creates kind of a feeling of
00:11:31.310 --> 00:11:33.260
panic or confusion because you're good
00:11:33.260 --> 00:11:34.820
you're gonna struggle figuring out how
00:11:34.820 --> 00:11:38.560
to get down to the golf ball from there
00:11:38.560 --> 00:11:41.710
okay back to a couple of these
00:11:41.710 --> 00:11:46.700
transition questions so Brian was asking
00:11:46.700 --> 00:11:50.000
about what do you do if you have a
00:11:50.000 --> 00:11:52.550
shallow transition but then it gets
00:11:52.550 --> 00:11:54.560
steep after delivery position so shallow
00:11:54.560 --> 00:11:57.610
transition followed by steep release
00:11:57.610 --> 00:12:00.530
basically I've got a video on the site
00:12:00.530 --> 00:12:01.820
where I go through kind of the steep
00:12:01.820 --> 00:12:04.010
shallow timeline which is basically what
00:12:04.010 --> 00:12:06.080
creates steepness or shallowness at
00:12:06.080 --> 00:12:08.210
different parts of the swing so the
00:12:08.210 --> 00:12:11.410
shallowness of the arms in transition
00:12:11.410 --> 00:12:13.460
doesn't guarantee that you're going to
00:12:13.460 --> 00:12:15.590
have a shallow path down into the ball
00:12:15.590 --> 00:12:19.010
because what you could do is as you get
00:12:19.010 --> 00:12:21.500
down towards the bottom here the two
00:12:21.500 --> 00:12:23.660
main causes of getting steep during the
00:12:23.660 --> 00:12:27.110
release would be more of an upper body
00:12:27.110 --> 00:12:28.670
lunge which I'll show in a second and
00:12:28.670 --> 00:12:31.670
the two the second one would be a lack
00:12:31.670 --> 00:12:35.930
of unhinge so if I keep the extension of
00:12:35.930 --> 00:12:38.060
the or the radial deviation if I keep my
00:12:38.060 --> 00:12:40.520
wrist up like this and I rotate around
00:12:40.520 --> 00:12:41.660
more like that
00:12:41.660 --> 00:12:43.730
that will tend to cause a look of
00:12:43.730 --> 00:12:45.650
getting steep and it will tend to cause
00:12:45.650 --> 00:12:49.550
diggy contact and like a closed clubface
00:12:49.550 --> 00:12:51.230
situation in impact so you're gonna tend
00:12:51.230 --> 00:12:54.670
to have more pulls or pulled hooks so
00:12:54.670 --> 00:12:58.790
getting or letting the the owner
00:12:58.790 --> 00:13:01.280
deviation happen down through there
00:13:01.280 --> 00:13:03.620
continues the shallowing movement the
00:13:03.620 --> 00:13:06.050
other one is let's say I'm shallow there
00:13:06.050 --> 00:13:08.990
but then if the upper body gets too much
00:13:08.990 --> 00:13:11.450
on top of the lower body even if I'm
00:13:11.450 --> 00:13:14.270
fine hinging that can cause a look of a
00:13:14.270 --> 00:13:19.570
steep release as well so many golfers
00:13:19.570 --> 00:13:22.730
struggle with steepness down during the
00:13:22.730 --> 00:13:24.200
release which is one of the reasons I'm
00:13:24.200 --> 00:13:27.050
a bigger advocate on getting earlier on
00:13:27.050 --> 00:13:27.710
00:13:27.710 --> 00:13:30.560
in flexion of that lead wrist because
00:13:30.560 --> 00:13:32.360
that tends to set up a position where
00:13:32.360 --> 00:13:34.580
the club is in a shallow position and
00:13:34.580 --> 00:13:36.920
then you can really kind of pour on the
00:13:36.920 --> 00:13:38.529
rotation and steepening movements
00:13:38.529 --> 00:13:45.760
through impact okay two questions from
00:13:45.760 --> 00:13:47.720
just someone who goes by the name of
00:13:47.720 --> 00:13:52.490
ball striker so how how does the he's
00:13:52.490 --> 00:13:53.779
reading the book and I'm talking about
00:13:53.779 --> 00:13:56.149
the steeps and shadows and yes how does
00:13:56.149 --> 00:14:00.170
the arm lift in transition shallow the
00:14:00.170 --> 00:14:02.480
club so the the simple way to think
00:14:02.480 --> 00:14:05.000
about it is there's two major ways to
00:14:05.000 --> 00:14:06.980
look at shallowing the club in my
00:14:06.980 --> 00:14:10.630
opinion the more that the club swings
00:14:10.630 --> 00:14:13.779
horizontally as opposed to vertically
00:14:13.779 --> 00:14:16.070
horizontal is more shallow vertical is
00:14:16.070 --> 00:14:18.740
going to be more steep because the the
00:14:18.740 --> 00:14:21.610
club will be coming basically covering
00:14:21.610 --> 00:14:26.810
more distance horizontally than
00:14:26.810 --> 00:14:29.149
vertically if it's going more shallowly
00:14:29.149 --> 00:14:31.339
