Train Your Release
138 videos . Updated 4 years, 2 months ago
Having a solid release is important for hitting the ball in the sweet spot with an iron.
Release Analysis - Pros Vs Ams
In this video, I walk you through the differences between professional golfers and amateurs during the release.
Single Arm Releases With A Club
Practicing the release moves with each arm will help you see which arm is causing the problem with your contact.
Wonder if you can train your release away from the course?
Shallow The Release - Unhinge Then Supinate
A breakdown the sequence of the proper wrist movements during the release
Swing Analysis - Jordan Spieth - Release Concepts
In this analysis video, Tyler Ferrell breaks down the release pattern of Jordan Spieth and how it helps him to strike the ball so consistently well.
Analysis - Club Path Through The Release
Are you a high-to-low, or low-to-high, kind of golfer?
Presetting The Single Leg Jump - Start The Release With Your Legs
The lead leg is more responsible for the vertical motion of the downswing.
Connecting The Wipe To The Downswing
The wipe is a subtle movement that helps support the Stock Tour Swing model.
Grip Throws - A Simple Feeling Of The Wipe
The timing and direction of the arms is revealed in this drill
Use this constraint led drill to train your wipe move during release
Use the SAMI to add feedback to your release training.
L to I - Three Quarter Swing Release Training
Why "L to L" swinging can potentially mess you up and what you should do instead.
Placing awareness on your head can help prevent a common mistake in wipe training
Clinic Single Arm Releases With A Club
Practicing the release moves with each arm will help you see which arm is causing the problem with your contact.
Understand the different strategies for bracing during the release
During the release phase, the body movements between the full swing and the finesse wedge are different.
Help Your Low Point - Wipe With Tall Chest
Learn to isolate the shoulder from the ribcage
For some golfers, the release evokes the feeling of a bounce pass from basketball.
Wipe And Extend Vs Roll And Bend
Tyler discusses the two dominant trail-arm release patterns.
Release Elbow Training At Home
Learn how the elbow can be a good reference for both the shoulder and the wrist, and how you can train shoulder movements at home.
Jack Nicklaus - Can't Release Too Soon
What did Jack Nicklaus mean with his famous quote- "You can't release too soon on the downswing"
Pump moves are great for working between two points
If you can make really solid contact with a 9-3 swing, but struggle with the wipe on full swings, this is a good bridge for your power source training.
Hands Low To High During The Release
Having the hands working flat, or slightly up, is a key component to having a tour release.
Wipe Then Extend Vs Extend Then Wipe
There are two key movements for the arms to make in the downswing, the order can be really important.
An old Lee Trevino drill can help you learn to rotate your arm instead of flip through the release
Feet Together - Shallow And Wipe Release Training
The body does a great job of shallowing the club, but in this drill you are forced to do it all with the arms.
Analysis - Bracing Strategies - Pros Vs Ams
See how different golfers trigger the release and prepare to handle the speed of the club head.
Beat The Drum - Use Your Core In The Release
Beat the drum is a dynamic version of the merry go round to feel the timing of the core activation
Physical Limitations For The Wipe
Not everyone has the same body shape and style, see what can change the look of your wipe
Lead Arm Throw Away - Ulnar Release Training
Learning to fully release can be a big power source, as well as controlling width
Trail Side Pass - Wedge Release Training
Learning to keep your body rotating through the shot is a key for distance control with the distance wedges
Supported Wipe - Better Trail Arm Release And Solid Contact
Using the opposite hand to feel the movements of the elbow and shoulder can help you train the wipe faster!
Details Of The Wipe - A Key Release Component
The wipe is a key component to a tour release pattern
Single Arm Wedge Release Discussion
Break down the difference between the finesse wedge and stock swing single arm releases
How To Push With The Lead Foot - A Bracing Drill
Bracing the lead leg and pushing with the lead foot is a key misunderstood piece of the release
Connecting The Bracing To The Release
In this "connecting" video, we help you see how the release and the bracing go hand in hand.
Hit The Bottom Shaft - Wedge Release Training
One of the easiest ways to learn the release that allows you to use the bounce of the wedge.
Fluid Release - Smooth Tempo And Release Tension
Learn to feel a movement through the ball instead of at the ball with this drill idea.
A simple way to practice the resistance of the lower body during the release.
