Keys To Transition
98 videos . Updated 4 years, 2 months ago
How to move from the top of the swing, get in delivery position, and be prepared to release the club.
Analysis - Examples of What Shallows The Downswing
In this analysis video we explore options for shallowing the club on the downswing.
Transition - As Fast As The Blink Of An Eye
A helpful image for uncovering how much time you have to think about the change of direction.
Transition Analysis - Pros Vs Ams
In this video, I walk you through the differences between professional golfers and amateurs during the transition from backswing to downswing.
In transition, how you shallow the club is very important to your success as a golfer
Shallowing the arms is critical for supporting a body driven golf swing
Connecting Arm Shallowing To Supination
Arm shallowing is a widely accepted best practice, but the reason is not always clearly explained.
Left Tilt In Transition Examples
The let tilt in transition is one of the key movements to using the legs well in the downswing.
Not everyone is a feel learner, seeing what shallow arms looks like can help those who must visualize.
Bump Then Turn The Hips Discussion
Understand the timing and movements of the pelvis in transition.
Transition Timing - Lower Body Slowly But Early
The timing of the body movements is more important than the speed
Shallow The Release - Unhinge Then Supinate
A breakdown the sequence of the proper wrist movements during the release
Case Study - Indirect Arm Shallow
See an example of how to think your way through working on your swing.
Learn the common pitfalls to avoid during the transition.
Shallowing While Resisting Shallowing
Learn the subtlety of the force during the shallowing movement in transition
How Apply Force In Transition - Quiver Pulls Explained
Understand the concept of how you want to pull on the club during the downswing
Major Movements That Shallow The Club In Transition
The major shallowers in transition demonstrated. See if you're missing your key.
A visual drill for seeing shallow arms in transition
Shallow arms are a key component to a body driven swing, but not everyone feels them the same way.
Transition Pump For Body Speed
Use the pump drill to emphasize how you power the swing.
Trying to shallow the arms is not always as successful as letting the arms shallow
Discover a routine for working through shallow arms
Trying to get the arm shallow perfect will frequently leave you under performing this key move
Fixing Club Face Too Open In Transition
Rotating the club-face open in transition is a symptom of a bigger issue - pulling with the arms instead of the body.
Shallowing out the club in transition is an important part of a golf swing, but there are better ways to do it than others.
Feet Together - Shallow And Wipe Release Training
The body does a great job of shallowing the club, but in this drill you are forced to do it all with the arms.
Shallow Timeline - What Shallows At What Points In The Downswing
Learn what movements typically tip she swing path too shallow at different points in the downswing.
Reverse Pump - Transition To Check Points
The reverse pump works on the positioning of the club during transition
Steep arms is a quick way to ruin a good wedge shot
Hit From The Top - Training Top of The Backswing Into Transition
Pausing at the top is a great way to train transition timing
Experiencing The Arm Shallow Timing
Learn what it's like to NOT pull with your arms to start the downswing.
How Much Lower Body Bump In Transition?
Find out how to monitor your lower body shift to see if you have too much or too little
Connecting The Backswing To Transition
If you are struggling with the transition moves, double checking your backswing may make it click
See real examples of how tour pros and amateurs use their arms in transition
Towel Pulls - Feeling Body Power In Transition
Towel pulls can be used to develop a feel of the overall engine of the swing.
Broken Transition - Transition Check Point Training
Their are two major ways to work on transition, the pump and the broken transition
If you don't like starting the downswing with the motorcycle, then feel free to end the backswing with it.
MyView of a few key transition drills.
Learn what different thoughts in transition will do to the movement of the club.
Practicing The Transition Sequence
An at home drill for practicing the different pieces of transition.
Learn a way to categorize the movements that adjust the path of the club
Golf Cart Transition Pump - Feel A Body Led Downswing
Use the seat of the golf cart to help activate the right muscles for transition.
Learn how a thought for pitchers can help you train your transition.
Tee'd Up 7-Iron - A Feel Based Shallow Drill
Use a 7 iron and a ball tee'd up a few inches to help train the sweeping motion of the driver.
The Jackson 5 Progression adds layers of complexity to this critical movement.
Water Bottle Transition - Feeling Arm Shallowing
Use a water bottle to exaggerate the feel of the forearms during transition.
