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Tyler Ferrell is the only person in the world named to Golf Digest's list of
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Swing Analysis - Adam Scott
Adam Scott has one of the best looking swings of the last 20 years. He consistently ranks highly in ball striking as well as distance and seems to avoid injury better than most of the greats. See what makes his downswing so special, and what might reveal why he tends to struggle with putting with a conventional length putter.
Adam Scott has one of the best looking swings of the last 20 years. He consistently ranks highly in ball striking as well as distance and seems to avoid injury better than most of the greats. See what makes his downswing so special, and what might reveal why he tends to struggle with putting with a conventional length putter.
Show transcript
00:00:00.140 --> 00:00:02.669
in this swing analysis video we're going
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to take a look at Adam Scott now Adam
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Scott has one of the best swings of our
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era as far as a lot of the geometry so
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I'm not just going to sit here and play
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through swing and tell you how perfect
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the club looks there or at the top of
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the swing or etc we're going to get into
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some of the details of some of the key
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movements that makes his swing look the
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way that it does function the way that
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does and potentially gives him a little
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bit of trouble when it gets to putting
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so hopefully you'll enjoy this analysis
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video as we take a look at some of the
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key movements of the transition and down
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swinging for Adam Scott so the two key
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movements that we will look at in
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transition are going to be the arm
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shallowing and the sequencing or how
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he's powering the swing with his total
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body so first let's look at this arm
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shallowing move it's going to be he's
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one of the examples that people use of
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lookey just brings his arms straight
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back down on kind of the same position
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or same plane that he would swing back
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on now what I'll say is okay that's fine
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I'm not saying that the club is making a
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huge major shallowing move I'm saying
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that the arms are because if we take
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this position here in the backswing you
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can see where his chest and where his
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pelvis are facing and you can see that
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the elbow actually let's go a little bit
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further back so we can see you can see
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the elbow there is pointing pretty close
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to straight down towards the ground it's
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got a little bit of internal rotation
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but it's pointing pretty much down
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towards the ground so what will happen
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is from the top of the swing as he
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starts down now his arm is pointing a
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little bit more out but the big thing is
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compared to his body if his arms and
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club are in a relatively same similar
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position to where they were in the
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backswing so right around here then
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if his body has completely changed by
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definition his arms have also changed in
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order to maintain that same space it's
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kind of like if I had you standing up on
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a you know wobbly board and your head
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was staying in the same place but your
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body was moving all
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the place technically your neck is
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moving a lot in order to keep your head
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still even though it looks like your
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head is things so so is if his arms
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don't look like they've changed a whole
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lot but his body looks like it's changed
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a ton he's made some major arm and
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shoulder movements in order to attain
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that look so what we'll see is the elbow
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is now pointing a little bit more down
