Fix Your Cast
80 videos . Updated 4 years, 2 months ago
The swing pattern characterized by a transition dominate by the upper body.
Learn how to use the pool noodle to help you learn to feel what is hard to feel
Club Face Too Open Coming Into The Ball
If you struggle with the club face being open at shaft parallel, this concept video is for you.
Foam Roller Motorcycle Training
Use a foam roller at home to help train your club face awareness
Motorcycle With Right Or Left Arm
Which hand should you rotate the shaft with?
Using the lead hand to help train your release is a good way to clean up a few issues.
Use shaft rotation as a key component to building your stock swing.
A drill to help you visualize your swing path
Use a rope to identify, and train, your power source
Which club face method fits with the upper body swing, and which fits with a lower body swing?
A classic drill to practice transition without letting the arms get active too soon.
If you want to hit a draw (or minimize your slice), then you need to know this movement.
Understand the simplest recipe for solving your slice problems.
Many golfers struggle with closing the clubface, this drill helps break through that barrier.
Assisted swing the handle gives you a chance to "feel" the proper sequencing of the golf swing
The first step in learning the motorcycle movement is hitting solid 9-3 shots.
Face Alignment In The Downswing
Recognizing the club face alignment is critical for understanding your swing pattern
Learning to recognize and control your face to path relationship is a key skill to lowering your handicap.
Analysis - Club Path Through The Release
Are you a high-to-low, or low-to-high, kind of golfer?
Rope Swinging - Feeling Body Power At Home
Swinging a rope can help your golf swing
Does Bowing The Lead Wrist Really Close The Club Face?
Find out how to look at this key move in isolation and what it does to the face and path.
Learn how the arm movements change the club face orientation
Using shaft parallel as a check point can be very helpful for understanding the path of the club head
Face And Path Examples - Overhead Path Visual
A look from an overhead camera can help analyze the face and path of your swing
Path Check Points - Balance Your Swing Path
Use video or a simple training station to get an overall sense of your swing path
Towel Pulls - Feeling Body Power In Transition
Towel pulls can be used to develop a feel of the overall engine of the swing.
A great training tool for working on clubface awareness
Rate Of Motorcycle - Shaft And Club Face Rotation Training
There are three components to the motorcycle movement, the amount, the timing, and the rate.
If you don't like starting the downswing with the motorcycle, then feel free to end the backswing with it.
Lead Arm To Chest - Follow Through Path Training
Using the lead arm as a reference point can help uncover what pattern you are using with your arms through the release.
Learn about your release by monitoring your follow through path.
MyView of the Delivery Pump Drill
MyView of the Trevino Drill
A great visual imagery drill for seeing the proper path of the club through impact, which will help you see where the club needs to go during transition.
Myview - Deconstruct The Motorcycle
Breaking down the motorcycle, and understanding it's related movements.
Golf Cart Transition Pump - Feel A Body Led Downswing
Use the seat of the golf cart to help activate the right muscles for transition.
The cast pattern is a way of swinging the club that releases the energy in the arms too soon in the downswing.
Delivery position is the transition point between the transition and the release.
Use a couple sharpies to get a good visual of where the face is positioned.
9 To 3 Four Square - Driver Impact Path Training
One of my favorite visual feedback drills for getting the club to swing on a shallow path.
If you have a good path, your lead elbow will do this after you hit the ball.
Don't Spin The Shoulders - Driver
Anything that creates a steep angle of attack will make it almost impossible to hit a driver well.
The important compliment to the axis tilt for the driver swing
Trevino Drill - Feeling The body Open At Impact
A tricky drill that can develop the proper feeling of the arms to the body during transition
A visual drill for feeling a transition where the upper body doesn't lead the movement.
Gate Drill - Stop A Slice Club Path
A great visual imagery drill for seeing the proper path of the club through impact, which will help you see where the club needs to go during transition.
Four Square - Release Path Visual Station
One of my favorite visual feedback drills for training club path.
Finger Release - Trail Wrist Release Training
This is a great at home, or at the range, drill for practicing the position of the wrists during the release.
Elbow Fold Down - Getting Arm Rotation In The Follow Through
A great drill created by Jimmy Ballard to feel a release where the path of the club comes from the inside.
If you want to hit a draw (or minimize your slice), then you need to know this movement.
This drill is designed to give you visual feedback of the path of the club while you practice your impact alignments.
The Wall Drill - Downswing Path Check Point
The wall drill is a great drill for helping to feel the path of the arms when the body rotates
Single Leg Squat And Jump - Connecting the Legs to the Release
A big underlying cause of driver trouble, is lack of lower body power.
Handle Swings - Feeling Body Speed in the Downswing
A classic drill for learning the rhythm of a golf swing without a cast.
Pelvic Punch - A Classic Sequence Drill
A great drill for feeling the x-factor stretch or power in the core
Screwdriver - Training Face Rotation With A Remote Controller
Learn how to square the face with this key movement.
Wonder if you can train your release away from the course?
Seeing Face Rotation on 2D Video
Identifying your pattern is a key step in knowing your golf swing, this video helps you identify your club squaring technique
Combo - 9 to 3 Four Square and Motorcycle
These two drills complement each other to balance face AND face-to-path
Two Way Miss - Learn From The Curve
If you have a two-way miss, you want to figure out which path problem you need to solve.
Connecting Trail Wrist to Motorcycle
If you struggle with shaft rotation, it could be a shoulder problem
When you have a few things to work on, shaft rotation may be a great starting point.
Analysis Video - Motorcycle Move Explained
A detailed explanation of the motorcycle movement.
Discussing Shaft Lean - Member Question
The how and why of "shaft lean" is explained in this GSA insight.
Understand the connection between dribbling a basketball and great tempo.
Visualizing The Rotational Wipe
An easy visual for understanding "the wipe" and its importance to good ball-striking.
Member Question - Ben Hogan & Supination
A quick discussion regarding Hogan's feeling of supination at impact.
Alignment Stick Loading - Low to High Release
Learn how to emphasize the low-to-high release using an alignment stick.
How to properly apply this popular and age-old concept to a "tour" release.
A compliment to the "hit-my-arms" drill that I often use with students during lessons.
Unhinge Training - Pool Noodle
A great drill to improve awareness & low-point control for golfers who are steep at the bottom.
A great feel & visual for players who tend to "pull" with the arms in transition.
The Wipe - Controlling Center of Rotation
Correlating "the wipe" to low-point control & consistent iron play.
A multi-faceted approach for players struggling with both consistency & power.
A great reminder for players starting to train "the wipe" pattern.
Connecting Trail Arm To Sidearm Throw
A great way to combine several tour inspired release drills into one playable "feel".
A simple checkpoint for one of the most misunderstood concepts in golf.
Avoid a common swing flaw while refining your wrist mechanics.
A simple way to train the proper pelvis-torso relationship at impact.
Use a wall (or chair) to improve your transition sequence and find a key downswing "lag" checkpoint.