Fix Your Chicken Wing (Bent Arm @ Impact)
54 videos . Updated 4 years, 9 months ago
Shallow The Release - Unhinge Then Supinate
A breakdown the sequence of the proper wrist movements during the release
If you struggle with iron consistency, low point is involved
Using the lead hand to help train your release is a good way to clean up a few issues.
Use shaft rotation as a key component to building your stock swing.
Grip Throws - A Simple Feeling Of The Wipe
The timing and direction of the arms is revealed in this drill
L to I - Three Quarter Swing Release Training
Why "L to L" swinging can potentially mess you up and what you should do instead.
Unhinge To Solve The Flip Roll
Do you complain of the flip roll and think less forearm rotation will fix it.
Connecting Arm Shallowing To Supination
Arm shallowing is a widely accepted best practice, but the reason is not always clearly explained.
Many golfers struggle with closing the clubface, this drill helps break through that barrier.
In this analysis video, we look at the different ways to have a bent arm at impact
Bent Lead Arm At Impact - Jordan Spieth
Not all bent arms are created equally, see what makes them different in this video.
Lead Arm Throw Away - Ulnar Release Training
Learning to fully release can be a big power source, as well as controlling width
Learn how the arm movements change the club face orientation
Understanding The Chicken Wing
The chicken wing is an often misunderstood swing fault. Learn what really causes it in this video.
Swing Analysis - Jordan Spieth
What can you learn about your own game from this tour pro's swing?
Lead Arm To Chest - Follow Through Path Training
Using the lead arm as a reference point can help uncover what pattern you are using with your arms through the release.
Squaring The Clubface - Discussing How The Club Face Compares to the Path
Learn the three ways to square the club face, and what a square face really means.
Tic-tac-toe - Training Impact Position
This is a sequencing drill for practicing your impact position.
Deconstructing The Arms At Impact Position
This drills gives you an idea of where the arms will be at impact. You can use this arm position to help better understand what the body should do.
Whether you call it a punch, a stinger, or a knockdown, sometimes you need to flight something low.
Pelvic Punch - A Classic Sequence Drill
A great drill for feeling the x-factor stretch or power in the core
Wonder if you can train your release away from the course?
Face Rotation With An Impact Bag
Feeling face rotation as a powerful gradual movement can be tricky at first.
Learn a simple way to finally feel a right path and learn what a slightly closed face really feels like.
Trail Wrist Training - Pool Noodle
Use a pool noodle, or empty water bottle, to train your trail wrist.
Wipe Analysis - Back Side Visual
It could be easier to see the wipe movement from behind rather than face on.
Single Arm Rope Release Training
A key step in mastering the release is to train the release pattern passively. Feel passive movement with the rope.
Combo - 9 to 3 Four Square and Motorcycle
These two drills complement each other to balance face AND face-to-path
When you build the skill of controlling low point, you're able to adjust to the varying lies on the course.
Arm Connection or Elbow Connection
Learn this key to a solid follow through position with good arm extension
A way to visualize the desired club position at impact.
Feeling The Arm Shallow Timing
Learn to feel the arm shallow passively instead of actively
Factors of Heel and Toe Contact
Understand the major factors for heel and toe mishits
Building Arm Connection With A Sponge
Use a car wash sponge as feedback for your arm connection
Shaking Hands With Target Line
An old Butch Harmon image to help your follow through position
The wipe works around your body, not just toward the target.
Analysis - Do the hands change in the swing
This analysis video looks at close up video of the hands to see if they change during the movement.
Connecting Trail Wrist to Motorcycle
If you struggle with shaft rotation, it could be a shoulder problem
When you have a few things to work on, shaft rotation may be a great starting point.
Where is your sternum pointing?
Help train your pivot with a couple alignment sticks
Coat Hanger Lead Wrist Training
Use a coat hanger to train your motorcycle movement
Use this visual for training your trail arm release pattern
Am I a Motorcycle Training Candidate?
A checklist to help you to decide if you need to train the motorcycle
Analysis - Supination Examples
Analysis video discussing efficient forearm rotation or supination in the release.
A drill to help players feel the proper face and path combination to hit a slight draw
Understand the benefits of proper lead wrist supination and how to train it.
Understand the common faults and fixes associated with lead arm supination.
A version of the 9-to-3 with an added emphasis on "flat-spot" length and arc width timing.
Impact Bag - Outside Lead Foot
Use an impact bag to troubleshoot a flip/chicken-wing & fine-tune your release.
Member Question - Ben Hogan & Supination
A quick discussion regarding Hogan's feeling of supination at impact.
A multi-faceted approach for players struggling with both consistency & power.
A release drill inspired by one of the straightest (and greatest) ball-strikers of all time.
A classic full-swing drill for golfers struggling with a "chicken-wing" release pattern.
Strong Grip & Low Point Issues
Understand the relationship between a strong grip, body mechanics, and troubleshooting issues with low point.