we're becoming covering more vertical
00:14:31.339 --> 00:14:33.170
distance than horizontal distance and
00:14:33.170 --> 00:14:36.080
we'll come in steeper the other option
00:14:36.080 --> 00:14:37.970
or the other way to look at it is the
00:14:37.970 --> 00:14:40.640
wider in my radius the wider my swing
00:14:40.640 --> 00:14:42.529
the further the club gets away from me
00:14:42.529 --> 00:14:45.800
the shallow where it's going to be and
00:14:45.800 --> 00:14:49.010
the closer it gets to me the steeper
00:14:49.010 --> 00:14:51.740
it's going to be so if I keep my arms in
00:14:51.740 --> 00:14:53.900
close and work vertically this is
00:14:53.900 --> 00:14:57.620
incredibly steep and if I extend my arms
00:14:57.620 --> 00:15:00.470
and lift them a little bit that will be
00:15:00.470 --> 00:15:04.910
incredibly shallow so the lift of the
00:15:04.910 --> 00:15:08.080
arm helps the club swing more
00:15:08.080 --> 00:15:10.880
horizontally which is the major reason
00:15:10.880 --> 00:15:13.459
why shallowing in transition or the arm
00:15:13.459 --> 00:15:15.800
staying high in transition where lifting
00:15:15.800 --> 00:15:18.470
in transition is a shallower now arm
00:15:18.470 --> 00:15:21.550
lift is defined by its relationship to
00:15:21.550 --> 00:15:25.490
the thorax or the chest so what will
00:15:25.490 --> 00:15:28.190
happen is as this is going down if my
00:15:28.190 --> 00:15:30.410
arm stays at the same height I'm now
00:15:30.410 --> 00:15:33.230
lifting my arm right if I've bent
00:15:33.230 --> 00:15:34.339
backwards like this I'm actually
00:15:34.339 --> 00:15:36.320
lowering my arm you can see the
00:15:36.320 --> 00:15:38.810
difference if I have this a little bit
00:15:38.810 --> 00:15:39.620
more down in my
00:15:39.620 --> 00:15:43.070
be easier if I bend way forward and then
00:15:43.070 --> 00:15:44.839
stood back up you can see that the arm
00:15:44.839 --> 00:15:47.630
lifted compared to my chest if I was
00:15:47.630 --> 00:15:51.140
here and I backbend even more you can
00:15:51.140 --> 00:15:53.990
see that angle narrowing so now if I
00:15:53.990 --> 00:15:56.290
stood back up I've actually lowered it
00:15:56.290 --> 00:16:00.790
so what many golfers do is they actually
00:16:00.790 --> 00:16:03.830
keep the arms up a little bit higher as
00:16:03.830 --> 00:16:06.140
their chest reflexes that's the same
00:16:06.140 --> 00:16:08.510
thing as basically increasing the lift
00:16:08.510 --> 00:16:11.660
of the arm about let's say five degrees
00:16:11.660 --> 00:16:12.260
or so
00:16:12.260 --> 00:16:15.620
well that lift of the arms does a great
00:16:15.620 --> 00:16:17.690
job for both getting the or forgetting
00:16:17.690 --> 00:16:19.250
the swing the club to swing more
00:16:19.250 --> 00:16:22.430
shallowly while my body is rotating and
00:16:22.430 --> 00:16:24.470
flexing because rotating and flexing or
00:16:24.470 --> 00:16:27.140
both Stephan errs so where that
00:16:27.140 --> 00:16:30.140
clarifies how the arm lift is a shallow
00:16:30.140 --> 00:16:32.420
move in transition sometimes it's hard
00:16:32.420 --> 00:16:34.339
to imagine but look at it compared to
00:16:34.339 --> 00:16:36.170
the chest not necessarily compared to
00:16:36.170 --> 00:16:40.580
the ground his other question was he has
00:16:40.580 --> 00:16:43.820
a difficulty visualizing or imagining
00:16:43.820 --> 00:16:46.010
the wipe so I thought I'd take a few
00:16:46.010 --> 00:16:47.810
minutes and kind of break that down I've
00:16:47.810 --> 00:16:49.820
got a number of videos on the white
00:16:49.820 --> 00:16:51.500
because I think it's a really critical
00:16:51.500 --> 00:16:55.940
move for good players to get out of a
00:16:55.940 --> 00:17:00.140
pull or a hook pattern and the wipe is
00:17:00.140 --> 00:17:03.230
basically the the simple way I explain
00:17:03.230 --> 00:17:06.740
the wipe is it's it's moving more around
00:17:06.740 --> 00:17:09.350
my body and going towards the target and
00:17:09.350 --> 00:17:12.650
instead of going straight towards the
00:17:12.650 --> 00:17:15.050
golf ball so if I imagine I had like you
00:17:15.050 --> 00:17:18.559
know let's say XY and Z you if I had one
00:17:18.559 --> 00:17:20.900
axis going straight out from my chest
00:17:20.900 --> 00:17:22.910
like this and I had one exit going
00:17:22.910 --> 00:17:25.579
towards the target I'm working more
00:17:25.579 --> 00:17:28.820
