Personal Motion Capture Devices


Personal Motion Capture Devices  

  By: Nick W on May 6, 2020, 1 p.m.

Hey Tyler,
I'm curious if you find any of the personal motion capture devices useful (ie 4D Motion, HackMotion, K-Vest, etc.) or if you are of the opinion that they are not yet accurate enough to be worth the investment.



Re: Personal Motion Capture Devices  

  By: Tyler F on May 10, 2020, 3:11 p.m.

+Nick W It really depends on what you want to do with them. I like hack motion for training the motorcycle movement, but as a student, you'd have to decide if it's worth it. Most of the easy systems are inertial based, so they give you rotations really well, but not positions. With the AMM graphs, the rotational graphs for the upper and lower body aren't my most useful. Personally, I don't do much 3D with my students at the moment, but I'm always keeping an eye out for new systems and opportunities to enhance movement training.

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