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even though the body has rotated a
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significant amount in order to make that
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happen the arms will have had to have
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rotated to the right of his body or
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shall out a very good bit you can see it
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a little bit from the face on you as
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well where the elbows pointing kind of
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straight down there and then as we go up
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towards the top of swing in return back
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to that same position now the elbow is
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pointing kind of more out or well out in
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front of the golf ball as opposed to
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pointing straight down at about that
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same position or you know orientation
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compared to the camera so even though it
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doesn't look like he's having this
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shallow move all the all the indicators
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are there and everything is pointing to
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the fact that his arms have shadowed a
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good bit during transition otherwise he
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wouldn't be able to have the body
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rotation that he's going to have during
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the remainder of the downswing without
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getting too steep so now let's take a
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look at one of my favorite topics which
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is how golfers power their swings so
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we're going to take a look at how Adam
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uses his entire body to power the swing
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so I basically want you to look and kind
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of pay attention to these major joints
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so what's happening at the foot ankle
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what's happening at the knee what's
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happening at the hip and then what's
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happening in the mid spine or just below
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the shirt buttons kind of in here so
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what we'll see is as he goes up towards
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the top of the swing you'll see there's
00:04:01.310 --> 00:04:03.290
actually some movement in his foot I'll
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show it in a little better camera angle
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or a little better camera quality view
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but you'll see that there's an overall
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pattern of it looks like everything is
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moving together and yet if you were to
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go frame by frame it looks like the foot
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is moving slightly before the knee the
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knee slightly before the hip and the
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hips slightly before the chest so
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there's this almost duality of try
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to have clear sequencing of the lower
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body before the arms and clawed them
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before the upper body but then there's
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also this fascial connection you want to
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make sure that all the all the links
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between the bodies are not getting to
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disconnect it it's a it's a key source
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for transferring power all the way to
00:04:46.639 --> 00:04:50.540
the arms in club and a lot of golfers
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even very good golfers don't have nearly
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the look of the the connection between
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the different segments that Adam is
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demonstrating here now from the face on
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view you'll again see that total body
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movement and you'll see a pretty quick
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weight shift where he gets his hip over
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on to on top of that lead foot by about
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the time the lead arm is parallel and
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then you can really go into that bracing
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strategy as he goes into the release for
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for the arm and hand purposes he's got
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just classic release stuff so if you
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were to copy one position this position
00:05:27.320 --> 00:05:30.410
that he gets into I refer to as
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follow-through position indicates a lot
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of really good mechanics so he's got his
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his pelvic tilt going on where his
00:05:37.280 --> 00:05:39.680
glutes are squeezing his hip is in