along the that access towards the target
00:17:28.820 --> 00:17:31.309
instead of the axis towards the golf
00:17:31.309 --> 00:17:35.660
ball it's primarily a right arm movement
00:17:35.660 --> 00:17:38.750
what many golfers many amateur golfers
00:17:38.750 --> 00:17:41.780
do is they get this arm more on the side
00:17:41.780 --> 00:17:44.059
of their body instead of out in front
00:17:44.059 --> 00:17:45.650
and then from the side of the body it
00:17:45.650 --> 00:17:48.080
tends to extend more out towards the
00:17:48.080 --> 00:17:49.480
golf ball
00:17:49.480 --> 00:17:52.680
what better players tend to do is
00:17:52.680 --> 00:17:54.180
if it gets to the side of the body then
00:17:54.180 --> 00:17:56.610
down through the ball it's working more
00:17:56.610 --> 00:17:59.760
across their body as the body is
00:17:59.760 --> 00:18:01.710
throwing it out towards the golf ball
00:18:01.710 --> 00:18:03.600
instead of the arm throwing it out
00:18:03.600 --> 00:18:05.730
towards the golf ball one way that you
00:18:05.730 --> 00:18:08.730
can see that is looking at actually two
00:18:08.730 --> 00:18:10.370
ways you can see it one is with the
00:18:10.370 --> 00:18:12.600
relationship of the hands compared to
00:18:12.600 --> 00:18:16.050
the body so right here you can see that
00:18:16.050 --> 00:18:18.060
my hands are well behind my body that's
00:18:18.060 --> 00:18:20.700
a delivery position but then at impact
00:18:20.700 --> 00:18:23.250
my hands will be more out in front of my
00:18:23.250 --> 00:18:25.800
chest as opposed to if they're behind my
00:18:25.800 --> 00:18:27.900
body and then at impact they're still
00:18:27.900 --> 00:18:30.360
behind my body the same amount that
00:18:30.360 --> 00:18:34.500
would be more of a lack of wipe so one
00:18:34.500 --> 00:18:37.320
of the examples that some golfers bring
00:18:37.320 --> 00:18:39.330
up is more of like a Jim Furyk who has
00:18:39.330 --> 00:18:42.000
it way back here but still has a really
00:18:42.000 --> 00:18:45.660
stable release and what you'll see is
00:18:45.660 --> 00:18:49.920
I'm not so it's not so much the position
00:18:49.920 --> 00:18:51.510
that the elbow has to get in front of
00:18:51.510 --> 00:18:53.040
your body it's just more that it's
00:18:53.040 --> 00:18:55.980
working around your body this way
00:18:55.980 --> 00:18:58.650
instead of straight out towards the golf
00:18:58.650 --> 00:19:01.500
ball so Jim Furyk gets the arm behind
00:19:01.500 --> 00:19:04.380
his body but then from about here it's
00:19:04.380 --> 00:19:06.450
working less behind his body less behind
00:19:06.450 --> 00:19:09.230
his body more in front of his body
00:19:09.230 --> 00:19:12.870
instead of way behind his body stay back
00:19:12.870 --> 00:19:14.250
there and extend towards the target
00:19:14.250 --> 00:19:16.530
which were towards the golf ball which
00:19:16.530 --> 00:19:18.450
is more of the pattern that a lot of
00:19:18.450 --> 00:19:20.450
amateur golfers that would do
00:19:20.450 --> 00:19:22.740
demonstrating a lack of the white
00:19:22.740 --> 00:19:26.190
movements so hopefully that helps
00:19:26.190 --> 00:19:28.710
imagine I used the the white movement is
00:19:28.710 --> 00:19:30.480
basically my term for getting the club
00:19:30.480 --> 00:19:32.520
back out in the front of the body and
00:19:32.520 --> 00:19:35.640
it's a sign that you're applying force
00:19:35.640 --> 00:19:38.010
more with your body and less with your
00:19:38.010 --> 00:19:39.660
hands so for those of you falling kind
00:19:39.660 --> 00:19:42.450
of a golf sign it's tough it's more of
00:19:42.450 --> 00:19:45.480
using the moment of force instead of the
00:19:45.480 --> 00:19:49.170
couple as the power source let's say
00:19:49.170 --> 00:19:55.380
right around this zone here okay so I
00:19:55.380 --> 00:19:58.350
wanted to jump to a few questions that
00:19:58.350 --> 00:20:02.110
are unrelated to transition
00:20:02.110 --> 00:20:05.170
from Fred Fred always has good questions
00:20:05.170 --> 00:20:07.450
both on the swing as well as on on
00:20:07.450 --> 00:20:09.210
fitness so I'll go through some of his
00:20:09.210 --> 00:20:13.750
that come in this week one quick
00:20:13.750 --> 00:20:15.400
question he asked was about low point
00:20:15.400 --> 00:20:17.980
practice so low point practice when
00:20:17.980 --> 00:20:19.960
you're working on mats if you're putting
