Pivot Drills
31 videos . Updated 4 years ago
How To Use Your Hips In The Golf Swing
A detailed walkthrough for one of the most common questions heard on the lesson tee.
A great transition drill that pays homage to Ben Hogan's practice swings.
A simple way to feel how much pressure to put on your lead foot in transition
Step And Throw The Arms Forward - Proper Driver Tilt
The drill used in the WGFS presentation to help with axis tilt to arm extension direction
A fix for launching your trail leg into the golf ball
Discussing one of my favorite downswing sequencing drills.
Understand how to quickly identify the dominant power source in your swing
Sequence Training with Shallow Stick
A great rope drill for building speed & proper sequencing.
Rope Swinging - Feeling Body Power At Home
Swinging a rope can help your golf swing
Use a rope to identify, and train, your power source
Towel Pulls - Feeling Body Power In Transition
Towel pulls can be used to develop a feel of the overall engine of the swing.
Band Resisted Sequence Training
Use an elastic band to improve your pivot, at home or on the range
Learn how to maximize your club-head speed before trying to increase it.
Presetting The Single Leg Jump - Start The Release With Your Legs
The lead leg is more responsible for the vertical motion of the downswing.
Trail Leg Push Vs Upper Body Fall
The lateral movement during transition can be viewed in two ways by different golfers.
How To Push With The Lead Foot - A Bracing Drill
Bracing the lead leg and pushing with the lead foot is a key misunderstood piece of the release
Transition Pump For Body Speed
Use the pump drill to emphasize how you power the swing.
If your goal is to have your pelvis more open than your torso, your hips need to lead the downswing.
Discussing Hand Speed - Use Your Whole Body For Power
The mystery of power is explained in this discussion of speed and power.
Discover how to practice the whoosh drill correctly if you're having trouble getting it in the right place.
The whoosh drill can be a great diagnostic to see if you have more of a path or face issue.
Connecting The Hands To The Power Source
Learn how the arm motions in the transition should ultimately be driven by how the body is creating speed.
In this video, I walk you through the common ways that golfers create speed and how professionals and amateurs do it differently.
Side Arm Throw - Downswing Body Sequencing
There are a lot of similarities in the golf swing to throwing a ball. Use this exercise to help train your global skills at home.
Pull...then Push - Feeling Downswing Sequence
Learn the timing of the pulling and pushing on the golf club and how it creates speed and affects path.
Handle Swings - Feeling Body Speed in the Downswing
A classic drill for learning the rhythm of a golf swing without a cast.
Pelvic Punch - A Classic Sequence Drill
A great drill for feeling the x-factor stretch or power in the core
Step Change Of Direction - Transition Sequencing
This is a great drill for working initiating the downswing with the lower body.
Learn how to push the trail leg through the ground to create rotation, instead of standing up.
Learn how to use your feet during transition.
A simple exercise for feeling the trail leg glute during the downswing.