Fix Your Flip
109 videos . Updated 4 years, 5 months ago
Shallow The Release - Unhinge Then Supinate
A breakdown the sequence of the proper wrist movements during the release
Foam Roller Motorcycle Training
Use a foam roller at home to help train your club face awareness
Motorcycle With Right Or Left Arm
Which hand should you rotate the shaft with?
Connecting Unhinge To Body Rotation
If you try to hold the club up, you will slow your ability to rotate.
Using the lead hand to help train your release is a good way to clean up a few issues.
Use shaft rotation as a key component to building your stock swing.
Swing Extender for Shaft Rotation
Use an alignment stick, or swing extender to help with your release pattern training.
Which club face method fits with the upper body swing, and which fits with a lower body swing?
L to I - Three Quarter Swing Release Training
Why "L to L" swinging can potentially mess you up and what you should do instead.
Unhinge To Solve The Flip Roll
Do you complain of the flip roll and think less forearm rotation will fix it.
Many golfers struggle with closing the clubface, this drill helps break through that barrier.
The first step in learning the motorcycle movement is hitting solid 9-3 shots.
The scoop is not trying to get the ball in the air.
Learning to recognize and control your face to path relationship is a key skill to lowering your handicap.
In this analysis video, we look at the different ways to have a bent arm at impact
Does Bowing The Lead Wrist Really Close The Club Face?
Find out how to look at this key move in isolation and what it does to the face and path.
Learn how the arm movements change the club face orientation
Face And Path Examples - Overhead Path Visual
A look from an overhead camera can help analyze the face and path of your swing
Understanding The Chicken Wing
The chicken wing is an often misunderstood swing fault. Learn what really causes it in this video.
Rate Of Motorcycle - Shaft And Club Face Rotation Training
There are three components to the motorcycle movement, the amount, the timing, and the rate.
Myview - Deconstruct The Motorcycle
Breaking down the motorcycle, and understanding it's related movements.
Squaring The Clubface - Discussing How The Club Face Compares to the Path
Learn the three ways to square the club face, and what a square face really means.
Visual Impact Training - Driver
Because the body will be in a different position at impact, the hands must also be in a different position at impact. Watch and see what I mean.
See the visual illusion of where the club face is in relation to your body at both set up and impact.
Whether you call it a punch, a stinger, or a knockdown, sometimes you need to flight something low.
Help Your Low Point - Wipe With Tall Chest
Learn to isolate the shoulder from the ribcage
Club Face Too Open Coming Into The Ball
If you struggle with the club face being open at shaft parallel, this concept video is for you.
Fixing Club Face Too Open In Transition
Rotating the club-face open in transition is a symptom of a bigger issue - pulling with the arms instead of the body.
Hands Low To High During The Release
Having the hands working flat, or slightly up, is a key component to having a tour release.
Now What? - Training Space Between Impact And Follow Through
Do you get confused about what the club should do after you hit the ball?
Hands In, Club Out In Follow Through
This old takeaway idea is a good idea to apply to the follow-through as well.
Beat The Drum - Use Your Core In The Release
Beat the drum is a dynamic version of the merry go round to feel the timing of the core activation
Single Arm Ping Pong Paddle Release Training
Learn how to use each arm with a ping pong paddle.
Screwdriver - Training Face Rotation With A Remote Controller
Learn how to square the face with this key movement.
9 To 3 - Training Solid Contact and The Release
Work on establishing a solid feeling of impact with this shorter than full swing.
Wonder if you can train your release away from the course?
Face Rotation With An Impact Bag
Feeling face rotation as a powerful gradual movement can be tricky at first.
Learn a simple way to finally feel a right path and learn what a slightly closed face really feels like.
Seeing Face Rotation on 2D Video
Identifying your pattern is a key step in knowing your golf swing, this video helps you identify your club squaring technique
Trail Wrist Training - Pool Noodle
Use a pool noodle, or empty water bottle, to train your trail wrist.
Wipe Analysis - Back Side Visual
It could be easier to see the wipe movement from behind rather than face on.
Face To Path Explained With A Plane Board
Understanding Face-to-path is one of the 3 pillars of a good golf swing,
Single Arm Rope Release Training
A key step in mastering the release is to train the release pattern passively. Feel passive movement with the rope.
Combo - 9 to 3 Four Square and Motorcycle
These two drills complement each other to balance face AND face-to-path
When you build the skill of controlling low point, you're able to adjust to the varying lies on the course.
Arm Connection or Elbow Connection
Learn this key to a solid follow through position with good arm extension
A way to visualize the desired club position at impact.
Understand the powerful wipe movement from the lead side.
Factors of Heel and Toe Contact
Understand the major factors for heel and toe mishits
What really happens when you "deloft" the club face.