00:20:19.960 --> 00:20:23.230
let's a piece of tape or a lie board or
00:20:23.230 --> 00:20:25.809
a towel about how far should you put it
00:20:25.809 --> 00:20:28.000
behind the golf ball so let's say I've
00:20:28.000 --> 00:20:30.910
got the golf ball on the mat just like
00:20:30.910 --> 00:20:34.750
so I would put the club just behind the
00:20:34.750 --> 00:20:36.520
golf ball like this and you'll see the
00:20:36.520 --> 00:20:38.590
club has some width to it I would
00:20:38.590 --> 00:20:41.200
basically add another half inch to an
00:20:41.200 --> 00:20:43.900
inch and put it back there so it'll be
00:20:43.900 --> 00:20:45.790
slightly different depending on what
00:20:45.790 --> 00:20:50.140
club you're hitting with but the general
00:20:50.140 --> 00:20:52.390
guide would be putting it let's say
00:20:52.390 --> 00:20:55.270
right about where my middle finger is
00:20:55.270 --> 00:20:57.250
there so it would probably end up being
00:20:57.250 --> 00:20:58.600
about an inch and a half two inches
00:20:58.600 --> 00:21:01.090
behind the golf ball depending on the
00:21:01.090 --> 00:21:02.760
00:21:02.760 --> 00:21:07.120
you asked about with putting the foot
00:21:07.120 --> 00:21:11.440
pressure so is it roughly the same or
00:21:11.440 --> 00:21:13.750
because of the tilt do you tend to have
00:21:13.750 --> 00:21:16.480
some shifting I've only seen two
00:21:16.480 --> 00:21:19.179
different putting pressure studies but
00:21:19.179 --> 00:21:21.010
from the guys who have talked to who do
00:21:21.010 --> 00:21:24.220
more of the data collection on putting
00:21:24.220 --> 00:21:27.370
it seems like it stays more a fairly
00:21:27.370 --> 00:21:31.929
constant in the left hind foot so even
00:21:31.929 --> 00:21:33.929
though there's a little bit of body
00:21:33.929 --> 00:21:37.660
movement they're almost countering that
00:21:37.660 --> 00:21:39.520
on a real subtle scale so the pressure
00:21:39.520 --> 00:21:42.669
stays more on that left heel or left
00:21:42.669 --> 00:21:45.940
hind foot you won't see any major weight
00:21:45.940 --> 00:21:51.280
shift when it comes to good putters I'll
00:21:51.280 --> 00:21:53.110
jump back to his fitness question here
00:21:53.110 --> 00:21:57.610
in a second so this is a question about
00:21:57.610 --> 00:22:00.730
the swing refers or his first question
00:22:00.730 --> 00:22:03.250
about the swing is looking at vertical
00:22:03.250 --> 00:22:06.640
head movement so vertical head movement
00:22:06.640 --> 00:22:08.860
basically looking at vertical sway
00:22:08.860 --> 00:22:10.809
during the swing what's the ideal
00:22:10.809 --> 00:22:14.350
pattern and so we I typically look at
00:22:14.350 --> 00:22:14.650
00:22:14.650 --> 00:22:17.590
4x because the head sensor isn't
00:22:17.590 --> 00:22:20.110
digitized at least not in the amm system
00:22:20.110 --> 00:22:23.200
so I go off of where is the chest or the
00:22:23.200 --> 00:22:25.930
center of this spot right here not so
00:22:25.930 --> 00:22:28.120
much the head so I could influence how
00:22:28.120 --> 00:22:30.610
high the head looks or the sensor looks
00:22:30.610 --> 00:22:32.980
based on how much I'm flexing extending
00:22:32.980 --> 00:22:36.610
where this one it takes more of the body
00:22:36.610 --> 00:22:38.470
movement so I feel like this is a better
00:22:38.470 --> 00:22:42.910
indicator as far as the the lift and
00:22:42.910 --> 00:22:46.660
thrust more so than the head so his
00:22:46.660 --> 00:22:48.900
question is about vertical movement
00:22:48.900 --> 00:22:50.830
typically during the backswing it's
00:22:50.830 --> 00:22:53.110
going to go down slightly that's largely
00:22:53.110 --> 00:22:55.420
because of the left shoulder tilt or
00:22:55.420 --> 00:22:56.830
left side Bend towards the top of the
00:22:56.830 --> 00:22:58.570
swing so it's going to go down let's say
00:22:58.570 --> 00:23:01.350
half inch to an inch it's going to
00:23:01.350 --> 00:23:04.780
continue to go down during transition so
00:23:04.780 --> 00:23:06.790
right to about there it'll reach its
00:23:06.790 --> 00:23:09.940
minimum somewhere around two inches or
00:23:09.940 --> 00:23:14.110
so but then coming back up into impact B
00:23:14.110 --> 00:23:17.830
it will end up about the same height so
00:23:17.830 --> 00:23:20.260
I usually say give or give or take or
00:23:20.260 --> 00:23:24.820