Face To Path Explained With A Plane Board
Understanding Face-to-path is one of the 3 pillars of a good golf swing,
Watch this first person view of what each arm does during the release.
Follow Through Bracing With A Golf Cart
Use the golf cart to turn on the muscles in your core and train the end of your release.
A great at home drill for practicing the blend of the transition to the release for the arms point of view.
In this video, I cover the details of the important blend from falling to releasing.
Learn how the same release can feel different.
In this drill circuit, we walk you through a series of drills to chunk the key pieces of a solid release.
Zorro Loops - Blending Transition Arms To Release Arms For Driver
Learn the timing of the arms, and the drop during transition that enables the club to come from from a shallow angle.
Single Arm Rope Release Training
A key step in mastering the release is to train the release pattern passively. Feel passive movement with the rope.
Single Leg Squat And Jump - Connecting the Legs to the Release
A big underlying cause of driver trouble, is lack of lower body power.
Knowing how each arm works independently can help them work better together. It also helps identify which arm is the source of inconsistent impact.
Single Arm Putting Releases (my View)
See first hand, how to release the club with a big muscle swing.
How To Release Each Arm - Putting
The details of how each arm should release in this big muscle stroke are explained and elaborated here.
One of the most important movements in the swing is how your hands deliver the club to the ball. Learn the proper way to do it here.
Learn the common pitfalls to avoid during the release
Four Square - Release Path Visual Station
One of my favorite visual feedback drills for training club path.
Finger Release - Trail Wrist Release Training
This is a great at home, or at the range, drill for practicing the position of the wrists during the release.
Single Arm Ping Pong Paddle Release Training
Learn how to use each arm with a ping pong paddle.
Single Arm Finesse Wedge Releases
Learn how to practice how each arm works with the club on finesse swings.
9 To 3 - Training Solid Contact and The Release
Work on establishing a solid feeling of impact with this shorter than full swing.
Hands Left in Follow Through - Pool Noodle
Use the pool noodles to clarify the spatial awareness of the hands in the follow through.
Wipe Analysis - Back Side Visual
It could be easier to see the wipe movement from behind rather than face on.
Case Study - Squaring the Club Face to Fix A Scoop Slice
Watch how working on a concept, like squaring the clubface, can change multiple swing checkpoints.
Discussing Rate of Clubface Closure
Rate of closure could be a key to consistency, learn how to recognize the trends in this concept video.
How do you know if the "dead hands" thought is right for you?
Connecting the arm movements to body movements
A key step in making your swing feel rhythmic and consistent
Get Your Supination From Arm Extension -
If you struggle with your follow through supination it may be from a lack of arm extension
Right Vs Left Shoulder Release For Full Swing
A visual for helping you see the effect of releasing around the right or left shoulder.
Upper Body Awareness With A Pool Noodle
Use a simple visual station to train your upper body awareness.
Disc Catcher Trail Arm Release Training
Use a disc catcher to get a better sense of how the trail hand pushes
A simple 9 to 3 drill, focusing on grip pressure
Shaking Hands With Target Line
An old Butch Harmon image to help your follow through position
Analysis - Rate of Closure on Video
Can you see if you have a high or low rate of closure on video?
Club Face Calibration in Follow Through
If you have a hard time feeling the clubface at impact, use the follow through
Coat Hanger Lead Wrist Training
Use a coat hanger to train your motorcycle movement
Use this visual for training your trail arm release pattern
Players can gain a better awareness for their lead arm using a simple visual reference
Analysis - Supination Examples
Analysis video discussing efficient forearm rotation or supination in the release.
A drill to help players feel the proper face and path combination to hit a slight draw
Two Checks for Ulnar Deviation
Understand the benefits of proper ulnar deviation and how to check for it.
Learn how to fix a severe hook by improving trail arm mechanics.
Understand the benefits of proper lead wrist supination and how to train it.
Discussing the Two Low Points - Hands and Club
Discussing the low point of the handle versus the clubhead and their importance to the swing.
Discussing Shaft Lean - Member Question
The how and why of "shaft lean" is explained in this GSA insight.
Hands In Club Out - Pool Noodle
Learn how to fine tune your release with the use of a pool noodle.
Learn a simple and effective anti-flip drill that helps build arm and body connection.
