Steep plane


Steep plane  

  By: Stephen O on Jan. 17, 2025, 10:23 a.m.

Hi Tyler.

Loving the site, great resource and have watched a lot of videos and focussed on what I think is going to help me. My goal is to get the club on plane so I can be open at impact.

I tend to get steep in the downswing so back away from the ball into my heels and stall my rotation so I think with my swing speed I should be hitting my driver a lot further with less spin and not hitting heavy irons

My 9-3 and impact drills look good, 10-2 ok but I seem to lose it in the transition

On hackmotion it looks like I have a late over setting of the wrist but if I try to get my right wrist in extension my swing goes flat on the backswing.

Have been working on:
One piece takeaway
Motorcycle drills
Unhinging of wrist
Wipe drills.

I have managed to get rid of a big pelvis slide and excessive side bend so moving in the right direction!

If you could give me a list of drills and the order to work on them that would be fantastic.

Much appreciated




Re: Steep plane  

  By: Tyler F on Feb. 4, 2025, 7:51 p.m.

Hi Steve,

I think you have a good diagnosis of the situation. The arms are steep and the body is on the shallower side. Since you have the hack motion, I'd take a look to see if you are getting some extra wrist extension in transition. You have a strongish grip, which usually works better with a little flatter swing and more body rotation.

I'd be trying to work on the top and transition. I'd be curious to see what happens on a 9 to 3 and 10 to 2. Does it just not steepen as much, or can you get away with steepening it on the shorter swing?
Based on that, I'd probably start with some of the delivery position drills.

Happy Golfing,

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