STS - Drills
12 videos . Updated 5 years, 3 months ago
The famous drill used to refine your face and face-to-path.
Learn a step by step way to get your arms in a good position at the top of the swing.
For a lot of golfers, focussing on where the club contacts the ground can be game changing.
Trail Hand Open - The Best Anti Flip Drill
The ultimate anti-flip release drill
Single Arm Releases With A Club
Practicing the release moves with each arm will help you see which arm is causing the problem with your contact.
How to practice the movements the arms do while you are shifting weight during transition.
Jackson 5 Drill - Bump The Hips For Axis Tilt
A way to practice the feeling of the weight shift (or hip bump) to start the downswing.
Learn how to get in the proper body position for a strong impact
Learn how to practice the combination of spine movements that create a backswing plane without losing your posture.
If you want to hit a draw (or minimize your slice), then you need to know this movement.
How a side arm throw can help train key body movements to help you hit your driver, three wood, and long irons more consistent.
An easy way to visualize angle of attack using a lie board