Get Your Supination From Arm Extension -
If you struggle with your follow through supination it may be from a lack of arm extension
Lunging forward can become a frustrating swing issue until you know why it happens
Right Vs Left Shoulder Release For Full Swing
A visual for helping you see the effect of releasing around the right or left shoulder.
Upper Body Awareness With A Pool Noodle
Use a simple visual station to train your upper body awareness.
Building Arm Connection With A Sponge
Use a car wash sponge as feedback for your arm connection
A simple 9 to 3 drill, focusing on grip pressure
Shaking Hands With Target Line
An old Butch Harmon image to help your follow through position
The wipe works around your body, not just toward the target.
Analysis - Do the hands change in the swing
This analysis video looks at close up video of the hands to see if they change during the movement.
If you're going to flip, do your best to do it as late as possible
Analysis - Rate of Closure on Video
Can you see if you have a high or low rate of closure on video?
Club Face Calibration in Follow Through
If you have a hard time feeling the clubface at impact, use the follow through
Synching up your body and arm action through the ball helps with your low point control
Med Ball Slam vs Side Arm Throw - Power Sources
A general approach to understanding how you create power in your golf swing.
Use this visual for training your trail arm release pattern
Analysis Video - Motorcycle Move Explained
A detailed explanation of the motorcycle movement.
Analysis - Supination Examples
Analysis video discussing efficient forearm rotation or supination in the release.
Two Checks for Ulnar Deviation
Understand the benefits of proper ulnar deviation and how to check for it.
Learn how to fix a severe hook by improving trail arm mechanics.
Understand the upper-arm movements associated with proper club shallowing.
Discussing the 3 Consistency Keys
Understand how swing plane, flat spot length, and face to path control relate to consistency.
Hands In Club Out - Pool Noodle
Learn how to fine tune your release with the use of a pool noodle.
Learn a simple and effective anti-flip drill that helps build arm and body connection.
Understand the common faults and fixes associated with lead arm supination.
Connecting Leg & Arm Extension
Learn how to connect the upper & lower body for a better release.
A great drill for improving body tempo and bracing at impact.
Point Trail Elbow at Trail Hip
A great drill to keep the trail arm in sync with the body.
A simple trail arm release drill for solving a flip-style release.
A version of the 9-to-3 with an added emphasis on "flat-spot" length and arc width timing.
Shaft Parallel - Lag Checkpoint
A simple visual check for troubleshooting low-point control.
Impact Bag - Outside Lead Foot
Use an impact bag to troubleshoot a flip/chicken-wing & fine-tune your release.
Visualizing The Rotational Wipe
An easy visual for understanding "the wipe" and its importance to good ball-striking.
Member Question - Ben Hogan & Supination
A quick discussion regarding Hogan's feeling of supination at impact.
Alignment Stick Loading - Low to High Release
Learn how to emphasize the low-to-high release using an alignment stick.
Hanging Back? Check The Clubface
Remedy a "hang back" in the context of a weight vs pressure shift.
Path For Contact, Face For Control
Troubleshooting 101 - Is it a face or path issue?
Leftward Hand Path - Pool Noodle
A great drill for golfers that struggle with hooks & a flip-style release.
Using a flat-faced club to exaggerate the "ant-flip" feeling of the hands moving in and the club out.
Can't I Just Strengthen My Grip?
What are the pros/cons of avoiding "the motorcycle" and opting for a stronger grip?
The trail arm version of the "unhinge"; great for shallowing the club and creating more of a "tour" release.
How to properly apply this popular and age-old concept to a "tour" release.
A compliment to the "hit-my-arms" drill that I often use with students during lessons.
Unhinge Training - Pool Noodle
A great drill to improve awareness & low-point control for golfers who are steep at the bottom.
A great feel & visual for players who tend to "pull" with the arms in transition.
(2) common causes of steep contact that can occur late in the downswing.
Down The Shaft - Late Shallowing
Using an alignment stick to prevent steep contact at the bottom of the release.
The Wipe - Controlling Center of Rotation
Correlating "the wipe" to low-point control & consistent iron play.
A dynamic progression of the classic "Merry-Go-Round" drill.
A challenging "legend" inspired drill for improving trail arm & release mechanics.
A multi-faceted approach for players struggling with both consistency & power.
A great drill for tying together a few technical "pieces" at the bottom of the swing.
A great reminder for players starting to train "the wipe" pattern.
A helpful analysis for golfers struggling at the bottom of the swing.
An excellent combo drill for troubleshooting the unhinge & wipe release patterns.
An advanced drill for players looking to break the habit of a flip-release.
A release drill inspired by one of the straightest (and greatest) ball-strikers of all time.
Use a folding chair to find the proper blend of linear & rotary movements in the downswing.
If you are struggling off the tee, this simple checkpoint can help you get back on track.
Connecting Trail Arm To Sidearm Throw
A great way to combine several tour inspired release drills into one playable "feel".