Motorcycle Move Training
16 videos . Updated 4 years, 5 months ago
Analysis Video - Motorcycle Move Explained
A detailed explanation of the motorcycle movement.
Am I a Motorcycle Training Candidate?
A checklist to help you to decide if you need to train the motorcycle
When you have a few things to work on, shaft rotation may be a great starting point.
If you want to hit a draw (or minimize your slice), then you need to know this movement.
The first step in learning the motorcycle movement is hitting solid 9-3 shots.
Motorcycle With Right Or Left Arm
Which hand should you rotate the shaft with?
Rate Of Motorcycle - Shaft And Club Face Rotation Training
There are three components to the motorcycle movement, the amount, the timing, and the rate.
Connecting Trail Wrist to Motorcycle
If you struggle with shaft rotation, it could be a shoulder problem
Combo - 9 to 3 Four Square and Motorcycle
These two drills complement each other to balance face AND face-to-path
Foam Roller Motorcycle Training
Use a foam roller at home to help train your club face awareness
Use shaft rotation as a key component to building your stock swing.
A great training tool for working on clubface awareness
If you don't like starting the downswing with the motorcycle, then feel free to end the backswing with it.
Myview - Deconstruct The Motorcycle
Breaking down the motorcycle, and understanding it's related movements.
The important compliment to the axis tilt for the driver swing
If you are struggling off the tee, this simple checkpoint can help you get back on track.