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extension you can see how he's got this
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really smooth curve going from his spine
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all the way down to his foot he's got a
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great arm extension he's got full
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unhinging of the wrist so the club has
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not passed his hands he's it's just very
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mechanically for what we want to do with
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the driver and if you're able to
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accomplish even a tenth of this you're
00:06:02.389 --> 00:06:03.320
probably going to be a pretty good
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driver the golf ball from the
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down-the-line view you can see that he
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hasn't really come out of the spine
00:06:09.260 --> 00:06:12.349
angle he's continued to to side Bend as
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his arms are extending away there's just
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lots of really good pieces here that you
00:06:16.849 --> 00:06:20.599
would want to try to emulate so now I
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want to talk about two things one one
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that goes on with his feet so we can see
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that timing of how quickly he gets into
00:06:28.520 --> 00:06:30.590
his lead foot and then we're going to
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talk a little bit about a shoulder
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girdle so this is a really good quality
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clip here and I think that it helps you
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really visualize and see
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it's going on the timing of when a lot
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of these pressures and things tend to
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happen so you'll see from the face on
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view that it looks like he gets onto his
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left side pretty quickly so by the time
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that left arms parallel to the ground so
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I want you to see a neat little timing
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thing which is once he gets to right
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about there you'll see that foot shift
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back away from the line just slightly
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that foot would not be able to shift
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away from the line if he was still
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actively pushing through the ground so
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he's he's kind of pushed through the
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ground done does his Jackson v or weight
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shift move but it's done by the time he
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gets to about here and then as he goes
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to rotate ya or transfer and start the
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bracing with that lead leg you'll tend
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to see that that trail foot is almost
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free-floating and shifts back just
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slightly so I know a lot of golfers try
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to really push through the the inside
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part of that foot all the way down into
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the in the impact just want you see how
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quickly that weight shift move should
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happen if you're then kind of using more
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of your total body to swing the club as
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opposed to just using your arms if you
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tend to use your arms as the power
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source what you'll tend to see is you're
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going to shift to the bat lead foot a
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little bit slower and use your lower
00:08:08.460 --> 00:08:10.170
body more as positioning instead of
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speed one of the ways you can tell that
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he's using his total body to create
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power is if we get it to this position
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you can see that the club shaft is
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roughly parallel to the target line is
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so is his chest so essentially the same
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thing as if he was standing up and he
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had the club parallel to his chest not
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perpendicular like if you take your
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normal address position right there the
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club is perpendicular to his chest but
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then at this point the club is still
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parallel or even behind his chest and
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he'll maintain that relationship pretty
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much as long as he can and you'll see
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that right around here as he approaches
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impact it's still pretty close to that
