Trail Leg Understanding
7 videos . Updated 4 years, 1 month ago
Transition Timing - Lower Body Slowly But Early
The timing of the body movements is more important than the speed
Loading The Glute From a Centered Pivot
Do you need a big SHIFT to load the glute, think again?
Loading The Glute In The Backswing
Learn how to use the most powerful muscles in your body
Airplane Lunge - Feel The Trail Glute
An advanced exercise for feeling the proper lower-body load in the back-swing & transition.
A fix for launching your trail leg into the golf ball
Trail Leg Push Vs Upper Body Fall
The lateral movement during transition can be viewed in two ways by different golfers.
How To Use Your Hips In The Golf Swing
A detailed walkthrough for one of the most common questions heard on the lesson tee.