Understanding Steeps And Shallows
A golf term that is important to understand is this concept of steep and shallow path of the club. Watch this video to understand what this really means.
In this drill circuit, we walk you through a series of drills to chunk the key pieces of a solid transition.
There is normally only one transition talked about in golf, but really there are FOUR!
Delivery Pump Drill - Driver Transition Training
A classic drill to practice driver transition.
Zorro Loops - Blending Transition Arms To Release Arms For Driver
Learn the timing of the arms, and the drop during transition that enables the club to come from from a shallow angle.
The important compliment to the axis tilt for the driver swing
The hip bump is a key part of creating axis tilt.
The transition is the hardest move in golf for most people, start training the proper movements now.
Fall To Heels - A Smoother Body Transition
A way to feel the weight moving toward your heels instead of your toes during transition.
Step Change Of Direction - Transition Sequencing
This is a great drill for working initiating the downswing with the lower body.
How to practice the movements the arms do while you are shifting weight during transition.
Learn a feel for the important left tilt during transition.
Left Shoulder Transition Lag Move
Learn how the left shoulder movements contributes to clubhead speed.
If you want to hit a draw (or minimize your slice), then you need to know this movement.
Jackson 5 Drill - Bump The Hips For Axis Tilt
A way to practice the feeling of the weight shift (or hip bump) to start the downswing.
Understanding Transition - Distance Wedges
Learn the subtle difference between the transition of your stock swing and the transition of your distance wedge swing.
Wipe Analysis - Back Side Visual
It could be easier to see the wipe movement from behind rather than face on.
Case Study - Squaring the Club Face to Fix A Scoop Slice
Watch how working on a concept, like squaring the clubface, can change multiple swing checkpoints.
Transition - Using the Obliques or Back
If you lunge or early extend, there is a good chance you aren't using your obliques effectively.
Combo - Arm Shallowing and Left Tilt
You often need to work on two moves at the same time to achieve mastery of either.
Swing Analysis - Brooks Koepka
See one reason why Brooks is such a long hitter!
Connecting the arm movements to body movements
A key step in making your swing feel rhythmic and consistent
Losing focus during a swing is a recipe for poor performance.
A drill to help ease the tendency to pull with the arms in transition
A fix for launching your trail leg into the golf ball
Sternum - Bicep - Forearm - Arm Shallow Angle
A simple awareness drill for feeling shallow arm movements
Understand an important body-club relationship that can help with arm shallowing and proper release mechanics.
A drill to help students feel proper arm and club shallowing in transition.
Two Checks for Ulnar Deviation
Understand the benefits of proper ulnar deviation and how to check for it.
Discussing the Two Low Points - Hands and Club
Discussing the low point of the handle versus the clubhead and their importance to the swing.
Understand the upper-arm movements associated with proper club shallowing.
Understand the connection between dribbling a basketball and great tempo.
A great drill for improving body tempo and bracing at impact.
Point Trail Elbow at Trail Hip
A great drill to keep the trail arm in sync with the body.
Understand how varying backswing positions can impact the downswing.
Slow to Fast - Tempo & Transition
A great drill for feeling the proper tempo and timing of transition.
Discussing the proper amount of lag & when to unhinge the wrists in transition.
Sequence Training with Shallow Stick
A great rope drill for building speed & proper sequencing.
A great starting point for working on the "unhinging" of the wrists during the release.
Hanging Back? Check The Clubface
Remedy a "hang back" in the context of a weight vs pressure shift.
Discussing the importance of "shallowing" in transition and how we can measure it.
A great feel & visual for players who tend to "pull" with the arms in transition.
Member Question - Using The Internal Obliques
Learn (2) quick checkpoints to see if the internal obliques are working in your swing.
A great transition drill that pays homage to Ben Hogan's practice swings.
Start The Swing At Waist Height
How to start the swing at your waist height to encourage better sequencing.
Discussing one of my favorite downswing sequencing drills.
Identify Your Clubface Closing Pattern
How to identify your clubface closing pattern
This video explains what float loading in a swing is
How a side arm throw can help train key body movements to help you hit your driver, three wood, and long irons more consistent.
Use a folding chair to find the proper blend of linear & rotary movements in the downswing.
A simple checkpoint for one of the most misunderstood concepts in golf.
A simple way to train the proper pelvis-torso relationship at impact.