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parallel to his chest so the club is
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well behind him the only way the club
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would stay
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well behind him for that long is it if
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he's powering it more with the body
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rotation inside Bend and not with the
00:09:01.110 --> 00:09:04.050
extension of the arms or chopping of the
00:09:04.050 --> 00:09:07.920
arms so then the last little piece would
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be to notice an area where we could
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potentially get some improvement because
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I believe there there's always something
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you can do to improve your swing if
00:09:17.459 --> 00:09:19.259
you're happy with it that's great go for
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it but some of these guys who are best
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in the world are constant to constantly
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tinkering on their swings i'm scott's
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not one of them so I think that and from
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a swing standpoint there's not a whole
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lot that I would change I'm going to
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show you an area where if we focus on
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what's going on up in this region we get
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an idea that there may be some some
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dysfunctional pattern there that could
00:09:44.459 --> 00:09:46.679
be impacting a short game especially his
00:09:46.679 --> 00:09:50.129
putting so what you'll normally see is
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down through this hitting area you would
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normally see a pretty pronounced
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movement of the shoulder girdle or the
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shoulder blade Adam doesn't really do
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that it's almost like his shoulder
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blades are fixed in in position on his
00:10:03.899 --> 00:10:06.869
ribcage so as a result what you'll tend
00:10:06.869 --> 00:10:08.339
to see is you'll see a little bit more
00:10:08.339 --> 00:10:13.709
of a compensation through his neck which
00:10:13.709 --> 00:10:16.439
allows that shoulder to bite by
00:10:16.439 --> 00:10:17.759
compensating with his neck kind of
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tucking his chin and turning his head
00:10:19.259 --> 00:10:21.269
more to the right that's going to that's
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going to mimic the movement of having
00:10:23.459 --> 00:10:25.589
the shoulder working a little bit more
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around you'll see the to the right part
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a little bit more from the face on so
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right about now as the arms want to
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extend he's he's bringing his head
00:10:36.089 --> 00:10:38.639
towards his shoulders as he's bringing
00:10:38.639 --> 00:10:41.639
his neck forward so he's using this
00:10:41.639 --> 00:10:43.499
muscle called the sternocleidomastoid to
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really create some tension on the top of
00:10:45.749 --> 00:10:46.980
the shoulder girdle which will make the
00:10:46.980 --> 00:10:50.389
arm stronger when it then goes to extend
00:10:50.389 --> 00:10:53.429
but the big thing you'll see is as he
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goes through there's not a ton of
00:10:55.319 --> 00:10:57.509
shoulder blade movement and I like this
00:10:57.509 --> 00:10:59.249
camera angle because it's so clear and
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you can see because Adam has pretty
00:11:02.970 --> 00:11:05.189
pronounced back you can see a lot of the
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lines that make up some of the muscles
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around the shoulder blades you can see
00:11:09.790 --> 00:11:12.520
that there is some movement but not a
00:11:12.520 --> 00:11:16.060
whole lot the white shirts are usually
00:11:16.060 --> 00:11:18.790
the easiest to see this so here's an
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example of Brent Snedeker and you can
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see through the ball just kind of the
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edge of his scapula and then through the
00:11:30.400 --> 00:11:34.300
ball you'll kind of see the shoulder
00:11:34.300 --> 00:11:38.140
blade working a little bit more around
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kind of like so again this isn't going
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to be a problem for the full swing
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inspect what he's doing there is going
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to provide a loss of safety and
00:11:45.520 --> 00:11:46.960
stability but it looks like it's a
00:11:46.960 --> 00:11:49.000
little bit locked up the place where
00:11:49.000 --> 00:11:50.590
that would show up would be more of
00:11:50.590 --> 00:11:53.410
cutting because you have as guys like
00:11:53.410 --> 00:11:56.500
Stan Utley have demonstrated when your
00:11:56.500 --> 00:11:59.200
shoulder blades have free mobility it
00:11:59.200 --> 00:12:01.210
makes it a little bit easier to control
00:12:01.210 --> 00:12:03.130
the path and the movement with more the
00:12:03.130 --> 00:12:05.140
elbows and shoulders and a lot less with
00:12:05.140 --> 00:12:09.190
the hands and wrists so I had a little
00:12:09.190 --> 00:12:11.830
trouble finding a good face on camera of
00:12:11.830 --> 00:12:15.430
his short putter putting stroke but
00:12:15.430 --> 00:12:18.610
you'll see that there's a little bit
00:12:18.610 --> 00:12:23.230
more of an arm and hand release as the
00:12:23.230 --> 00:12:24.670
movement appears to be happening a
00:12:24.670 --> 00:12:27.070
little bit more below the elbows and in
