Backswing help. ¶
By: Dave S on Jan. 28, 2025, 7:26 p.m.
Hi Tyler,
I’m really trying to work on my backswing and get the shaft more “vertical”. My backswing gets flat and long. This has been a lifelong issue. I notice the club gets sucked inside the plane line and laid off at the top. Do you see something wrong?
I watched:
At about the 4 minute mark you stated (this exact scenario happened with me and just gave up):
"Now what I tend to find is the pattern is most of the time golfers will go inside take away and then lift up and come over the top. So part of the challenge is if you're going to fix that take away movement, you have to get used to having the arm shallow a little bit in transition as opposed to that steep movement, which is at the over the top movement. And if you're going to shallow your arms in transition then you have to get a little
bit more comfortable with powering the down swing with body rotation as opposed to with arm pull. So if I'm working on it, I usually do the down swing drills and kind of work on getting the body to rotate and the arms to shallow. And then when you start to add a little bit better backswing it fits. So it actually helps you do the down swing movement to better. If you start with trying to do the backswing and you still want to come over the top, it'll actually make you come more over the top. You won't be able to commit to it because you will struggle with contact almost instantly and that's usually when you'll try it. Four or five swings and then bail on it and move on to something else. So I want you to understand the takeaway but understand how it fits into the equation. I recommend working a little bit on some down swing movements before you make it too higher priority."
What downswing and rotation drills would you recommend in the above quote?