Understand the common faults and fixes associated with lead arm supination.
Connecting Leg & Arm Extension
Learn how to connect the upper & lower body for a better release.
A challenging and fun drill for building better release mechanics.
A simple, but effective drill for improving consistency off the tee.
A simple trail arm release drill for solving a flip-style release.
Understand the connection between a bent/straight trail arm and a proper pivot.
Visualizing Arm Extension - Timing & Direction
A great drill for visualizing the release of a pitch/chip or full shot.
A version of the 9-to-3 with an added emphasis on "flat-spot" length and arc width timing.
Shaft Parallel - Lag Checkpoint
A simple visual check for troubleshooting low-point control.
How Can Both Arms Supinate? - Member Question
How can both the right and left arm supinate during the downswing?
Impact Bag - Outside Lead Foot
Use an impact bag to troubleshoot a flip/chicken-wing & fine-tune your release.
A great starting point for working on the "unhinging" of the wrists during the release.
Visualizing The Rotational Wipe
An easy visual for understanding "the wipe" and its importance to good ball-striking.
Member Question - Ben Hogan & Supination
A quick discussion regarding Hogan's feeling of supination at impact.
Alignment Stick Loading - Low to High Release
Learn how to emphasize the low-to-high release using an alignment stick.
Using a flat-faced club to exaggerate the "ant-flip" feeling of the hands moving in and the club out.
Discussing the importance of "shallowing" in transition and how we can measure it.
Can't I Just Strengthen My Grip?
What are the pros/cons of avoiding "the motorcycle" and opting for a stronger grip?
Discussing a few common (and less efficient) clubface closing strategies.
A great rope drill for increasing path awareness; can also be combined with release & pivot drills.
The trail arm version of the "unhinge"; great for shallowing the club and creating more of a "tour" release.
How to properly apply this popular and age-old concept to a "tour" release.
A compliment to the "hit-my-arms" drill that I often use with students during lessons.
Unhinge Training - Pool Noodle
A great drill to improve awareness & low-point control for golfers who are steep at the bottom.
Ulnar Deviation - Down, Not Down The Plane
A clarification for training the "unhinge" along with a pitfall to avoid.
Start The Swing At Waist Height
How to start the swing at your waist height to encourage better sequencing.
(2) common causes of steep contact that can occur late in the downswing.
A great "challenge" drill to improve rhythm and manage tension.
A version of the 9-to-3 that will improve the ability to take a mental snap-shot of "feel" vs "real".
Down The Shaft - Late Shallowing
Using an alignment stick to prevent steep contact at the bottom of the release.
Spinning The Shoulders Vs The Core
A clarification on the sequencing of the shoulders & "core" during the release.
A diagnostic & "mindful" approach to troubleshooting the follow-through with the 9-to-3.
The Wipe - Controlling Center of Rotation
Correlating "the wipe" to low-point control & consistent iron play.
Connecting Swing Path To Low Point
A great concept for golfers who struggled with a severe out-to-in club path and are now starting to shallow the golf club.
Identify Your Clubface Closing Pattern
How to identify your clubface closing pattern
How a side arm throw can help train key body movements to help you hit your driver, three wood, and long irons more consistent.
An easy way to visualize angle of attack using a lie board
A dynamic progression of the classic "Merry-Go-Round" drill.
A live lesson teaching the stock tour swing release
A challenging "legend" inspired drill for improving trail arm & release mechanics.
A multi-faceted approach for players struggling with both consistency & power.
A great drill for tying together a few technical "pieces" at the bottom of the swing.
A great reminder for players starting to train "the wipe" pattern.
A helpful analysis for golfers struggling at the bottom of the swing.
An excellent combo drill for troubleshooting the unhinge & wipe release patterns.
A release drill inspired by one of the straightest (and greatest) ball-strikers of all time.
Strong Grip & Low Point Issues
Understand the relationship between a strong grip, body mechanics, and troubleshooting issues with low point.
Connecting Trail Arm To Sidearm Throw
A great way to combine several tour inspired release drills into one playable "feel".
Use a vertical reference to improve low point control & consistency through increased awareness/feedback.
Member Question - Converting Linear To Angular Speed
A great member question regarding the transfer of energy from the grip to the club-head during the release.
Avoid a common swing flaw while refining your wrist mechanics.