00:12:27.070 --> 00:12:29.800
the spine not a ton here in the shoulder
00:12:29.800 --> 00:12:32.860
girdle this actually fits a little bit
00:12:32.860 --> 00:12:35.650
better with his long putter style
00:12:35.650 --> 00:12:37.750
because this can pretty much lock the
00:12:37.750 --> 00:12:40.660
scapula in place and then it's really
00:12:40.660 --> 00:12:42.760
easy to control the face but just by
00:12:42.760 --> 00:12:44.860
having more of the movement at the rib
00:12:44.860 --> 00:12:47.260
cage and the grip position pretty much
00:12:47.260 --> 00:12:49.720
takes the wrists out so he's effectively
00:12:49.720 --> 00:12:51.640
locked this all into one lever and then
00:12:51.640 --> 00:12:53.589
controls it a lot with his body he's
00:12:53.589 --> 00:12:54.850
already shown with his full swing that
00:12:54.850 --> 00:12:55.750
he's really good at controlling
00:12:55.750 --> 00:12:59.050
precision and the location of where this
00:12:59.050 --> 00:13:01.630
club is swinging by using his body so
00:13:01.630 --> 00:13:03.490
this makes a lot of sense for him it'll
00:13:03.490 --> 00:13:05.620
be interesting to see how he holds up to
00:13:05.620 --> 00:13:08.470
transition transitioning to the short
00:13:08.470 --> 00:13:10.480
stroke for this upcoming year where the
00:13:10.480 --> 00:13:12.940
long putter is going to be banned so if
00:13:12.940 --> 00:13:14.650
you like the way we break this down head
00:13:14.650 --> 00:13:16.240
on over to golf smart academy and check
00:13:16.240 --> 00:13:18.190
out our membership program learn all the
00:13:18.190 --> 00:13:19.930
drills that help you build a solid
00:13:19.930 --> 00:13:21.070
00:13:21.070 --> 00:13:23.140
release and some of the key concepts
00:13:23.140 --> 00:13:26.250
that we discussed here in this video
00:00:00.140 --> 00:00:02.669
in this swing analysis video we're going
00:00:02.669 --> 00:00:05.130
to take a look at Adam Scott now Adam
00:00:05.130 --> 00:00:07.950
Scott has one of the best swings of our
00:00:07.950 --> 00:00:10.830
era as far as a lot of the geometry so
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I'm not just going to sit here and play
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through swing and tell you how perfect
00:00:14.460 --> 00:00:16.619
the club looks there or at the top of
00:00:16.619 --> 00:00:18.630
the swing or etc we're going to get into
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some of the details of some of the key
00:00:20.039 --> 00:00:22.590
movements that makes his swing look the
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way that it does function the way that
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does and potentially gives him a little
00:00:26.400 --> 00:00:28.310
bit of trouble when it gets to putting
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so hopefully you'll enjoy this analysis
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video as we take a look at some of the
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key movements of the transition and down
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swinging for Adam Scott so the two key
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movements that we will look at in
00:00:39.870 --> 00:00:41.670
transition are going to be the arm
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shallowing and the sequencing or how
00:00:43.590 --> 00:00:45.300
he's powering the swing with his total
00:00:45.300 --> 00:00:47.910
body so first let's look at this arm
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shallowing move it's going to be he's
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one of the examples that people use of
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lookey just brings his arms straight
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back down on kind of the same position
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or same plane that he would swing back
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on now what I'll say is okay that's fine
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I'm not saying that the club is making a
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huge major shallowing move I'm saying
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that the arms are because if we take
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this position here in the backswing you
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can see where his chest and where his
00:01:17.159 --> 00:01:19.049
pelvis are facing and you can see that
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the elbow actually let's go a little bit
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further back so we can see you can see
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the elbow there is pointing pretty close
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to straight down towards the ground it's
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got a little bit of internal rotation
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but it's pointing pretty much down
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towards the ground so what will happen
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is from the top of the swing as he
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starts down now his arm is pointing a
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little bit more out but the big thing is
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compared to his body if his arms and
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club are in a relatively same similar
00:01:50.130 --> 00:01:52.950
position to where they were in the
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backswing so right around here then
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if his body has completely changed by
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definition his arms have also changed in
00:02:01.350 --> 00:02:04.619
order to maintain that same space it's
00:02:04.619 --> 00:02:07.079
kind of like if I had you standing up on
00:02:07.079 --> 00:02:09.959
a you know wobbly board and your head
00:02:09.959 --> 00:02:12.120
was staying in the same place but your
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body was moving all
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the place technically your neck is
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moving a lot in order to keep your head
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still even though it looks like your
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head is things so so is if his arms
