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Reading A Green - Putting

Anything that you do in sports should involve some routine. Here's a simple one for you to get a good idea of what the putt will do after you hit it.

  1. Start behind the ball and look at the general landscape to see if the putt will break right to left or left to right. Walk to the mid point between the ball and the hole on the low side.
  2. Scan from the ball to the hole and determine if the putt is uphill or downhill. Then walk behind the hole.
  3. From behind the whole, look at the high side around the hole and study the last 4-6 feet of the putt and identify where the putt would die into the hole if it had the speed to take the ball about 12-18 inches past the hole.
  4. Now, in your mind's eye, retrace the putt from the whole to the hole to your ball, then walk back to the ball, and go through the last part of your preshot routine and hit the putt.
  5. With practice, this procedure should take no more than 20 seconds.

Playlists: Putting

Tags: Putt, Beginner

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The first pillar of perfect putting is the ability to read a green and the ability to read a green

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simply means I'm gonna be able to predict what the ball is gonna do after I hit it

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Okay, if you can't predict what the ball is gonna do and what line you need to start the ball on

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Then being able to start it on the right line with the right speed doesn't really matter

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So as you can see I've got about a 20 foot putt lined up here or set up here

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I'm gonna walk you through the steps that I've I've seen with

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Consistent good amateur some tour players

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This is a very easy and repeatable process that you can do to get a good idea of what the pot is gonna do

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With practice you will become you will become more proficient

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You'll be able to do this faster, but at first walk through each step and make sure you get it right

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So the first step to reading a green

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Is you're gonna start from behind the ball and

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You can really only see

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Either up or down I can't see in three dimensions too well

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So I can't tell the depth or whether it's uphill downhill all I'm looking for from back here

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Is essentially which side tire so on this particular putt this right mound over here is the highest point and it's funneling down this way

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So I can say that the right side is higher and now I'm gonna walk to halfway between these two halfway between the ball and the whole

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On the low side because it's always easier to look into a slope

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Then it is to say look down a slope you'll be able to see with greater sensitivity looking into the face then down the face

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Here I'm looking into the face and it looks like it's fairly level if anything the whole is slightly above the ball

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So from this particular view

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I'm scanning with my eyes and I'm feeling with my feet to see if it's gonna be an uphill or a downhill putt

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So I already know it's gonna be a little bit right to left and now I know it's gonna be

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Little bit up till especially towards the end

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So for the final view I'm gonna come behind the hole and

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Look back at the ball knowing that the ball is gonna be funneling from this view

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I'm really studying the last four to six feet of the putt

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So the last 25% the last four feet

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That's where the majority of the break is gonna happen because the ball will be moving the slowest

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So I'm I'm really trying to get an idea of where the fall line is or where the ball would cross if it was going

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It almost zero miles an hour

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So for this particular part it's gonna be crossing somewhere on this line right here now

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What I'm gonna do is I'm going to

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From behind the hole

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I'm going to

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Trace back with my eyes

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What line I think would get it there and then I'm gonna have a snapshot in my mind of where that ball needs to start in order to finish

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Where it's going to end up hopefully in the hole now

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One particular thing which I mentioned in or which I will mention in the

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The distance control or how to hit the proper pace is I like to pace my putts

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Because that gives me an idea of how far back I need to take the putter

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So one two three four five six seven

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So this is about a seven-paste putt which is pretty much as you'll see when we get to that part my outer thigh putt

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So on this particular green

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At this particular time it's about going to it's going to be roughly my outer thigh now

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I've got my line I line it up for where I think this ball should start and now if I read it correctly and if I hit the proper speed putt

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Should end up pretty close to the hole

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Not perfect but I left myself on the high side

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Definitely had the the feel of it just need a little bit more practice so those are the steps for reading a green

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You can go through and remember behind the ball to see left or right from the low part to see upper down and then behind the hole to study the last four feet

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Those are the real three key places to look whenever you're assessing a green or reading it

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