plus or minus half inch to an inch so it
00:23:24.820 --> 00:23:27.250
doesn't have a whole lot of vertical
00:23:27.250 --> 00:23:29.230
height change I tend to see a lot more
00:23:29.230 --> 00:23:31.150
with amateurs where it can go you know
00:23:31.150 --> 00:23:33.640
one to two inches up in the backswing or
00:23:33.640 --> 00:23:36.280
dive down and you know three to four
00:23:36.280 --> 00:23:38.050
inches during transition they tend to
00:23:38.050 --> 00:23:43.210
have bigger head movement and they they
00:23:43.210 --> 00:23:46.360
will in general tend to be taller at
00:23:46.360 --> 00:23:50.710
impact rather than a little bit lower
00:23:50.710 --> 00:23:52.990
and what I saw when I was doing my
00:23:52.990 --> 00:23:54.700
research for the world golf fitness on
00:23:54.700 --> 00:23:56.920
it was that the best wedge players
00:23:56.920 --> 00:24:00.280
tended to be about an inch taller at
00:24:00.280 --> 00:24:03.220
impact with most of their full swing
00:24:03.220 --> 00:24:05.830
motions where the best driver is a golf
00:24:05.830 --> 00:24:09.130
ball tended to be a little bit lower so
00:24:09.130 --> 00:24:11.590
lower than where they started so it's
00:24:11.590 --> 00:24:13.330
definitely not a one-size-fit-all
00:24:13.330 --> 00:24:14.980
it's all it depends on the pattern I
00:24:14.980 --> 00:24:18.010
don't like to see a wedge shot where
00:24:18.010 --> 00:24:19.780
you're going down too much and I don't
00:24:19.780 --> 00:24:21.490
like to see a driver swing where you're
00:24:21.490 --> 00:24:25.060
going up too much the finding that the
00:24:25.060 --> 00:24:26.920
the pattern that fits
00:24:26.920 --> 00:24:28.900
those swings takes a little bit more
00:24:28.900 --> 00:24:35.020
trial and error okay his next question
00:24:35.020 --> 00:24:38.560
is super-simple he was asking is his is
00:24:38.560 --> 00:24:40.810
it okay to have your head facing the
00:24:40.810 --> 00:24:42.630
target a little bit or should it be
00:24:42.630 --> 00:24:46.510
looking down at the golf ball at impact
00:24:46.510 --> 00:24:50.320
I definitely again I don't have a whole
00:24:50.320 --> 00:24:52.750
lot of head data but even just looking
00:24:52.750 --> 00:24:55.390
at videos having your head turned and
00:24:55.390 --> 00:24:57.790
looking at more towards the target is
00:24:57.790 --> 00:25:00.370
fine one of the study or one of the
00:25:00.370 --> 00:25:02.890
stories that stand up lady shared this
00:25:02.890 --> 00:25:08.290
week was that he and some of the golfers
00:25:08.290 --> 00:25:10.480
that he's coached have described that
00:25:10.480 --> 00:25:12.550
they have a very wide field of vision
00:25:12.550 --> 00:25:14.440
that they're not really focusing on one
00:25:14.440 --> 00:25:16.810
specific spot it's more of kind of
00:25:16.810 --> 00:25:18.970
seeing everything in the peripheral so I
00:25:18.970 --> 00:25:21.280
don't really care if your head is turned
00:25:21.280 --> 00:25:25.210
because I I think that having your head
00:25:25.210 --> 00:25:27.250
turn helps more with rotation and impact
00:25:27.250 --> 00:25:29.860
alignment then overly focusing on the
00:25:29.860 --> 00:25:31.750
golf ball overly focusing on the golf
00:25:31.750 --> 00:25:35.140
ball can create your body to want to
00:25:35.140 --> 00:25:39.940
lock down through impact so I would say
00:25:39.940 --> 00:25:42.190
that controlling low point it's probably
00:25:42.190 --> 00:25:45.460
easier if you are turning your body and
00:25:45.460 --> 00:25:46.780
if you need to turn your head a little
00:25:46.780 --> 00:25:48.460
bit in order to turn your body I would
00:25:48.460 --> 00:25:50.830
absolutely prefer that than keeping your
00:25:50.830 --> 00:25:53.170
eyes fixed on a certain spot but then
00:25:53.170 --> 00:25:56.430
not turning your body on the way through
00:25:56.430 --> 00:25:59.980
his uh his last swing question was is a
00:25:59.980 --> 00:26:02.830
little bit trickier I've got a video on
00:26:02.830 --> 00:26:06.090
the site where I go through the pressure
00:26:06.090 --> 00:26:08.020
patterns that you'll see through the
00:26:08.020 --> 00:26:09.880
feet but he was basically asking what
00:26:09.880 --> 00:26:11.770
are the ideal vectors during the swing
00:26:11.770 --> 00:26:14.770
from the face on and down the line the
00:26:14.770 --> 00:26:18.190
simple answer is it's the the direction
00:26:18.190 --> 00:26:20.740