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don't look like they've changed a whole
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lot but his body looks like it's changed
00:02:23.870 --> 00:02:26.030
a ton he's made some major arm and
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shoulder movements in order to attain
00:02:27.500 --> 00:02:32.599
that look so what we'll see is the elbow
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is now pointing a little bit more down
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even though the body has rotated a
00:02:36.230 --> 00:02:38.599
significant amount in order to make that
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happen the arms will have had to have
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rotated to the right of his body or
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shall out a very good bit you can see it
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a little bit from the face on you as
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well where the elbows pointing kind of
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straight down there and then as we go up
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towards the top of swing in return back
00:02:54.920 --> 00:02:56.900
to that same position now the elbow is
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pointing kind of more out or well out in
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front of the golf ball as opposed to
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pointing straight down at about that
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same position or you know orientation
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compared to the camera so even though it
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doesn't look like he's having this
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shallow move all the all the indicators
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are there and everything is pointing to
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the fact that his arms have shadowed a
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good bit during transition otherwise he
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wouldn't be able to have the body
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rotation that he's going to have during
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the remainder of the downswing without
00:03:29.120 --> 00:03:31.489
getting too steep so now let's take a
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look at one of my favorite topics which
00:03:33.440 --> 00:03:35.930
is how golfers power their swings so
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we're going to take a look at how Adam
00:03:38.599 --> 00:03:41.239
uses his entire body to power the swing
00:03:41.239 --> 00:03:43.669
so I basically want you to look and kind
00:03:43.669 --> 00:03:46.879
of pay attention to these major joints
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so what's happening at the foot ankle
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what's happening at the knee what's
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happening at the hip and then what's
00:03:51.799 --> 00:03:54.260
happening in the mid spine or just below
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the shirt buttons kind of in here so
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what we'll see is as he goes up towards
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the top of the swing you'll see there's
00:04:01.310 --> 00:04:03.290
actually some movement in his foot I'll
00:04:03.290 --> 00:04:05.299
show it in a little better camera angle
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or a little better camera quality view
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but you'll see that there's an overall
00:04:10.250 --> 00:04:13.250
pattern of it looks like everything is
00:04:13.250 --> 00:04:15.139
moving together and yet if you were to
00:04:15.139 --> 00:04:18.019
go frame by frame it looks like the foot
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is moving slightly before the knee the
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knee slightly before the hip and the
00:04:21.260 --> 00:04:23.419
hips slightly before the chest so
00:04:23.419 --> 00:04:26.840
there's this almost duality of try
00:04:26.840 --> 00:04:29.570
to have clear sequencing of the lower
00:04:29.570 --> 00:04:32.000
body before the arms and clawed them
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before the upper body but then there's
00:04:33.800 --> 00:04:36.620
also this fascial connection you want to
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make sure that all the all the links
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between the bodies are not getting to
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disconnect it it's a it's a key source
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for transferring power all the way to
00:04:46.639 --> 00:04:50.540
the arms in club and a lot of golfers
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even very good golfers don't have nearly
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the look of the the connection between
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the different segments that Adam is
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demonstrating here now from the face on
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view you'll again see that total body
00:05:03.340 --> 00:05:06.919
movement and you'll see a pretty quick
00:05:06.919 --> 00:05:10.040
weight shift where he gets his hip over
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on to on top of that lead foot by about
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the time the lead arm is parallel and
00:05:14.419 --> 00:05:16.130
then you can really go into that bracing
00:05:16.130 --> 00:05:19.850
strategy as he goes into the release for
00:05:19.850 --> 00:05:21.710
for the arm and hand purposes he's got
00:05:21.710 --> 00:05:24.590
just classic release stuff so if you
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were to copy one position this position
00:05:27.320 --> 00:05:30.410
that he gets into I refer to as
00:05:30.410 --> 00:05:33.139
follow-through position indicates a lot
00:05:33.139 --> 00:05:35.180
of really good mechanics so he's got his
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his pelvic tilt going on where his
00:05:37.280 --> 00:05:39.680
glutes are squeezing his hip is in
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extension you can see how he's got this
