Two Click and Jackson 5 blend


Two Click and Jackson 5 blend  

  By: Eric W on Dec. 27, 2024, 9:14 a.m.

Appreciate all of the great content. Stock swing coming together.

How do I blend the Two Click and Jackson 5 concepts/drills?

Eg the Two Click seems to be bending the lead knee for pressure shift but Jackson 5 seems too be less about the lead knee bending as much.


Re: Two Click and Jackson 5 blend  

  By: Tyler F on Dec. 28, 2024, 7:24 a.m.

Hi Eric,
I like to think the two ideas compliment each other. The Jackson 5 is the lateral shift of the pelvis before the rotation begins. The timing of it is discussed more in the two click backswing idea. Ideally, the shift to the lead foot will land on a bent lead leg. This helps load the leg in preparation for the straightening later during the end of transition and start of release. I hope that helps unify the thoughts.

Happy Golfing,

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