that you're pushing against the ground
00:26:20.740 --> 00:26:23.740
is roughly the opposite of the movement
00:26:23.740 --> 00:26:29.230
so if I'm pushing if I'm starting to go
00:26:29.230 --> 00:26:31.990
up I'm gonna be pushing more down if I'm
00:26:31.990 --> 00:26:34.240
twisting to the left it means that my
00:26:34.240 --> 00:26:36.940
foot is twisting more against the ground
00:26:36.940 --> 00:26:39.250
to the right so typically what will
00:26:39.250 --> 00:26:40.140
00:26:40.140 --> 00:26:42.660
is as you get towards the top of the
00:26:42.660 --> 00:26:46.050
backswing the the weight is going to be
00:26:46.050 --> 00:26:49.080
let's say somewhere around here the
00:26:49.080 --> 00:26:50.640
weight or the pressure through that
00:26:50.640 --> 00:26:53.130
right foot is going to be out a way from
00:26:53.130 --> 00:26:56.160
me this way or I'm and the vector would
00:26:56.160 --> 00:26:59.970
be going back up towards the target kind
00:26:59.970 --> 00:27:01.920
of on an angle more like that so I'm
00:27:01.920 --> 00:27:03.870
pushing against the ground as I'm
00:27:03.870 --> 00:27:07.350
rotating like this in order to slow down
00:27:07.350 --> 00:27:10.830
my body going that way and to then start
00:27:10.830 --> 00:27:12.840
my body moving in this opposite
00:27:12.840 --> 00:27:16.050
direction once I get to about this lead
00:27:16.050 --> 00:27:20.010
foot so once I get to the end of
00:27:20.010 --> 00:27:23.250
transition kind of in this zone here the
00:27:23.250 --> 00:27:27.330
the foot vector is now pushing back up
00:27:27.330 --> 00:27:29.700
away so it's angled slightly I'm I'm
00:27:29.700 --> 00:27:32.610
pushing at a slight angle away that way
00:27:32.610 --> 00:27:34.590
and I'm pushing at a slight angle away
00:27:34.590 --> 00:27:36.990
from me if I was to push backwards or
00:27:36.990 --> 00:27:39.260
towards I would kind of if I pushed
00:27:39.260 --> 00:27:41.430
behind me that would push me into the
00:27:41.430 --> 00:27:43.950
golf ball and if I pushed towards or
00:27:43.950 --> 00:27:45.630
away from the target that wouldn't move
00:27:45.630 --> 00:27:48.600
me more and more towards the target so
00:27:48.600 --> 00:27:51.000
that's the the clearest one is basically
00:27:51.000 --> 00:27:53.070
about here I need to be pushing on an
00:27:53.070 --> 00:27:55.380
angle kind of like that so from down the
00:27:55.380 --> 00:27:57.600
line which was this quest this is the
00:27:57.600 --> 00:27:59.700
the real big one is I would be pushing
00:27:59.700 --> 00:28:02.070
on an angle kind of about like that so
00:28:02.070 --> 00:28:04.200
it's not totally vertical it's kind of
00:28:04.200 --> 00:28:07.890
pushing away there that would set me up
00:28:07.890 --> 00:28:10.080
for bringing the force or moving away
00:28:10.080 --> 00:28:13.140
from the club swinging out towards the
00:28:13.140 --> 00:28:15.600
golf ball which will help give me more
00:28:15.600 --> 00:28:18.360
more force and more speed to basically
00:28:18.360 --> 00:28:21.780
pull that handle in towards the body by
00:28:21.780 --> 00:28:25.260
using a good body pivot so I'd say those
00:28:25.260 --> 00:28:27.330
are the big ones now his uh his last
00:28:27.330 --> 00:28:29.520
question was related to fitness and this
00:28:29.520 --> 00:28:32.900
one's a little bit trickier
00:28:32.900 --> 00:28:35.700
he asked about foam rolling and what are
00:28:35.700 --> 00:28:37.890
five to ten spots that I would focus on
00:28:37.890 --> 00:28:47.070
for golfers now my I would say that foam
00:28:47.070 --> 00:28:51.230
rolling can be a okay short-term
00:28:51.230 --> 00:28:52.740
00:28:52.740 --> 00:28:55.290
but it's not my favorite tissue repair I
00:28:55.290 --> 00:28:58.050
tend to prefer myofascial stretching if
00:28:58.050 --> 00:28:59.400
you learn how to do really good
00:28:59.400 --> 00:29:01.559
myofascial stretching it has a much
00:29:01.559 --> 00:29:05.010
longer carryover in my experience so the
00:29:05.010 --> 00:29:07.290
problem I found with foam rolling with
00:29:07.290 --> 00:29:09.420
me and my clients was that they had to
00:29:09.420 --> 00:29:12.090
in order to get the benefit of foam
00:29:12.090 --> 00:29:13.290
rolling like they had to do it
00:29:13.290 --> 00:29:16.140
frequently really consistently where I
00:29:16.140 --> 00:29:18.630
think if you get into a good stretching
00:29:18.630 --> 00:29:19.980