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really smooth curve going from his spine
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all the way down to his foot he's got a
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great arm extension he's got full
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unhinging of the wrist so the club has
00:05:52.310 --> 00:05:55.820
not passed his hands he's it's just very
00:05:55.820 --> 00:05:56.479
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mechanically for what we want to do with
00:05:58.160 --> 00:06:00.740
the driver and if you're able to
00:06:00.740 --> 00:06:02.389
accomplish even a tenth of this you're
00:06:02.389 --> 00:06:03.320
probably going to be a pretty good
00:06:03.320 --> 00:06:05.060
driver the golf ball from the
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down-the-line view you can see that he
00:06:07.160 --> 00:06:09.260
hasn't really come out of the spine
00:06:09.260 --> 00:06:12.349
angle he's continued to to side Bend as
00:06:12.349 --> 00:06:14.900
his arms are extending away there's just
00:06:14.900 --> 00:06:16.849
lots of really good pieces here that you
00:06:16.849 --> 00:06:20.599
would want to try to emulate so now I
00:06:20.599 --> 00:06:24.320
want to talk about two things one one
00:06:24.320 --> 00:06:26.450
that goes on with his feet so we can see
00:06:26.450 --> 00:06:28.520
that timing of how quickly he gets into
00:06:28.520 --> 00:06:30.590
his lead foot and then we're going to
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talk a little bit about a shoulder
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girdle so this is a really good quality
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clip here and I think that it helps you
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really visualize and see
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it's going on the timing of when a lot
00:06:43.320 --> 00:06:45.720
of these pressures and things tend to
00:06:45.720 --> 00:06:48.810
happen so you'll see from the face on
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view that it looks like he gets onto his
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left side pretty quickly so by the time
00:06:54.210 --> 00:06:56.340
that left arms parallel to the ground so
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I want you to see a neat little timing
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thing which is once he gets to right
00:07:03.600 --> 00:07:06.630
about there you'll see that foot shift
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back away from the line just slightly
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that foot would not be able to shift
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away from the line if he was still
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actively pushing through the ground so
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he's he's kind of pushed through the
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ground done does his Jackson v or weight
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shift move but it's done by the time he
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gets to about here and then as he goes
00:07:28.200 --> 00:07:31.740
to rotate ya or transfer and start the
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bracing with that lead leg you'll tend
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to see that that trail foot is almost
00:07:36.510 --> 00:07:39.000
free-floating and shifts back just
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slightly so I know a lot of golfers try
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to really push through the the inside
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part of that foot all the way down into
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the in the impact just want you see how
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quickly that weight shift move should
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happen if you're then kind of using more
00:07:55.980 --> 00:07:57.840
of your total body to swing the club as
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opposed to just using your arms if you
00:08:00.120 --> 00:08:01.950
tend to use your arms as the power
00:08:01.950 --> 00:08:03.510
source what you'll tend to see is you're
00:08:03.510 --> 00:08:06.390
going to shift to the bat lead foot a
00:08:06.390 --> 00:08:08.460
little bit slower and use your lower
00:08:08.460 --> 00:08:10.170
body more as positioning instead of
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speed one of the ways you can tell that
00:08:12.630 --> 00:08:16.530
he's using his total body to create
00:08:16.530 --> 00:08:17.970
power is if we get it to this position
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you can see that the club shaft is
00:08:20.550 --> 00:08:22.050
roughly parallel to the target line is
00:08:22.050 --> 00:08:24.840
so is his chest so essentially the same
00:08:24.840 --> 00:08:26.820
thing as if he was standing up and he
00:08:26.820 --> 00:08:29.190
had the club parallel to his chest not
00:08:29.190 --> 00:08:30.930
perpendicular like if you take your
00:08:30.930 --> 00:08:33.900
normal address position right there the
00:08:33.900 --> 00:08:36.600
club is perpendicular to his chest but
00:08:36.600 --> 00:08:38.220
then at this point the club is still
00:08:38.220 --> 00:08:40.710
parallel or even behind his chest and
00:08:40.710 --> 00:08:42.660
he'll maintain that relationship pretty
00:08:42.660 --> 00:08:45.390
much as long as he can and you'll see
00:08:45.390 --> 00:08:47.340
that right around here as he approaches
00:08:47.340 --> 00:08:49.920
impact it's still pretty close to that
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parallel to his chest so the club is
00:08:51.750 --> 00:08:53.730
well behind him the only way the club
00:08:53.730 --> 00:08:54.209
would stay
00:08:54.209 --> 00:08:56.160
well behind him for that long is it if
00:08:56.160 --> 00:08:58.410
he's powering it more with the body
00:08:58.410 --> 00:09:01.110
rotation inside Bend and not with the
00:09:01.110 --> 00:09:04.050
extension of the arms or chopping of the
00:09:04.050 --> 00:09:07.920
arms so then the last little piece would
00:09:07.920 --> 00:09:10.829
be to notice an area where we could
00:09:10.829 --> 00:09:13.290
potentially get some improvement because
00:09:13.290 --> 00:09:15.839
I believe there there's always something
00:09:15.839 --> 00:09:17.459
you can do to improve your swing if
00:09:17.459 --> 00:09:19.259
you're happy with it that's great go for
