Squaring The Club Face Explained
53 videos . Updated 4 years, 5 months ago
Face To Path Explained With A Plane Board
Understanding Face-to-path is one of the 3 pillars of a good golf swing,
Seeing Face Rotation on 2D Video
Identifying your pattern is a key step in knowing your golf swing, this video helps you identify your club squaring technique
Face Rotation With An Impact Bag
Feeling face rotation as a powerful gradual movement can be tricky at first.
Club face control is a key skill for golf. The way the face is controlled is different with the wedges than it is with the longer clubs.
Club Face Too Open Coming Into The Ball
If you struggle with the club face being open at shaft parallel, this concept video is for you.
Club Face Too Closed Coming Into The Ball
What are your options if you struggle with the club face coming into the golf ball from a closed position.
Which club face method fits with the upper body swing, and which fits with a lower body swing?
Many golfers struggle with closing the clubface, this drill helps break through that barrier.
Face Alignment In The Downswing
Recognizing the club face alignment is critical for understanding your swing pattern
Learning to recognize and control your face to path relationship is a key skill to lowering your handicap.
Fixing Club Face Too Open In Transition
Rotating the club-face open in transition is a symptom of a bigger issue - pulling with the arms instead of the body.
Does Bowing The Lead Wrist Really Close The Club Face?
Find out how to look at this key move in isolation and what it does to the face and path.
Learn how the arm movements change the club face orientation
Face And Path Examples - Overhead Path Visual
A look from an overhead camera can help analyze the face and path of your swing
Start Line Focus - Build A Target Based Swing
One of the best ways to train for playing golf is to work on where the ball starts when you hit it.
Rate Of Motorcycle - Shaft And Club Face Rotation Training
There are three components to the motorcycle movement, the amount, the timing, and the rate.
Squaring The Clubface - Discussing How The Club Face Compares to the Path
Learn the three ways to square the club face, and what a square face really means.
Use a couple sharpies to get a good visual of where the face is positioned.
The highlights of how to create a stroke that controls the face and path as you move the putter.
Check Grip At Last Parallel - Club Face Checkpoint
The ideal place for an advanced player to determine grip strength is when the shaft is parallel to the ground during the downswing.
Screwdriver - Training Face Rotation With A Remote Controller
Learn how to square the face with this key movement.
Foam Roller Motorcycle Training
Use a foam roller at home to help train your club face awareness
Motorcycle With Right Or Left Arm
Which hand should you rotate the shaft with?
Use shaft rotation as a key component to building your stock swing.
Swing Extender for Shaft Rotation
Use an alignment stick, or swing extender to help with your release pattern training.
If you want to hit a draw (or minimize your slice), then you need to know this movement.
Connecting Arm Shallowing To Supination
Arm shallowing is a widely accepted best practice, but the reason is not always clearly explained.
The first step in learning the motorcycle movement is hitting solid 9-3 shots.
Connecting Body Rotation To Club Rotation
If you have trouble with getting body rotation at impact, this could be why.
A great training tool for working on clubface awareness
If you don't like starting the downswing with the motorcycle, then feel free to end the backswing with it.
Myview - Deconstruct The Motorcycle
Breaking down the motorcycle, and understanding it's related movements.
The important compliment to the axis tilt for the driver swing
If you want to hit a draw (or minimize your slice), then you need to know this movement.
Case Study - Squaring the Club Face to Fix A Scoop Slice
Watch how working on a concept, like squaring the clubface, can change multiple swing checkpoints.
Combo - 9 to 3 Four Square and Motorcycle
These two drills complement each other to balance face AND face-to-path
Discussing Rate of Clubface Closure
Rate of closure could be a key to consistency, learn how to recognize the trends in this concept video.
How do you know if the "dead hands" thought is right for you?
The famous drill used to refine your face and face-to-path.
What really happens when you "deloft" the club face.
Right Vs Left Shoulder Release For Full Swing
A visual for helping you see the effect of releasing around the right or left shoulder.
Disc Catcher Trail Arm Release Training
Use a disc catcher to get a better sense of how the trail hand pushes
Analysis - Do the hands change in the swing
This analysis video looks at close up video of the hands to see if they change during the movement.
Club Face Calibration in Follow Through
If you have a hard time feeling the clubface at impact, use the follow through
Analysis Video - Motorcycle Move Explained
A detailed explanation of the motorcycle movement.
Learn how to improve club face control using a few key checkpoints.
Hanging Back? Check The Clubface
Remedy a "hang back" in the context of a weight vs pressure shift.
Path For Contact, Face For Control
Troubleshooting 101 - Is it a face or path issue?
Can't I Just Strengthen My Grip?
What are the pros/cons of avoiding "the motorcycle" and opting for a stronger grip?
Discussing a few common (and less efficient) clubface closing strategies.
A useful visual/awareness drill for improving low-point control & heel-toe contact.
If you are struggling off the tee, this simple checkpoint can help you get back on track.
A 3-step process for golfers battling a slice.