program and you learn how to stretch
00:29:19.980 --> 00:29:22.530
properly after you've done kind of the
00:29:22.530 --> 00:29:24.750
repair phase and you've you've done it a
00:29:24.750 --> 00:29:26.880
little bit more intensely stretching
00:29:26.880 --> 00:29:32.790
once or twice stretching once or twice a
00:29:32.790 --> 00:29:35.760
week tends to do as much as what it felt
00:29:35.760 --> 00:29:38.460
like foam rolling every single day work
00:29:38.460 --> 00:29:44.670
like so what I would say is if you had
00:29:44.670 --> 00:29:47.190
to pick spots I would tend to go the the
00:29:47.190 --> 00:29:49.679
basically the big foam rolling spots I
00:29:49.679 --> 00:29:52.260
would tend to go calves I would tend to
00:29:52.260 --> 00:29:56.550
go quads glutes inner thigh and then
00:29:56.550 --> 00:29:58.559
really big one for golf would be armpit
00:29:58.559 --> 00:30:00.840
so getting Latin the Terry's groups and
00:30:00.840 --> 00:30:03.240
the pecs are basically doing all sides
00:30:03.240 --> 00:30:06.540
of the armpit and even there's a there's
00:30:06.540 --> 00:30:08.400
a common spot where the lat can get
00:30:08.400 --> 00:30:11.460
stuck here and that can really restrict
00:30:11.460 --> 00:30:13.559
your arm height which cause a whole host
00:30:13.559 --> 00:30:14.880
of problems so I would say that would
00:30:14.880 --> 00:30:18.720
probably be one of my favorite from
00:30:18.720 --> 00:30:22.610
rolling places but I think that it's
00:30:22.610 --> 00:30:24.570
again if you know how to stretch
00:30:24.570 --> 00:30:27.090
properly I think it's not as good as
00:30:27.090 --> 00:30:28.470
stretching so if you had to do the
00:30:28.470 --> 00:30:30.720
little time and resource management
00:30:30.720 --> 00:30:33.480
I would probably work more on learning
00:30:33.480 --> 00:30:35.970
how to stretch well and do less foam
00:30:35.970 --> 00:30:39.000
rolling okay now that being said his
00:30:39.000 --> 00:30:41.309
last question was about the lower back
00:30:41.309 --> 00:30:44.280
rotational stretch so basically like the
00:30:44.280 --> 00:30:46.620
back cracking stretch where you lay on
00:30:46.620 --> 00:30:50.970
the ground and kind of roll this side to
00:30:50.970 --> 00:30:55.350
me that's not a really clear like that's
00:30:55.350 --> 00:30:58.350
not stretching one specific muscle what
00:30:58.350 --> 00:30:59.970
when you get that back crack it's
00:30:59.970 --> 00:31:02.580
usually your SI joint that's actually
00:31:02.580 --> 00:31:05.760
getting and released so
00:31:05.760 --> 00:31:10.470
I think that your that back crack
00:31:10.470 --> 00:31:12.240
stretch doesn't do a good job of
00:31:12.240 --> 00:31:15.840
stretching anyone myofascial teen it
00:31:15.840 --> 00:31:21.090
really just it releases the the SI joint
00:31:21.090 --> 00:31:23.610
it's designed to stretch some of your
00:31:23.610 --> 00:31:25.140
lower back muscles but it doesn't I
00:31:25.140 --> 00:31:26.490
don't think it does a very good job boy
00:31:26.490 --> 00:31:28.710
so I'm not a fan of that now that being
00:31:28.710 --> 00:31:31.350
said I think there are some lower back
00:31:31.350 --> 00:31:35.070
rotational stretches that can be really
00:31:35.070 --> 00:31:38.970
effective for helping do some relief for
00:31:38.970 --> 00:31:41.850
back pain but if you are feeling stiff
00:31:41.850 --> 00:31:44.460
in the back then I would typically go
00:31:44.460 --> 00:31:47.520
after stretching your believer so as
00:31:47.520 --> 00:31:51.090
stretching your quads stretching your
00:31:51.090 --> 00:31:52.950
ribcage and making sure that your
00:31:52.950 --> 00:31:55.680
thoracic spine is pretty mobile so
00:31:55.680 --> 00:31:57.570
stretching your diaphragm stretching
00:31:57.570 --> 00:32:00.690
your intercostals making sure that all
00:32:00.690 --> 00:32:02.850
the areas surrounding your lower back
00:32:02.850 --> 00:32:05.550
are nice and flexible that's a much
00:32:05.550 --> 00:32:07.020
bigger that'll have a bigger
00:32:07.020 --> 00:32:08.850
contribution on your lower back
00:32:08.850 --> 00:32:13.350
stiffness rather than that that of
00:32:13.350 --> 00:32:17.010
basically SI joint Mobe stretch because
00:32:17.010 --> 00:32:18.570
the chances are that you're mobilizing
00:32:18.570 --> 00:32:20.070
in the right way or really slim so it's
00:32:20.070 --> 00:32:22.490
gonna provide some really short-term