00:09:19.259 --> 00:09:20.970
it but some of these guys who are best
00:09:20.970 --> 00:09:23.249
in the world are constant to constantly
00:09:23.249 --> 00:09:25.290
tinkering on their swings i'm scott's
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not one of them so I think that and from
00:09:28.139 --> 00:09:29.670
a swing standpoint there's not a whole
00:09:29.670 --> 00:09:32.399
lot that I would change I'm going to
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show you an area where if we focus on
00:09:35.610 --> 00:09:39.240
what's going on up in this region we get
00:09:39.240 --> 00:09:42.059
an idea that there may be some some
00:09:42.059 --> 00:09:44.459
dysfunctional pattern there that could
00:09:44.459 --> 00:09:46.679
be impacting a short game especially his
00:09:46.679 --> 00:09:50.129
putting so what you'll normally see is
00:09:50.129 --> 00:09:52.019
down through this hitting area you would
00:09:52.019 --> 00:09:53.610
normally see a pretty pronounced
00:09:53.610 --> 00:09:55.559
movement of the shoulder girdle or the
00:09:55.559 --> 00:09:58.529
shoulder blade Adam doesn't really do
00:09:58.529 --> 00:09:59.819
that it's almost like his shoulder
00:09:59.819 --> 00:10:03.899
blades are fixed in in position on his
00:10:03.899 --> 00:10:06.869
ribcage so as a result what you'll tend
00:10:06.869 --> 00:10:08.339
to see is you'll see a little bit more
00:10:08.339 --> 00:10:13.709
of a compensation through his neck which
00:10:13.709 --> 00:10:16.439
allows that shoulder to bite by
00:10:16.439 --> 00:10:17.759
compensating with his neck kind of
00:10:17.759 --> 00:10:19.259
tucking his chin and turning his head
00:10:19.259 --> 00:10:21.269
more to the right that's going to that's
00:10:21.269 --> 00:10:23.459
going to mimic the movement of having
00:10:23.459 --> 00:10:25.589
the shoulder working a little bit more
00:10:25.589 --> 00:10:29.220
around you'll see the to the right part
00:10:29.220 --> 00:10:30.899
a little bit more from the face on so
00:10:30.899 --> 00:10:33.449
right about now as the arms want to
00:10:33.449 --> 00:10:36.089
extend he's he's bringing his head
00:10:36.089 --> 00:10:38.639
towards his shoulders as he's bringing
00:10:38.639 --> 00:10:41.639
his neck forward so he's using this
00:10:41.639 --> 00:10:43.499
muscle called the sternocleidomastoid to
00:10:43.499 --> 00:10:45.749
really create some tension on the top of
00:10:45.749 --> 00:10:46.980
the shoulder girdle which will make the
00:10:46.980 --> 00:10:50.389
arm stronger when it then goes to extend
00:10:50.389 --> 00:10:53.429
but the big thing you'll see is as he
00:10:53.429 --> 00:10:55.319
goes through there's not a ton of
00:10:55.319 --> 00:10:57.509
shoulder blade movement and I like this
00:10:57.509 --> 00:10:59.249
camera angle because it's so clear and
00:10:59.249 --> 00:11:02.970
you can see because Adam has pretty
00:11:02.970 --> 00:11:05.189
pronounced back you can see a lot of the
00:11:05.189 --> 00:11:07.780
lines that make up some of the muscles
00:11:07.780 --> 00:11:09.790
around the shoulder blades you can see
00:11:09.790 --> 00:11:12.520
that there is some movement but not a
00:11:12.520 --> 00:11:16.060
whole lot the white shirts are usually
00:11:16.060 --> 00:11:18.790
the easiest to see this so here's an
00:11:18.790 --> 00:11:22.960
example of Brent Snedeker and you can
00:11:22.960 --> 00:11:25.420
see through the ball just kind of the
00:11:25.420 --> 00:11:30.400
edge of his scapula and then through the
00:11:30.400 --> 00:11:34.300
ball you'll kind of see the shoulder
00:11:34.300 --> 00:11:38.140
blade working a little bit more around
00:11:38.140 --> 00:11:40.690
kind of like so again this isn't going
00:11:40.690 --> 00:11:41.860
to be a problem for the full swing
00:11:41.860 --> 00:11:43.420
inspect what he's doing there is going
00:11:43.420 --> 00:11:45.520
to provide a loss of safety and
00:11:45.520 --> 00:11:46.960
stability but it looks like it's a
00:11:46.960 --> 00:11:49.000
little bit locked up the place where
00:11:49.000 --> 00:11:50.590
that would show up would be more of
00:11:50.590 --> 00:11:53.410
cutting because you have as guys like
00:11:53.410 --> 00:11:56.500
Stan Utley have demonstrated when your
00:11:56.500 --> 00:11:59.200
shoulder blades have free mobility it
00:11:59.200 --> 00:12:01.210
makes it a little bit easier to control
00:12:01.210 --> 00:12:03.130
the path and the movement with more the
00:12:03.130 --> 00:12:05.140
elbows and shoulders and a lot less with
00:12:05.140 --> 00:12:09.190
the hands and wrists so I had a little
00:12:09.190 --> 00:12:11.830
trouble finding a good face on camera of
00:12:11.830 --> 00:12:15.430
his short putter putting stroke but
00:12:15.430 --> 00:12:18.610
you'll see that there's a little bit
00:12:18.610 --> 00:12:23.230
more of an arm and hand release as the
00:12:23.230 --> 00:12:24.670
movement appears to be happening a
00:12:24.670 --> 00:12:27.070
little bit more below the elbows and in
00:12:27.070 --> 00:12:29.800
the spine not a ton here in the shoulder
00:12:29.800 --> 00:12:32.860
girdle this actually fits a little bit
00:12:32.860 --> 00:12:35.650
better with his long putter style
00:12:35.650 --> 00:12:37.750
because this can pretty much lock the
00:12:37.750 --> 00:12:40.660
scapula in place and then it's really
00:12:40.660 --> 00:12:42.760
easy to control the face but just by
00:12:42.760 --> 00:12:44.860
having more of the movement at the rib
00:12:44.860 --> 00:12:47.260
cage and the grip position pretty much
00:12:47.260 --> 00:12:49.720
takes the wrists out so he's effectively
00:12:49.720 --> 00:12:51.640
locked this all into one lever and then
00:12:51.640 --> 00:12:53.589
controls it a lot with his body he's
00:12:53.589 --> 00:12:54.850
already shown with his full swing that
00:12:54.850 --> 00:12:55.750
he's really good at controlling
00:12:55.750 --> 00:12:59.050
precision and the location of where this
00:12:59.050 --> 00:13:01.630
club is swinging by using his body so
00:13:01.630 --> 00:13:03.490
this makes a lot of sense for him it'll
00:13:03.490 --> 00:13:05.620
be interesting to see how he holds up to
00:13:05.620 --> 00:13:08.470
transition transitioning to the short
00:13:08.470 --> 00:13:10.480
stroke for this upcoming year where the
00:13:10.480 --> 00:13:12.940
long putter is going to be banned so if
00:13:12.940 --> 00:13:14.650
you like the way we break this down head
00:13:14.650 --> 00:13:16.240
on over to golf smart academy and check
00:13:16.240 --> 00:13:18.190
out our membership program learn all the
00:13:18.190 --> 00:13:19.930
drills that help you build a solid
00:13:19.930 --> 00:13:21.070
00:13:21.070 --> 00:13:23.140
release and some of the key concepts
00:13:23.140 --> 00:13:26.250
that we discussed here in this video