Finesse Wedge - Chipping and Pitching
40 videos . Updated 4 years, 4 months ago
Finesse Wedge Movement Overview
In this video, we discuss the key movements that build a repeatable finesse wedge swing.
Understand how sequencing between the stock swing and finesse swing can create different impact conditions.
Underhand Toss Tempo For Wedges
Get the tempo and feeling for how to keep your upper body moving toward the target during the finesse wedge swing.
Club face control is a key skill for golf. The way the face is controlled is different with the wedges than it is with the longer clubs.
Ball Position For The Finesse Stroke
Varying ball position is the easiest way to adjust your finesse wedge swing.
Single Arm Finesse Wedge Releases
Learn how to practice how each arm works with the club on finesse swings.
Single Arm Wedge Release Discussion
Break down the difference between the finesse wedge and stock swing single arm releases
Why the left shoulder is one of the big keys between the driver and iron swing.
Steep arms is a quick way to ruin a good wedge shot
One of the best ways to work on sequencing is to add a pause at the top of the swing
Follow Through Hold For Wedges
The follow through is a great position to train for the short game, get some check points here.
Short Game Triangle - Finesse Wedge Impact Drill
Discover my favorite blocked practice training station for the finesse wedge.
Pelvic Angle Consistency For Wedges
A trait of many golfers who struggle with their finesse wedge shots is a change in the amount of pelvic bend.
A way to feel the rhythm and the proper position for the finesse wedge backswing
Hit The Bottom Shaft - Wedge Release Training
One of the easiest ways to learn the release that allows you to use the bounce of the wedge.
SAMI - Arcwidth for Finesse Wedge
Use the SAMI to help control your arcwidth and spine tilt through the ball.
Train your movements by focusing on the difference between set up and impact
If you want to be strong, learn how to be weak
3 Inch Lean - Finesse Wedge Backswing
One of the most critical moves to the finesse swing is the upper body moving toward the target in the backswing.
Learn the difference between the ideal pivot for wedges and stock tour pivot.
Learn how to adjust your pelvis to control your swing on uneven slopes
Three Danger Moves of Wedge Play
What should you look for when your wedge play struggles.
A good finesse wedge shot starts with a solid set up.
When training wedge distance control, practice turning the corner.
Trail Arm Internal Rotation - Finesse Wedge
Understand how the setup of the trail arm can affect proper wedge play.
Club In Front Of Chest - Finesse Wedge
A simple queue for consistent contact and better wedge play.
An effective cue for hitting higher, softer bunker shots.
Centered Pivot - Finesse Wedge
An effective cue for eliminating poor contact during wedge play.
An detailed analysis of using "bounce" in the finesse wedge shot.
Split Grip Club Throw - Finesse Wedge
Improve your "cast" sequence for better wedge play.
A classic drill for improving your "coast" pattern and preventing overactive hands.
Open Trail Hand - Finesse Wedge
One of the best finesse wedge drills for improving sequencing and release mechanics.
Brushing The Bounce - Finesse Wedge
A great drill progression for learning how to effectively use the bounce around the greens.
Merry Go Round - Finesse Wedge
A detailed break-down of the "pivot" for the finesse wedge shot.
Flip The Handle - Finesse Wedge
A great way to feel and improve ulnar deviation (or the "cast" pattern) during the finesse wedge swing.
Stock Distances - Finesse Wedge
A few references for dialing in "touch" with the finesse wedge shot.
Adjusting For The Rough - Finesse Wedge
Exploring common mistakes and keys for success when dealing with shots out of the rough.
30 Yard Reference - Finesse Wedge
Establishing a useful 30 yard "reference point" using 3D data.
How Fat Can You Hit It - Finesse Wedge
A fun challenge drill to build awareness & skill for properly using "bounce".
Seated Release - Finesse Wedge
A fun learning exercise related to the finesse wedge release.