00:32:22.490 --> 00:32:25.740
pain or tension relief but it won't have
00:32:25.740 --> 00:32:27.660
a big carryover a day to day so I would
00:32:27.660 --> 00:32:30.090
avoid that stretch and hopefully find
00:32:30.090 --> 00:32:36.300
some other good ones so I have to cut
00:32:36.300 --> 00:32:37.830
this one a little bit short because
00:32:37.830 --> 00:32:40.050
we're gonna get ready I'm gonna head out
00:32:40.050 --> 00:32:43.680
and watch The Avengers movie so
00:32:43.680 --> 00:32:46.590
hopefully I've deliberately stayed away
00:32:46.590 --> 00:32:49.830
from looking at any of the spoilers or
00:32:49.830 --> 00:32:51.990
trailers so hopefully it meets my
00:32:51.990 --> 00:32:54.390
expectations but thank you again for
00:32:54.390 --> 00:32:58.500
joining another golf smart Academy live
00:32:58.500 --> 00:33:01.800
Q&A a lot of the questions that lead to
00:33:01.800 --> 00:33:04.590
these Q&A is come from students who are
00:33:04.590 --> 00:33:06.690
reading the stock tour swing or have
00:33:06.690 --> 00:33:09.720
joined my website so I put a lot of
00:33:09.720 --> 00:33:13.340
thought and hopefully present the
00:33:13.340 --> 00:33:15.390
scientific research in a way that's
00:33:15.390 --> 00:33:18.330
digestible but if you if you have any
00:33:18.330 --> 00:33:19.290
questions if you're looking
00:33:19.290 --> 00:33:20.940
that please shoot us an email at support
00:33:20.940 --> 00:33:25.970
at golf smart I will be
00:33:25.970 --> 00:33:28.140
probably doing another one of these in a
00:33:28.140 --> 00:33:31.260
couple of weeks I see a question coming
00:33:31.260 --> 00:33:33.600
in real quick looks pretty easy so I'll
00:33:33.600 --> 00:33:37.740
answer it before I before I head out for
00:33:37.740 --> 00:33:38.870
the movies
00:33:38.870 --> 00:33:42.660
Lawrence law thank you for the
00:33:42.660 --> 00:33:44.250
compliment I'm glad you're enjoying my
00:33:44.250 --> 00:33:45.750
work I will definitely keep it up this
00:33:45.750 --> 00:33:46.530
is fun for me
00:33:46.530 --> 00:33:50.280
Golf junkie asks what is a good drill to
00:33:50.280 --> 00:33:52.860
avoid the right shoulder going down too
00:33:52.860 --> 00:33:55.070
much and coming from the inside too much
00:33:55.070 --> 00:33:57.960
so basically the right shoulder going
00:33:57.960 --> 00:34:00.420
more this way so the whole left crunch
00:34:00.420 --> 00:34:02.670
idea in transition is designed to
00:34:02.670 --> 00:34:05.540
address that particular issue
00:34:05.540 --> 00:34:10.919
so one exaggerated move is basically
00:34:10.919 --> 00:34:17.610
keeping the arms up so I got this camera
00:34:17.610 --> 00:34:21.270
where I got it but I got this as a it's
00:34:21.270 --> 00:34:23.400
basically a counter to that whole
00:34:23.400 --> 00:34:24.810
pattern there so you're gonna put the
00:34:24.810 --> 00:34:26.429
club on your shoulder just like this and
00:34:26.429 --> 00:34:28.980
then you will rotate your upper body and
00:34:28.980 --> 00:34:32.190
then swing your arms down so it kind of
00:34:32.190 --> 00:34:34.530
like breaks the sequencing of using the
00:34:34.530 --> 00:34:36.540
body to bring the arms down instead
00:34:36.540 --> 00:34:38.100
you're gonna use the body and more of a
00:34:38.100 --> 00:34:40.830
rotational pattern then you'll use the
00:34:40.830 --> 00:34:42.720
arms after the body has triggered
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rotation either doing that or working on
00:34:47.910 --> 00:34:50.280
the upper body staying more flexed and
00:34:50.280 --> 00:34:54.300
the pelvis being more back those will
00:34:54.300 --> 00:34:57.180
have a big impact on the club coming too
00:34:57.180 --> 00:35:00.720
much from the inside so again thanks for
00:35:00.720 --> 00:35:03.000
the questions I really do have to get
00:35:03.000 --> 00:35:04.860
out today so if you have any other
00:35:04.860 --> 00:35:07.350
questions please just email them to
00:35:07.350 --> 00:35:09.300
support at Gotham Art Academy calm I
00:35:09.300 --> 00:35:11.520
will get back to you or save them for
00:35:11.520 --> 00:35:14.790
the next live Q&A thanks again for
00:35:14.790 --> 00:35:17.490
asking your questions and joining me on
00:35:17.490 --> 00:35:20.640
this journey to happier golfing have a
00:35:20.640 --> 00:35:23.030
good weekend
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0 questions