Fix Your Slice
71 videos . Updated 4 years, 5 months ago
Understand the simplest recipe for solving your slice problems.
This drill is designed to give you visual feedback of the path of the club while you practice your impact alignments.
If you want to hit a draw (or minimize your slice), then you need to know this movement.
Learn how to use the pool noodle to help you learn to feel what is hard to feel
Foam Roller Motorcycle Training
Use a foam roller at home to help train your club face awareness
Motorcycle With Right Or Left Arm
Which hand should you rotate the shaft with?
Use shaft rotation as a key component to building your stock swing.
A drill to help you visualize your swing path
If you want to hit a draw (or minimize your slice), then you need to know this movement.
The first step in learning the motorcycle movement is hitting solid 9-3 shots.
Reverse Pump - Transition To Check Points
The reverse pump works on the positioning of the club during transition
A great training tool for working on clubface awareness
Rate Of Motorcycle - Shaft And Club Face Rotation Training
There are three components to the motorcycle movement, the amount, the timing, and the rate.
If you don't like starting the downswing with the motorcycle, then feel free to end the backswing with it.
Learn about your release by monitoring your follow through path.
A great visual imagery drill for seeing the proper path of the club through impact, which will help you see where the club needs to go during transition.
Myview - Deconstruct The Motorcycle
Breaking down the motorcycle, and understanding it's related movements.
The Jackson 5 Progression adds layers of complexity to this critical movement.
9 To 3 Four Square - Driver Impact Path Training
One of my favorite visual feedback drills for getting the club to swing on a shallow path.
Handle In The Bucket - Driver Path Checkpoint
Use this image to help understand the path of transition for the driver.
The important compliment to the axis tilt for the driver swing
The hip bump is a key part of creating axis tilt.
Use this image to help understand the goal of transition.
Gate Drill - Stop A Slice Club Path
A great visual imagery drill for seeing the proper path of the club through impact, which will help you see where the club needs to go during transition.
Four Square - Release Path Visual Station
One of my favorite visual feedback drills for training club path.
Jackson 5 Drill - Bump The Hips For Axis Tilt
A way to practice the feeling of the weight shift (or hip bump) to start the downswing.
Lead Arm To Chest - Follow Through Path Training
Using the lead arm as a reference point can help uncover what pattern you are using with your arms through the release.
Club Face Too Open Coming Into The Ball
If you struggle with the club face being open at shaft parallel, this concept video is for you.
Hands In, Club Out In Follow Through
This old takeaway idea is a good idea to apply to the follow-through as well.
Steep Timeline - What Steepens At Different Times In The Downswing
Learn what movements typically tip she swing path too steep at different points in the downswing.
Path Check Points - Balance Your Swing Path
Use video or a simple training station to get an overall sense of your swing path
The Wall Drill - Downswing Path Check Point
The wall drill is a great drill for helping to feel the path of the arms when the body rotates
Thrower's Catch - Trail Hand Lag Drill
This movement describes the lag move of the wrists and how it creates the appearance of effortless power.
Screwdriver - Training Face Rotation With A Remote Controller
Learn how to square the face with this key movement.
Check Grip At Last Parallel - Club Face Checkpoint
The ideal place for an advanced player to determine grip strength is when the shaft is parallel to the ground during the downswing.
Wonder if you can train your release away from the course?
Face Rotation With An Impact Bag
Feeling face rotation as a powerful gradual movement can be tricky at first.
Learn a simple way to finally feel a right path and learn what a slightly closed face really feels like.
Seeing Face Rotation on 2D Video
Identifying your pattern is a key step in knowing your golf swing, this video helps you identify your club squaring technique
Seeing Face Rotation on 2D Video-preview
This is a preview of the full member version
Defining Steep and Shallow - Understand Swing Plane
Can steep and shallow be as simple as 'rise over run'?
Case Study - Squaring the Club Face to Fix A Scoop Slice
Watch how working on a concept, like squaring the clubface, can change multiple swing checkpoints.
Combo - 9 to 3 Four Square and Motorcycle
These two drills complement each other to balance face AND face-to-path
Arm Connection or Elbow Connection
Learn this key to a solid follow through position with good arm extension
Get Your Supination From Arm Extension -
If you struggle with your follow through supination it may be from a lack of arm extension
Connecting Trail Wrist to Motorcycle
If you struggle with shaft rotation, it could be a shoulder problem
When you have a few things to work on, shaft rotation may be a great starting point.
Can you get a sense of your plane, or path, on 2D?
Coat Hanger Lead Wrist Training
Use a coat hanger to train your motorcycle movement
Use a laser to illuminate your club path tendencies
Am I a Motorcycle Training Candidate?
A checklist to help you to decide if you need to train the motorcycle
Analysis Video - Motorcycle Move Explained
A detailed explanation of the motorcycle movement.
Understand an important body-club relationship that can help with arm shallowing and proper release mechanics.
Learn how to better visualize and hit your intended start line using a simple string or ribbon
Players can gain a better awareness for their lead arm using a simple visual reference
Learn how to refine your mechanics and take a more reliable game to the course.
Analysis - Supination Examples
Analysis video discussing efficient forearm rotation or supination in the release.
Understand how to quickly identify the dominant power source in your swing
A drill to help players feel the proper face and path combination to hit a slight draw
Use a piece of ribbon tape to gain a better understanding of your club path.
Understand the upper-arm movements associated with proper club shallowing.
Discussing the 3 Consistency Keys
Understand how swing plane, flat spot length, and face to path control relate to consistency.
Hands In Club Out - Pool Noodle
Learn how to fine tune your release with the use of a pool noodle.
Learn how to improve club face control using a few key checkpoints.
Understand how varying backswing positions can impact the downswing.
Understand a common cause for contact issues with fairway woods.
A simple, but effective drill for improving consistency off the tee.
A simple trail arm release drill for solving a flip-style release.
Hanging Back? Check The Clubface
Remedy a "hang back" in the context of a weight vs pressure shift.
Path For Contact, Face For Control
Troubleshooting 101 - Is it a face or path issue?
An in-depth look at major winner Patrick Reed's consistent, yet somewhat unique golf swing.